

How Malcolm Turnbull played a part in the rise of Donald Trump 2.0

So what on earth was the point of all that? Over the past four days, Donald Trump has meekly abandoned two of his grandest and most earth-shattering threats to reshape the world order.

Just like that.  

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Michael Pascoe: Don't buy Trump's PR

It's irrational to concentrate on the bits of Trump policy that might be good and ignore the totality of the bad. Michael Pascoe comments.

First was China. Trump shook Beijing to its core in December by threatening the political foundation of relations between the world's two greatest powers.

By taking a phone call from Taiwan's president, he challenged the four-decades-old US policy of recognising Beijing alone - and not its rival Taiwan - as the legitimate government of China.

Henry Kissinger said it was "unwise" to upset the One China policy. A top academic at Beijing Foreign Studies University, Li Yonghui, went further. If Trump breached the One China policy, the consequences "are hard to imagine".

Insouciant, Trump waved off criticism: "Everything is under negotiation, including One China". 


So it was pretty surprising when the White House announced on Friday that, in a phone call with Chinese President Xi Jinping: "President Trump agreed, at the request of President Xi, to honour our 'one China' policy." The call, the first conversation between the leaders since Trump was installed, was "extremely cordial".

It's been reported that Xi had refused for weeks to accept a phone call from Trump unless the American agreed to reaffirm One China at the very outset. The Chinese foreign ministry wouldn't comment.

It seems that Trump had been forced to recognise the point made by Paul Haenle, a former China adviser to both Republican and Democrat presidents, who says: "The One China policy is not a card on the bargaining table - it is the table itself".

Was there some trade-off? White House officials "declined to say what, if anything, Mr Trump got out of relenting on the One China policy," reports the Wall Street Journal.

How is this interpreted in China? While State-owned media praised the US leader, Professor Shi Yinhong of Renmin University told the New York Times that "Trump lost his first fight with Xi and will be looked at as a paper tiger."

One other thing. Beijing has not overlooked the fact that Trump promised formally to declare China a "currency manipulator" on "day one" of his presidency. 

In the US system, that would be start of the process to impose sanctions. Day one came and went. Nothing happened. Likewise, nothing more has been heard on Trump's threat to impose punitive tariffs of 45 per cent on all Chinese imports. 

And then there was Japan.  

For almost a year Donald Trump publicly toyed with the idea of withdrawing the big military bases that the US has anchored in Japan for three-quarters of a century. 

"What are we getting out of this?" he posed. He demanded that Japan pay more towards the cost of the bases.

It was, according to former US Vice-President and former ambassador to Tokyo, Walter Mondale, "a stunning moment in American history", when a presidential candidate would so wantonly threaten the stability of the Asia-Pacific.

Then on Friday Trump hugged Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, invited him to play golf and declared to the media that Japan was America's "great ally".

The US President actually thanked Japan for hosting US bases and reaffirmed the longstanding position that America would honour its treaty commitment to Japan's defence if it should come under attack. 

Crucially, he promised to defend Japan "and all areas under its administrative control".

By specifying "administrative control", he was affirming that the US alliance protects the flashpoint Senkaku Islands, known in China as the Diaoyutai Islands. The islands are claimed by both of the great powers of Asia in tense dispute. The Japan-US relationship was, said Trump, a "very crucial alliance".

So was there any point to all the threats, the destabilisation, the grandiose promises to put everything up for negotiation? Or was it just an exercise in Trump braggadocio, unsettling governments, militaries, companies and investors across the world for absolutely no gain?

A leading Washington expert on Asia policy, Mike Green of the Centre for Strategic and International Studies, says that the last few days have witnessed a "recalibration". We now see "Trump 2.0".

Says Green: "Trump's going-in position is as a maximalist – 'the thing you want most is what I am going to take away'. 

"That's how he did New York real estate and it's why no businessman has ever done a deal with him twice. He was just going to be the winner and get the better deal."

So he threatened to tear up Beijing's cherished One China policy, a fundamental recognition of the regime's legitimacy. And Japan's security treaty, the basis of its national security.

"And then, with Japan and China, he gave them back what they most wanted," says Green, formerly top Asia adviser to the George W. Bush White House.

"It's back to a somewhat more normal Republican foreign policy trajectory." But why? Green concurs that, apart from acting the part of the tough guy, Trump appears to have achieved no net gain from either country. It's simply a return to the status quo ante.

Mike Green says that Trump's upset with Malcolm Turnbull helped push the president towards reality: "That phone call was deeply embarrassing for Trump. 'If you can't get along with Australia, you don't deserve the job.' That's been the consensus here."

Beijing and Tokyo, says Green, owe the Australian prime minister a debt: "Turnbull deserves the highest order from the Japanese emperor and from the Chinese Communist Party for whatever he did to upset Trump and cause the backlash in the US."

The backlash over the Australian kerfuffle reinforced the work that Trump's Defence Secretary, Jim Mattis, and other officials have been doing to restore stability to the Asia-Pacific.

Overall, says Green, "it's achieved nothing, it's unsettled everybody. There was no logical strategic goal."

So the status quo ante has been restored? On the surface, yes. But there is lasting damage to US credibility. Trump has shown everybody that US commitments, even on the fundamentals, are unstable. The great negotiator turns out to be merely the great blowhard.
Peter Hartcher is international editor.