17 things men really want for Valentine's Day

"Um, things I want: robot dog, night vision goggles, bug vacuum, GPS watch, speakers that look like rocks … I can't not think of things I want."

That wasn't me, by the way. That was Phil Dunphy in Modern Family. But I relate to his dilemma. Especially since, in the lead up to Valentine's Day, I was recently told I was difficult to buy anything for because I had everything

(Last time I checked I could barely fit a TV in my apartment, let alone "everything".)

Too much choice

But admittedly, a lot of stress can be felt at this time of year with the pressure felt on all angles to buy the ideal gift. Especially when you want it to represent something as immaterial as love.

For some, it's a gift that you wouldn't normally buy yourself like jewellery or even an OTT bag. For others, it's a memory shared of a moment so spectacular you think about it for the rest of your life.

And for other still, it's something charitable that benefits more than just the person on the receiving end.

A little materialistic

I"m not ashamed to admit that I'm fond of things that come in boxes – watches, shirts, whisky, pizza – so it wasn't at all that hard to come up with a list of 17 things that any gent would be happy to open on Valentine's Day.

And if it both makes you happy, go ahead and splurge a little.

From ultimate home cooking and brewing to gym bags that will make your mates sick with envy, this is the perfect list for anyone struggling to get something for that person who has "everything.

And while the dreaded gift of jocks is still there, it's actually for a good cause. 

Take a look through the gallery above to help you find the perfect Valentine's Day gift.