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  1. Pripnutý Tweet
    16. 12. 2016

    Here's how to contact the Guardian securely

  2. pred 11 minútami

    Wife and stepson charged in murder of Ku Klux Klan leader in Missouri

  3. pred 18 minútami

    Trump's railing against Bowe Bergdahl called 'disturbing' by military judge

  4. pred 39 minútami

    Trump avoids Michael Flynn controversy amid rumors of White House shake-up

  5. pred 1 hodinou

    Judge rejects Standing Rock + Cheyenne River request to halt Dakota Access drilling. Here's the scene at camp today

  6. pred 1 hodinou

    Judge rejects Standing Rock request to block Dakota Access pipeline drilling

  7. pred 1 hodinou

    Utah rejects sex education bill, so porn site redirects to instructional videos

  8. pred 2 hodinami

    Jerry Sandusky's son Jeffrey facing child sexual abuse charges

  9. pred 2 hodinami

    Missile crisis by candlelight: Trump's use of Mar-a-Lago raises security questions

  10. pred 2 hodinami

    Canada arrests 61 more asylum seekers at US border following Trump travel ban

  11. pred 2 hodinami

    Bournemouth v Manchester City: Premier League – live!

  12. pred 3 hodinami

    Donald Trump's handshake: never has such a strong grip looked so weak | Moustafa Bayoumi

  13. pred 3 hodinami

    Lake Oroville dam: emergency staff race to fix spillway before more rain strikes

  14. pred 4 hodinami

    How to dump someone on Valentine's Day – or any day – without being a jerk

  15. pred 4 hodinami

    Iranian president criticised for all-male delegation to meet Swedes

  16. pred 4 hodinami

    'The Trump name is becoming toxic': model agency faces rumored boycott

  17. pred 4 hodinami

    'I can't mess this up for him': Adele stops George Michael Grammys tribute

  18. pred 5 hodinami

    How NRA CEO Wayne LaPierre became Trump's left-hand man

  19. pred 5 hodinami

    Chelsea Manning: to those who kept me alive all these years, thank you | Chelsea E Manning

  20. pred 5 hodinami

    Also hanging with Trump at Mar-a-Lago, playing at Secret Service, was ex-cop charged w/repeatedly driving car at man

  21. pred 5 hodinami

    David Miliband: aid is failing to keep pace with humanitarian crises

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