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Sam Levin
reporter, West Coast bureau. sam.levin@theguardian.com.
Sam Levin retweeted
Julia Carrie Wong 14h
I applied Snapchat's Frida Kahlo filter to Frida Kahlo's self-portrait. It whitened her skin.
Sam Levin 16h
Sexual harassment records reveal how professors at the University of California target their students
Sam Levin retweeted
Olivia Solon Mar 6
The Nebraskan farmers fighting for the right to repair their own tractors & your iPhone
Sam Levin Mar 2
“Have you decided today whether you’re a man or a woman?” What it's like to be a trans woman in Silicon Valley:
Sam Levin retweeted
Unicorn Riot Mar 2
Criminal Trespassing Charges Dropped for Three Unicorn Riot Journalists!
Sam Levin Mar 2
Engineer says Uber hired firm to investigate her after she reported sexual harassment
Sam Levin Mar 2
How defunding Planned Parenthood could wipe out transgender healthcare
Sam Levin Mar 1
Norway’s largest private investor is divesting from three companies tied to the Dakota Access pipeline
Sam Levin Mar 1
My dive into the sexual misconduct and abuse that many say is widespread in tech startups:
Sam Levin Feb 28
Doctors could prescribe houses to the homeless under radical Hawaii bill
Sam Levin Feb 28
My interview w/ a female engineer at Tesla who alleges "pervasive harassment," unequal pay, denied promotions + more
Sam Levin retweeted
ಠ_ಠ Feb 24
Remember when Ubers self-driving car ran a red light in SF "due to human error?" It was the cars fault, not a human.
Sam Levin Feb 23
“I’ve been watching police officers use knives to cut tipis and point their guns inside blindly"
Sam Levin Feb 22
Morton County sheriff's spokesperson just told me: "Arrests are starting" at Standing Rock.
Sam Levin Feb 22
Evictions happening now at Standing Rock:
Sam Levin Feb 21
Uber sexual harassment case follows "pattern of arrogance" + long history of flouting laws in the name of disruption
Sam Levin retweeted
Julia Carrie Wong Feb 19
one thing that is fun to do is search for Uber employees on LinkedIn and see how many pages you can go without seeing a woman
Sam Levin Feb 19
Uber has a huge sexual harassment and discrimination problem + HR dept that protects offedners, says former engineer
Sam Levin retweeted
Susan Fowler Rigetti Feb 19
I wrote something up this weekend about my year at Uber, and why I left:
Sam Levin Feb 18
And here's what Standing Rock chairman had to say about the battle, including backlash he now faces from within
Sam Levin Feb 18
All happening as activists continue to fight at camp () while drilling has rapidly resumed
Sam Levin Feb 18
And local police are arresting and charging veterans for small amounts of medical marijuana prescribed for PTSD
Sam Levin Feb 18
The department of justice under Trump is now prosecuting five Native activists for an October event:
Sam Levin Feb 18
How law enforcement is targeting Standing Rock, from my reporting on the ground: FBI terrorism agents investigating
Sam Levin Feb 18
After Trump's inauguration, DOJ went after Standing Rock activists for an October action. 5 Native men facing 15 yrs
Sam Levin retweeted
Jason Wilson Feb 17
My story on Karen Batts, one of the first in a new series on homelessness
Sam Levin Feb 16
ICE thas terminated a Dreamer's DACA status, allegning he's a gang member because of his "La Paz" arm tattoo:
Sam Levin retweeted
Alastair Gee Feb 16
Delighted to announce the launch of Outside in America! Our year of homelessness coverage begins today.
Sam Levin retweeted
Martin Hodgson Feb 15
The past is not dead. It's not even past
Sam Levin Feb 13
Veterans going to Standing Rock facing charges for carrying small amounts of medical marijuana prescribed for PTSD: