

Labour 'flexibility' has come at a cost: underemployment

For all the signs that our economy is on the mend, two influential reports on Friday also highlighted the soft underbelly of Australia's labour market.

Sure, economic growth is forecast to return back towards its long-term average, unemployment has probably peaked, and the era of ultra-low interest rates is nearing an end. But that is little comfort for the many workers who simply aren't getting enough hours.

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The Reserve Bank and the International Monetary Fund, in their regular check-ups on the economy, both last week pointed out the problem Australia has with underemployment: people who have a job but want more paid work.

The commentary from the IMF and RBA suggests we can expect to hear plenty more about this issue, which came to the fore as a better measure of the labour market's health in 2016.

Banks have already told us it is squeezing more households' finances, especially in mining-heavy areas, and the IMF and RBA say is probably one reason why wage growth is so sluggish.

So, what's behind all this interest in underemployment?


Much of it has come about because of the heavy skew towards part-time work. In the year to December, some 126,000 part-time jobs were created, compared with 34,000 full-time jobs being lost. Yes, that means part-time work was responsible for all net employment growth, though this dynamic has moderated in the past six months.

There are plenty of people want to work part-time, of course, but that does not entirely explain what is happening here. Indeed, the share of the workforce who have a job but would like more hours – the underemployment rate – last year hit record highs of 8.7 per cent, falling slightly to 8.3 per cent on the latest figures.

Why would so many people be struggling to get enough hours?

The RBA's analysis, in Friday's Statement on Monetary, points to a couple of factors.

First, it says underemployment has been edging higher since the 1980s, in line with the growth in part-time work (jobs of less than 35 hours a week). Part-time work has jumped from 15 per cent of all work three decades ago to about a third today, driven by an ageing population and more women entering the workforce.

A second and more immediate reason for the recent rise in underemployment is the end of the mining construction boom, which wiped out tens of thousands of well-paying jobs, which were nearly all full time.

Picking up much of the slack has been work in the services sector – including tourism jobs in accommodation, restaurants and cafes, of which about 60 per cent are part time.

Workers in accommodation and food services are more likely to be underemployed than those in any other industry, the RBA says. Staff in retail, administrative and support roles, and arts and recreation also have higher rates of underemployment.

The IMF, meanwhile, suggests higher underemployment is the cost that some workers are bearing for having a more flexible labour market.

It points out that Australia has escaped remarkably lightly from two big shocks that in the past would have been expected to trigger much sharper increases in unemployment – the global financial crisis and the plunge in mining investment.

Despite these massive shocks, the unemployment rate this century peaked at 6.3 per cent, which is a fairly modest 0.8 percentage points higher than its average since the year 2000.

Other countries, especially in Europe, have fared much worse. The IMF points out that in Italy, the Netherlands, Portugal and Denmark especially, workers are still feeling the pain of much higher unemployment, some eight years after the global financial crisis. 

Why did our economy cope better in a shock?

The IMF reckons "flexibility" of the labour market was a key reason, because it has allowed workers to shift to industries that are growing.

"Increased flexibility in average hours per worker has likely moderated employment reduction in downturns and prevented a larger increase in unemployment in the wake of the mining investment downturn," it says.

However, this has come at a cost, as "falling average hours per worker and rising part-time employment may have led to elevated underemployment."

Both the IMF and RBA say this extra pool of hours-deprived workers is probably one reason why wage growth is so slow, as employers have been able to gradually increase hours worked, rather than bidding up pay.

The RBA has also previously pointed to the growing number of businesses hiring staff on short-term contracts, or in casual or part-time positions, as a way to keep their costs down.

Get it?

There's been a trade-off that has meant employers are less likely to cut jobs in a downturn, because they can instead lower their costs by taking advantage of a more flexible labour market.

The economy-wide benefits of this need to be acknowledged: it's meant downturns have been less likely to result in deep job-cutting, and it's allowed service industries to help pick up the slack after the mining investment collapse.

But the costs can't be denied either: it has also meant we have a higher proportion of the workforce that would like more paid work than they can get.