Muslim Activist Schools Senator Jacqui Lambie On The Definition Of Islam

'My frustration is that people talk about Islam without knowing anything about it.'

13/02/2017 9:36 PM AEDT | Updated 16 hours ago
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ABC's Q&A;
'Oh, girrlllllllllll.'

What happens when you throw passionate Muslim social advocate and a fiery Australia-first senator on the same panel to discuss Islam?

Things get heated -- and what an understatement that is when it came to ABC's Q&A on Monday night.

Founder of Youth Without Borders, Yassmin Abdel-Magied, and Senator Jacqui Lambie majorly clashed heads when the discussion turned towards migration -- specifically, the idea of deporting Muslims who support Sharia Law.

Lambie started characteristically enough, voicing her support for looking after people within Australia first and helping those who live under the poverty line.

But it was a question from host Tony Jones about whether she supports a Trump-like migration law on Muslims for Australia that really set the pair off.

"Yep, that's right. Anybody who supports Sharia Law should be deported," Lambie said, before Abdel-Magied interrupted by asking pointedly "Do you know what that is?"

"Me praying 5 times a day is Sharia," Abdel-Madied went on.

"What about rights for women?" Lambie shot back.

"That is completely separate from Sharia law."

And the dispute bounced back and forth between the pair in increasingly ear-splitting tones.

You can check out the blow-by-blow here:

It wasn't until Abdel-Magied -- who was the 2015 Queensland Young Australian of the Year -- managed to find her cool again that the discussion regained some order.

And then, she schooled Lambie on the definition of Islam.

"My frustration is that people talk about Islam without knowing anything about it," she said.

"They're willing to completely negate any of my rights as a human being, as a woman, as a person with agency, simply because they have an idea about what my faith is about.

"Islam to me is the most feminist religion, right. We got equal rights well before the Europeans. We don't take our husband's last names because we ain't their property. We were given the right to own land. What is culture is separate from what is faith."

And it's safe to say, the internet loved her for it.

While Lambie did have one last thing to say, it was Abdel-Magied who was gifted the last word of the argument.

"We have one law in this country and it is the Australian law. It is not Sharia Law, not in this country. Not in my day," Lambie said.

"In Sharia it says you follow the law of the land on which you are on," Abdel-Magied concluded.

"It says in Islam that you follow the law of the land on which you are on. You don't know anything about my religion. That is not my religion."


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