- published: 24 Dec 2013
- views: 1474
The Koli people are historically an ethnic group native to Rajasthan, Himachal Pradesh, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh and Haryana states.
In Mumbai, Native Christians include Koli East Indian Catholics, who were converted by the Portuguese during the 16th century.
The Kolis of Gujarat intermixed with Rajputs due to the practice of hypergamous marriage, which was commonly used to enhance or secure social status as, for example, with the Nairs and Nambudiri Brahmins of Kerala. Some Kolis had also once held small princedoms before the British Raj period and some were still significant landholders and tenants in the twentieth century. However, most Kolis had lost their once-equal standing with the Patidar community due to the land reforms of the Raj period and, for example, most Kolis in the Surashtra region of Gujarat were still occupied as agricultural labourers or tenant cultivators in the 1990s.
Kolis - Pocit Svobody
B&W; - Guess Who's Back (SeWeR) (PEchiOnlajn, Motla, Kolis) prod. Blindax (Official Street Video)
Hien az amerikai kolis életről: ˝borzasztó volt˝ - tv2.hu/fem3cafe
[Dofus] Humility - Commencer Dofus En 2016 - Mes Premiers Kolis !
Telewizja Republika - KOD - BAJKA I RZECZYWISTOŚĆ - R. Gromadzki - B. Kolis 2016-06-07
Zmarła współzałożycielka KOD-u Beata Kolis.
Kolis - Hodiny Tikaj (prod. Maarty) #TheMostWanted
Tippek és trükkök a kolis lét megkönnyítéséhez!
https://www.facebook.com/pages/13-12-Family/1410084979226881 https://www.facebook.com/nikolaj.rambousik
https://www.facebook.com/PEchiOfficial/ https://www.facebook.com/Motla-113182332051036/?fref=ts https://www.facebook.com/BW-165494200271067/ video: Jakub Panovský
~~~~OLVASD PLS~~~~ Köszönöm, hogy megnézted a videóm! :) Ha tetszett nyomj egy Like-ot, kommentelj és Iratkozz fel további videókért. :D ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Otaku Csapat: https://www.youtube.com/user/0betta73 Ha kérdezni szeretnél valamit: http://ask.fm/AnimeChannel Facebook oldal: https://www.facebook.com/AnimeChannel3?ref=hl Instagram: https://instagram.com/bkittyy/
Az elbűvölő énekesnő a FEM3 Caféban mesélt Amerikában töltött egy évéről, és az ottani egyetemi életről. Elárulta, a kolis élet nem igazán tetszett neki, mert nehezen szokta, meg, hogy másokkal él egy szobában, de nagyon sok barátot szerzett. Hatalmas sikere volt egy híres New York-i jazz klubban, és az egyik fesztiválon is, ahol Magyarországot képviselte.
► Bon visionnage ! N'oublie-pas de t'abonner pour ne rien rater : http://goo.gl/ykQcOU ► Le live : http://www.twitch.tv/humilityfr ► Réseaux sociaux : - Snapchat : humilityfr - Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/humility.pierre - Twitter : https://twitter.com/Humility_Pierre - Instagram : https://instagram.com/humility_pierre/ ► Télécharge mon extension : http://www.humilitydofus.com/extensions.php ► Mon site : http://www.humilitydofus.com ► Acheter des Clefs Steam / Origin jusqu'à -80% : https://www.g2a.com/r/humility ► Musique : Paris Blohm & Nolan Van Lith - Waves ► Musique d'outro : Tobu - My Own Paradise
KOD - BAJKA I RZECZYWISTOŚĆ - R. Gromadzki - B. Kolis (Zarząd główny KOD) 2016-06-07 ZAMÓW 90-dniowy dostęp do naszego serwisu wideo on-line! Opłata wynosi TYLKO 19,90 zł. ZŁÓŻ ZAMÓWIENIE: http://telewizjarepublika.pl/zamow-dostep.html Zachęcamy też do nabywania rocznych kart klubowych, w cenie 79,00 zł, dzięki którym uzyskacie dostęp do serwisu na cały rok, a także szereg zniżek na wydawnictwa niezależne oraz rabaty u naszych partnerów: http://telewizjarepublika.pl/karta.html http://telewizjarepublika.pl https://www.facebook.com/RepublikaTV Subskrybuj nasz kanał: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCc282c_TN8xIba_Z6GaDnQw?sub_confirmation=1
...Let's go...
I've been lovin' u for here long knowin' I was never clear
But I have no fear today cause I'm gonna say
What I gotta say, I don't wanna play the role
Bustin' through the door, I'm gonna take ur heart fo' sure, oh
Put ur hands up in the air, it's a stick up
I'm gon take ur heart from here, now let's fix up
Put ur hands in the air, in the air, in the air
I'm gonna play my cards from here
And take this gamble sure
My words are gonna fumble, but this beat is mighty humble
Ain't goin nowhere, sure I'm scared but my life's a dare
And baby u just got so much flare, we'll be the perfect pair
I'm gonna share my mind with u, u've been blinded
My life's been blue, I'm takin u, I'm takin u
Put ur hands up in the air, it's a stick up
I'm gon take ur heart from here, now let's fix up
Put ur hands in the air, in the air, in the air
Put ur hands up in the air, it's a stick up
I'm gon take ur heart from here, now let's fix up
Put ur hands in the air, in the air, in the air
In the air, in the air, in the air
When I first met u, I wanted to wet u
Not a gun but a different content, sexual
U tried to run, I still get u
Steel metal not needed, a whole 'nother meaning
Don't want ur gold, want ur soul
Control ur heartbeatin, cause when I start squeezin that muscle
That's the trigger, than I got u nigga, in ya
Chopper spinners, got ur bodyguards wit cha
Diamond dog tag chain swingin, I had them thangs ringin
This is a robbery, no one's gettin free
Till that man, he comes with me
Put ur hands up in the air, it's a stick up
I'm gon take ur heart from here, now let's fix up