Clive Palmer's unrequited love for Cory Bernardi goes viral

Clive Palmer: he does it his way.
Clive Palmer: he does it his way. Alex Ellinghausen

From spent political force to accomplished court room performer, we've long been of the opinion there's nothing Clive Palmer cannot turn his hand to.

Now he can add karaoke champ to his CV following a bravura performance Wednesday on his Twitter feed.

The one-time Palmer United party chief and Titanic-fetishist (as in, he has a fetish with the Titanic, not that he is a fetishist of Titanic least not that we know of), took to Twitter Monday to perform a bastardised version of the Bobby Sherman classic, Julie Do Ya Love Me? (no, we'd never heard of it either), dedicated to Australia's favourite turncoat senator, Cory Bernardi.

"Cory, Cory, Cory, do you love me?" Clive sings a capella from the front seat of his car. "Cory, Cory, Cory, do you care? Cory, Cory are you thinking of me? Oh Cory, Cory, will you still be there?"

Relatively tuneful it is too.

We asked the big fella if he'd had any response from Cory. And if not, whether he felt his love was unrequited.

"Yes, I am," Clive replied mournfully. "He has not responded."

Don't take it personally Clive. We've been trying for weeks to get some comment out of the new Australian Conservative leader about his cruise at Gina Rinehart's pleasure aboard The World, but Cory doesn't respond to us either ...