AMP taps Lachlan Johnston to head PR

New spinner at AMP.
New spinner at AMP. Bloomberg

We'll cling onto anything we can, but apparently writing this column does not, necessarily, always, guarantee career death. One of our esteemed predecessors here at Rear Window, Lachlan Johnston, has just turned up back in Australia, as media director at financial services giant AMP, no less. Johnston spent more than a decade in the UK, firstly writing for London's Daily Telegraph, then in corporate roles at telco Cable & Wireless, then British Gas. With AMP's interim result shaping up as a make-or-break moment for CEO Craig Meller after new chair Catherine Brenner offered only qualified support and an unmistakable "hurry-up" signal, Johnston won't be easing back in to corporate Australia quietly. At least not if we have anything to do with it!

Meanwhile, in other comings and goings, CBA's head of government affairs, Catherine Fitzpatrick announced to staff Monday that she was shifting roles internally and from next month, would be the bank's head of Group Customer Relations. 

Before she makes the leap however, she's Canberra-bound to once again roll up her sleeves for the next hearings of the House of Representatives Economics Committee's inquiry into the four major banks.