The new president and the new global order

What if Trumpism was made to serve the aims of US capital? Mike Macnair speculates

Donald Trump has been inaugurated and there was no ‘constitutional coup’ through the electoral college or otherwise; he has not been assassinated. Whatever the purpose of the leaking of the ‘Trump dossier’, it has not obstructed his taking office.

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LRC hypocrisy; In reverse; Magic words; Overhaul; Artistic value; Coalfields

Trump threatens N-deal

It is time to reboot Hands Off the People of Iran, argues Yassamine Mather

Whole new ball game

The government insists that it will stick to its Brexit timetable come hell or high water, writes Eddie Ford

What kind of oppression?

Peter Manson reports on presidential rivals, changing political alliances and apartheid’s ongoing legacy

Marx’s concept of the human

Rex Dunn begins his three-part exploration of Marx’s essentialism, the nature of the epoch, decline and transition

Proof of US-inspired terror

Toby Abse reviews: Paolo Bolognesi (ed) Alto tradimento Castelvecchi, Rome, 2016, €18.50

Day of people’s wrath is near

The text of a leaflet issued by the Petersburg Mezhrayonka prior to January 22, 1917

Taking an independent stand

The election of Donald Trump has torn up the political rulebook - a reality that protestors must confront, argues Jim Grant

Not faltering

Robbie Rix thanks the readers who gave our fund some momentum

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