Here's a tip: don't pick on disabled people

Government's savings ultimatum

Christian Porter is often touted as a conservative contender for future prime minister. He's smart. He's personable. He's got the experience of being a state attorney-general and treasurer under his belt despite his relative youth.

What he hasn't got is any political touch. He rather showed that last year when he missed a huge opportunity to parade himself as an innovative policy maker with some interesting ideas - and create a new platform for debating welfare spending - when he instead sold the government's adoption of the New Zealand investment approach to social welfare as yet just another exercise in ways to save eleventy billion dollars in a hundred years time.

So here's a tip Christian: don't pick on disabled people.

It's one thing for the politically tin-eared treasurer Scott Morrison to try to play funny buggers with the National Disability Insurance Scheme but for the two of you to try to double the stakes on the government's omnibus childcare/family payments/welfare cuts bill by appearing to be playing off poor people against disabled people is just appalling.

Labor continues to insist that it has fully funded the NDIS, the Coalition continues to insist that it hasn't.
Labor continues to insist that it has fully funded the NDIS, the Coalition continues to insist that it hasn't. David Rowe

And it was only made worse by opening the press conference announcing the cunning plan by talking about how important it was to cut company taxes.

Labor continues to insist that it has fully funded the NDIS, the Coalition continues to insist that it hasn't. Yes, it is expensive policy. But both sides of politics have always insisted – the Coalition a lot less persuasively - that they are fully committed to it. It's worth remembering that the alternative, existing model - in terms of national spending - was found by the Productivity Commission not to be a viable alternative

So whatever the cost, if you are committed to something, you just have to find ways to fund it.

What makes the latest effort at trying to use the NDIS as a Senate bargaining chip seem all the more dubious is the Coalition's whole, somewhat confused, insistence last year that it wanted to set up a special fund in the budget for the NDIS which would keep it removed from just such horsetrading.

The Morrison/Porter push on Monday went down like a lead balloon on the cross-bench.

For starters, a lot of the people on the cross-bench are a lot more savvy about politics than these senior government ministers.

When Bill Shorten, as a junior minister in the Rudd government, was given the disabilities portfolio, there was polling done which showed just how much of the community was directly, or indirectly, affected by disability (and the current lack of services for many disabled people).

The answer was there were few people who didn't know someone close who would benefit from the NDIS.

One suspects that, behind this ill-advised attempt to pressure the Senate, is a more basic dynamic at play.

Christian Porter observed on Monday that the government "would much prefer not to find those monies that are required in 2020 from debt or from higher taxes".

"We are committed to try to find them from savings".

Well, at this point that is so not going to happen and the government must know that.

The question then becomes whether it will blame disabled people when it, almost inevitably, has to introduce new tax measures to balance the budget, possibly as early as the May budget.