International Monetary Fund debt anchor a sinker say economists

After years of budget failure, the IMF wants Canberra to adopt a "debt anchor" that would increase its ability to ...
After years of budget failure, the IMF wants Canberra to adopt a "debt anchor" that would increase its ability to stimulate the economy with spending. Vladimir Blinov

The government and budget experts have dismissed as needless a radical proposal by the International Monetary Fund to impose a "debt anchor" on Australian politicians that would potentially allow Canberra to miss its surplus target if it chose to deploy fiscal stimulus during a crisis.

In a major report calling for an overhaul of the nation's two-decade-old fiscal framework – which hinged on a bipartisan commitment to delivering a balanced budget "over the cycle" – the IMF emphasised that a broader test based on debt would enable the government to ramp up spending during an economic downturn.

The IMF's report slams the record of Labor and Coalition governments since the global financial crisis for failing to deliver on promises of budget repair, and for relying too heavily on the Reserve Bank of Australia since the global financial crisis to stimulate the economy.

Its officials late last week formally recommended that Australia consider replacing the long-standing medium-term budget framework with a "long-term debt anchor" that could be introduced over 10 years.

They argue this would help – in conjunction with rules on spending restraint – to boost the credibility of fiscal policy and increase its flexibility in the face of shocks, such as a potential China collapse.

Disciplined approach

The Treasurer's office appeared to dismiss the call on Monday, saying the government's "existing tools already support a long-term disciplined approach towards fiscal policy that is necessary for a capital importing country".

"Australia has benefited considerably from its longstanding commitment to maintain a budget surplus, on average, over the course of the economic cycle," a spokesperson for Scott Morrison said. "The government's fiscal strategy is directed towards returning the budget to balance, which will help to stabilise and then reduce net debt over time."

Budget economists said the IMF was effectively proposing a shift from one statement of good intent to another, and potentially clouding the public's understanding of whether the budget was in good shape or in trouble.

"We need to factor in the political economy of all this," said John Daley, chief executive of the Grattan Institute. "You could say government debt must never go over 60 per cent of GDP, and everyone says that's so far away we're all fine.

"Then, when it gets to 59 per cent there will be reasons why we need to go over it."

Mr Daley said there was no substitute for mustering the needed political will for difficult changes than a series of budget deficits.

A debt anchor just "won't have the same grab on people's imagination as the question of whether this year's budget is balanced or not", he said.

Good and bad debt

"The thing that worries me is that the IMF's model is essentially assuming there will be much better political behaviour in the future than there was in the past," he said.

KPMG chief economist Brendan Rynne rejected the need for an anchor, saying it potentially would fail to distinguish between good and bad debt.

"A debt anchor is unlikely to be much help if it doesn't distinguish government borrowings that finance re-current spending from those that finance infrastructure that unlocks economic growth," Mr Rynne said.

He said it made more sense to maintain as much flexibility in the fiscal system as possible rather than impose more rules.

"A debt anchor remains flexible when the headroom is there, but, as shown by the US experience, governments and society can literally stop once that anchor is reached and there are limited short-term solutions except to push the anchor out a bit further," he said.

Stephen Anthony, chief economist at Industry Super Australia, said a range of alternatives should be considered to the current "balanced over the cycle" target.

He preferred having the independent Parliamentary Budget Office make an annual assessment of how closely the government was adhering to its stated budget plan and making recommendations on how to reset the course when it went wrong.

Intergenerational equity

"I think that is a better institutional arrangement than what the IMF is proposing, but, at this point, we should be prepared to consider a wide range of alternatives because the current arrangements aren't working very well."

Stephen Bartos, a former finance department deputy secretary and one-time Parliamentary Budget Officer for NSW, said the current fiscal framework was failing to ensure intergenerational equity, or the idea that no future generation would be worse off than the current one.

"The target of maintaining that the budget is balanced over the course of the economic cycle loses its power if you don't have regular cyclical economic movements up and down."

Mr Bartos welcomed the IMF's contribution, saying it reflected a "more sophisticated thinking in government circles and internationally".

"The realisation of the limits of monetary policy was reached earlier in the US and Japan than in Australia because they were effectively at zero. Australia has now also come into that kind of territory."