National Socialist Front

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National Socialist Front
Leader Anders Ärleskog
Daniel Höglund
Founded 8 August 1994
Dissolved 22 November 2008
Headquarters Karlskrona
Ideology National Socialism
Colours Blue, yellow
Party flag
National Socialist Front logo (sweden).gif

The National Socialist Front (Swedish: Nationalsocialistisk front, NSF) was at the time of its dissolution the largest Neo-Nazi political party in Sweden.[1][2][3][4] The organization was founded in Karlskrona on 8 August 1994. It became a political party on 20 April 1999, the 110th birthday of Adolf Hitler. The party's official newspaper—now defunct—was named Den Svenske Nationalsocialisten ("The Swedish National Socialist"), and also known as Den Svenske ("The Swedish").

The party ran in the municipal council elections in Karlskrona in 2002, but only attracted 0.5% of the votes which was not sufficient for a mandate. In 2006 the party entered the elections at a national level. There it gained 1,417 votes, or 0.03% (in order to enter the Swedish parliament a party needs at least 4% of the total votes). The party was most successful in Trollhättan, where it received 208 votes or 0.65%, although it wasn't enough to enter the municipal assembly. 2006 was the best election year in the party's history.

In 2007 the NSF demonstrated in Stockholm for the release of Holocaust denier Ernst Zündel.[5]

The party had as its main goals the abolition of democracy, the repatriation of immigrants, the implementation of scientific racism and cutting taxes for families with many genetically healthy children.[6] The NSF also launched a campaign to defend Mel Gibson over the criticism he received from Abraham Foxman for making the film The Passion of the Christ.[7]

The National Socialist Front had a mandatory political uniform dress code during marches and demonstrations, which included a black combat-sweater or shirt, black military-cap, boots, khaki-coloured combat pants and the party's logo on the arms. This uniform was taken out of use after the police stated in 2006 that it was a hate crime to wear them during demonstrations. The members of the party often wore a blue t-shirt with yellow text that said "NSF" after this.


The National Socialist Front was officially dissolved on 22 November 2008. A new party, the People's Front ("Folkfronten"), was founded at the same time with the same people in charge.[8] The People's Front was later reconstituted as the Party of the Swedes which ran in the 2010 and 2014 general elections and received about 1,000 votes in the 2014 election to the European Parliament, before being dissolved the following year.[9]

National Socialist Front members participating in a demonstration during Sweden's National Day, June 6, 2007.


  1. ^ "Antisemitism And Racism". Retrieved 2012-01-29. 
  2. ^ "Stephen Roth Institute: Antisemitism And Racism". Archived from the original on 2012-02-04. Retrieved 2012-01-29. 
  3. ^ "Sweden". Retrieved 2012-01-29. 
  4. ^ "Sweden". Retrieved 2012-01-29. 
  5. ^ "Nationalsocialistisk front - Frige zündel 7 juli 2007". YouTube. 2007-09-23. Retrieved 2012-01-29. 
  6. ^ "Grupper inom vit makt-miljön" (in Swedish). Swedish Police Authority. Archived from the original on 2007-10-09. Partipolitiken betonas, demokratin ska avskaffas på parlamentarisk väg. Partiprogrammet består bland annat av rasbiologiska skyddsåtgärder, utträde ur EU, repatriering (flyktingars återvändande till sina hemländer) samt skattelättnader för barnrika och genetiskt friska familjer. 
  7. ^ "The Passion of the Christ - NSF" (in Swedish). National Socialist Front. Archived from the original on 2008-03-20. Retrieved 2007-11-12. 
  8. ^ "Folkfronten slog upp portarna" (in Swedish). 2008-11-25. Archived from the original on 2009-06-23. 
  9. ^

External links[edit]