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Kinism is the belief, or the promotion of the belief, that the social order for humanity is tribal and ethnic, and that it focuses on a duty to love one's own people, or kin. Kinists advocate the idea that extended families should live together in large groups segregated by race or ethnicity. They believe that the ideal and normative social order for families – and by extension communities, states and nations – is an exclusionary one defined by race and blood, not by propositions or borders, and that this natural order forms the proper and lasting bonds of affection and loyalty for society.[1] Many kinists consider themselves to be an offshoot of Christian Reconstructionism which originated among anti-immigration traditionalists in the Southern United States, but that characterization would be strongly disputed by other adherents of Christian Reconstructionism.[2]


Kinism is often associated with paleoconservatism, White separatism or with an exceptionally high view of Western civilization.[2][3] Some kinists were associated with the League of the South; one member stated “The non-white immigration invasion is the ‘Final Solution’ for the 'white problem' of the South, Whites face genocide. We believe the Kinism statement proposes a biblical solution for all races. If whites die out, the South will no longer exist.”[4] The works of Robert Lewis Dabney[2][5] and Rousas John Rushdoony[6][7][8] play a large role in the ideology of many kinists. Joel LeFevre, successor to Samuel T. Francis as editor of the Council of Conservative Citizens' publication The Citizens Informer endorsed kinism and said "[V]ery simply, without some level of discrimination, no nation ... can permanently exist at all."[9] Kinists claim that a "homogeneous social structure" creates "trust" and "safety", and that a "common race" is the foundation of a nation, and a "common religion is the foundation of a common moral code."[10] Kinists reject the theology of the Christian Identity movement.[11][12]


The Anti-Defamation League has described Kinism as "A racist and anti-Semitic religious movement" that has "appeal for hardcore white supremacists... in their minds, it legitimizes their racism and anti-Semitism."[13] The Southern Poverty Law Center has described Kinism as "a new strain of racial separatism that wants America broken up into racial mini-states."[14] Douglas Wilson suggests that it is a "white pride movement" that goes beyond gratitude for one's culture to "racial animosity" and "mocking and making fun of blacks for their race."

See also[edit]


  1. ^ Christian Gray, Tribal Theocrat About Page 
  2. ^ a b c Kathryn Joyce (2009), Quiverfull: inside the Christian patriarchy movement, Beacon Press, ISBN 978-0-8070-1070-9 
  3. ^ "Spirit Water Blood About". Retrieved 3 December 2011. 
  4. ^ Potok, Mark (Spring 2005). "The Year in Hate, 2004". Intelligence Report. Southern Poverty Law Center (117). 
  5. ^ "What is Kinism?". National Policy Institute. Retrieved 2 December 2011. 
  6. ^ Rushdoony, Rousas John. "Don't Apologize for Your Ancestors". Retrieved 9 February 2012. 
  7. ^ Schaeffer, Frank (2009). Patience with God: Faith for People Who Don't Like Religion (or Atheism. Da Capo Press. p. 117. ISBN 978-0-306-81922-3. 
  8. ^ "A Mighty Army". Intelligence Report. Southern Poverty Law Center (117). Spring 2005. 
  9. ^ "The New Racialists". Southern Poverty Law Center. 
  10. ^ "What is Kinism?". National Policy Institute. Retrieved 9 February 2012. 
  11. ^ Barlow, Jonathan. "The Kinists are Back". Barlow Farms. Retrieved 15 February 2012. 
  12. ^ Schlebusch, Adi. "Sola Gratia: A Refutation of Christian Identity's Dual Seedline Theory". Faith and Heritage. Retrieved 15 February 2012. 
  13. ^ "Kinism A Racist and Anti-Semitic Religious Movement" (PDF). Anti-Defamation League ( Retrieved 22 October 2014. 
  14. ^ "The New Racialists". Southern Poverty Law Center. Retrieved 22 September 2011. 

External links[edit]

Critical of Kinism: