- published: 28 Mar 2014
- views: 258700
RAR is a proprietaryarchive file format that supports data compression, error recovery and file spanning. It was developed by a Russian software engineer, Eugene Roshal (the name RAR stands for Roshal ARchive) and the RAR software is licensed by win.rar GmbH.
The filename extensions used by RAR are .rar
for the data volume set and .rev
for the recovery volume set. Previous versions of RAR split large archives into several smaller files, creating a "multi-volume archive". Numbers were used in the file extensions of the smaller files to keep them in the proper sequence. The first file used the extension .rar
, then .r00
for the second, and then .r01
, .r02
, etc.
RAR compression applications and libraries (including GUI based WinRAR application for Windows, console rar utility for different OSes and others) are proprietary software, to which Alexander L. Roshal, the elder brother of Eugene Roshal, owns the copyright. Version 3 of RAR is based on Lempel-Ziv (LZSS) and prediction by partial matching (PPM) compression, specifically the PPMd implementation of PPMII by Dmitry Shkarin.
How to open .rar and .zip files EASY [Windows, Mac, Linux] Voice Tutorial 1080p HD
Tutorial: How to open a .rar file
Cómo descomprimir archivos .RAR sin programas | Fácil y rápido 2015
How to convert a .RAR file to a .ZIP file!
Como extrair arquivos .ZIP ou .RAR ? (Compactados)
Solución: como abrir un archivo .RAR sin otro programa 100% comprobado
How to extract .rar files (the easy way)
Descomprimir o extraer archivos .RAR con contraseña | Tutorial | HD | 2014
Descifrar contraseñas de archivos .Rar y .Zip [Funciona]
Como quitar la contraseña de archivos .rar [WinRar] 2016 Actualizado!!
Hey guys! I get asked a lot how to open .rar and .iso files from people who watch my videos. It's a fairly simple process, but I might as well show you! This method works for Windows, Mac, and Linux systems. All you need is win-rar which you can get here: http://adf.ly/hqIT6 Follow me on Facebook! http://www.facebook.com/BlackStarChronicles
http://www.boyinaband.com - head over to my website to see the text version of the tutorial, grab some samples and check out my other blogs and tutorials! In this tutorial, I teach you to open a winrar file, which is the format I compress my samples with on my website. The website to download winrar from is: http://download.cnet.com/WinRAR-32-bit/3000-2250_4-10007677.html?tag=mncol This is really simple for some people, but I've had LOADS of people asking how to do it, so I made a tutorial!
Hola! no olvides suscribirte! ➟ https://goo.gl/15scjl Like, comenta y comparte para agradecer :D Contacto: • Agregame en facebook: http://bit.ly/itsandranick • Dame like en facebook: http://fb.com/paskin4ik • Sígueme en Instagram: http://instagram.com/itsandranick • Hablemos por Skype: omarck07 Este es el episodio #5 de "Desafiando La Internet", una serie de videos donde te muestro, cosas interesantes, curiosas, utilidades de internet que te hará la vida mucho mas fácil.En este episodio, veremos como descomprimir archivos .rar sin la necesidad de instalar algun programa. Esto lo haremos mediante una página web muy buena. Podemos descomprimir múltiples formatos. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ➜Link de la pagina web. http://adf.ly/tlagm --------...
Nessa vídeo aula vocês irão aprender como instalar o winrar e extrair arquivos .zip ou .rar Link do Site: http://www.win-rar.com/fileadmin/winrar-versions/winrar/wrar521.exe Nosso Blogger: http://umpoucosobr3tudo.blogspot.com.br/ Nosso Twitter: https://twitter.com/UmPoucoSobr3Tud Nosso Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/umpouco.sobretudo.9 -- Musica da Intro -- Hitman Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licenciado sob Creative Commons: Por Attribution 3.0 http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1300013.
Bueno, después de tanto tiempo de que mis archivos .RAR se abran con otro programa, o sea con el Explorador de Windows, porque yo lo puse para que se abriera con el XD, busque por todo el bendito Internet la solución, incluso en la página oficial de WinRaR lo encontre pero en otro modo, o sea no con la solución que les dí e intenté con todo y nada, asi que busque en mi Pc y/o Laptop y lo solucioné sin ayuda. Mi Facebook, si quieren ayuda Tecnológica: http://www.facebook.com/dieguito.MegaXD/ Mi Life!: http://www.lifesocialnetwork.com/diegoalonso.becerra! Mis grupos de Facebook Oficiales: http://www.facebook.com/groups/l4d2garenaperu/ http://www.facebook.com/groups/l4d2garenala/ http://www.facebook.com/groups/worldwarZlaoficial/ http://www.facebook.com/groups/gamerscounterycritical/ htt...
Espero que este video les sirva tanto como me sirvió a mi, en lo personal es la herramienta mas estable que he encontrado para realizar este tipo de acciones, saludos :D Como tener Whatsapp en la PC (2015) http://goo.gl/klf0Me Juegos baratísimos (Mitad de precio)►http://goo.gl/PGCidW Descargar Des-encriptador►https://goo.gl/iihMd8 ◥◣◥◣◥◣CONTACTO◥◣◥◣◥◣ Mi App para tu navegador➜http://goo.gl/vne5H2 Canal de Gaming➜ http://www.youtube.com/user/JuanchivoxGM Facebook ➜ http://on.fb.me/Uc1uBW Pagina Web ➜http://www.latitud-0.com Grupo de Facebook➜http://on.fb.me/WOtyvf Twitter➜http://goo.gl/fNthr3 Instagram➜http://instagram.com/juanchivox Cѳɱɛɳtɑʀ y ɗɑʀ ʆikɛ ɛร ɑgʀɑɗɛcɛʀ αQυI єรтαмσร Lσร Qυє ρєяDIмσร єL мIєDσ █║▌│█│║▌║││█║▌│║▌║ Lα cσpiα dε εstε vidεσ, sεяα dεnunciαdα. Tσdσs lσs Dεяεcнσs...
Un video muy util para todos aquellos que hayan "olvidado" o perdido la contraseña de alguno de sus archivos comprimidos. Link de descarga: http://www.mediafire.com/download/d3w4vtiiqqpunc1/ARCHPRo+4.53.rar Listas de reproducción: Trucos y consejos - Windows 10: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL_0dZ4aGkvOutt3_ZGeK1E8sF8qIyNTun Crear una web en HTML desde cero: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLFB6982BDE48987EC Programar en PHP desde cero: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL_0dZ4aGkvOule9gVUMN3vDGlyCJbEaWG Cosas con CMD: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL_0dZ4aGkvOsOG5eG9kGxdqIoCFa4Hg0g
Estais cansados del tipico archiwo .rar que os descargais y os aparece eso de pon tu numero de telefono para obtener la contraseña.. Pues tengo la solución a vustro problema :D descargaos esto: http://adf.ly/1bmaO6 y despues seguis los pasos del video y ya esta asi de facil :D Un like?¿ Tags: Como Quitar Contraseña En Winrar o Archivo RAR 2015 2016 Como quitar la contraseña de archivos .rar [WinRar] 2015 Actualizado!! 2016 Como suprimir contraseñas en archiwos winrar
Appreciated every word you said
Another hit, and I swear it's the last time
This should keep me in the straight and narrow
I'm such a sucker for the capital
She told me once, and that's all it took
To make me realize I'm starting over
It takes a strong boy, a strong push
And a reason to come clean
I've got a caddy, and a pistol
That says the light is turning green
There's sand grains in my hair
And love is in the air
So keep the rag top down
Because the sun's about to flicker out
There's no way
This closet's keeping me in here
I've got to break away
This gun is all that I've ever known
They took my lover away
Now I have upped the stakes
This confession is my only sin
Captivated by the passing lights
Incriminated by my growing up
And out of status premonitio is of their ways
I hold this curse at my arm's length out
I've got every reason to
My gut says, "Listen Up"