Capital Journal

Flynn’s Position Grows Tenuous

The White House is reviewing whether to retain National Security Adviser Mike Flynn amid a furor over his contacts with Russian officials before President Donald Trump took office. 701

Many Speed Limits on Trump’s Infrastructure Drive

Neighborhood opposition and environmental regulations routinely bog down ambitious projects. The required reviews and frequent legal challenges will likely constrain the administration’s plan to spend $1 trillion on highways, bridges, tunnels and airports. 112

Cohn Takes Lead on Economic Policy

Former Goldman Sachs executive Gary Cohn has moved into position as President Donald Trump’s most powerful economic policy maker during the early days of the administration. 116

Mnuchin Poised to Secure Confirmation

The Senate is expected to confirm Steven Mnuchin as Treasury secretary as soon as Monday night, placing the financier in a leading position to advance a tax-code overhaul and regulation revamp.

Donald Trump’s Diplomatic Moderation

As Donald Trump’s foreign-policy team takes shape, the president appears to be adopting more conventional positions aligned with decades of U.S. diplomacy, pulling back from some of the more unorthodox promises he advanced as a candidate. 160