Donald Trump can shake up global banking

Daniel Tarullo. The announcement of his resignation sparked a share rally.
Daniel Tarullo. The announcement of his resignation sparked a share rally. Michael Nagle

Daniel Tarullo's resignation as the US Federal Reserve's top regulator of Wall Street banks is a potential catalyst for Donald Trump to upend global cooperation on banking rules and to reshape finance around the world.

In New York, London, Berlin, Paris, Tokyo and Sydney, prudential regulators, central bankers and financiers are waiting to see who President Trump taps to be the Fed's new powerful vice-chair of supervision.

Tarullo, who will quit in April after acting in the role since the 2008-09 financial crisis, was instrumental in ushering in a sweeping regulatory crackdown on banks after the huge taxpayer bailouts.

Internationally, the Obama appointee was pivotal in drawing up stricter capital, liquidity and other requirements for the Group of 20 economies and Financial Stability Board's Basel III framework.

Fed chair Janet Yellen. Donald Trump is expected not to reappoint her.
Fed chair Janet Yellen. Donald Trump is expected not to reappoint her. Manuel Balce Ceneta

Australian Securities and Investments Commission chair Greg Medcraft, who doubled as the head of the International Organisation of Securities Commissions, clashed with Tarullo in New York in 2015 in a turf war over a plan by central bankers to impose bank regulations on big asset managers such as BlackRock and Fidelity.

Tarullo's imminent exit sparked a rally in US bank shares on Friday. Renaissance Macro Research sent a note to clients advising them to "buy banks - the dog is running without its leash on".

Trump is in the rare position of being able to fill three vacancies out of the seven governor slots at the Fed.

If he elects not to reappoint Janet Yellen as chair in February next year, as he has signalled, Trump will choose a fourth if she opts not to remain as a lower-ranking governor.

Trump has already flagged that he will gut president Obama's Dodd–Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act that Tarullo implemented with great vigour.

The big unknown is how the Trump administration and its Fed appointees will deal with international bodies trying to bed down the final stage of Basel III.

Multilateral organisations such as the Switzerland-based FSB are anathema to Trump and his chief strategist, Stephen Bannon.

Republican congressman and House of Representatives vice-chairman of the financial services committee, Patrick McHenry, last week said it was unacceptable for the Fed to participate in global forums, claiming it violated Trump's pledge to prioritise "America's interest in international negotiations".

Yet, paradoxically, Trump could competitively disadvantage US banks if he withdraws the US.

Global regulators are fighting to force European banks to adopt more stringent minimum capital floors to bring them into line with the US, Australia, Canada and Japan.

Europe's banks have gamed the system by using loose internal models to determine capital ratios of their loan books.

Under Tarullo, the US is pushing for a capital floor that is at least 75 per cent of the standard approach.

Germany is arguing for 60 per cent or less.

Australian banks

The break-even for the big four Australian banks is 70 to 75 per cent, so the outcome is likely to be immaterial for them.

Germany's beleaguered Deutsche Bank, France's BNP Paribas and Societe Generale and Dutch giant ING would need to raise vast amounts of shareholder capital if the Tarullo position wins.

Higher capital would cut the already paltry return on equity of European banks and ultimately hurt shareholders and management bonuses.

A showdown is set for an international meeting in March before Tarullo departs.

In January, Europe's regulators and banks revolted at a FSB meeting, betting that Trump's more friendly attitude towards banks could help.


Europe should be careful what it wishes for.

Trump is a vehement nationalist and stridently anti-European.

His top economic adviser, former Goldman Sachs senior executive Gary Cohn, said last week he wants to maintain the US's dominant position in global banking.

Cohn signalled that US banks may be overcapitalised in view of other red tape they face under Dodd-Frank, such as living wills and limits on proprietary trading.

After US banks were forced to add nearly $US1 trillion in additional loss-absorbing capital since the crisis, their total capital ratio is above 12 per cent of risk-weighted assets, up from a risky 5.5 per cent in 2009.

Trump, rather hysterically, has claimed the over-regulation has stopped his friends securing loans.

Banks are flush with liquidity and keen to lend, but the main problem is subdued demand from business borrowers, not regulation.

Under Trump and the Republican Congress, it is not certain that banks will face lower capital requirements, even though a cull of the non-capital regulations is certain.

One name rumoured to be in the mix to succeed Tarullo is Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation vice-chair Thomas Hoenig.

He has warned that "too big to fail" banks remain a problem and that that risk-based capital (which banks like) inflates the role of regulators (who have to guess the appropriate capital for different types of loans) and denigrates the role of bank managers.

Leverage ratio

Hoenig favours a higher leverage ratio - a simple measure of equity capital to total bank assets such as loans - which stops banks manipulating capital with complex risk weights.

The FDIC last September found that Deutsche was the world's riskiest big bank with a leverage ratio of just 2.68 per cent, compared with a 5.75 per cent average for America's eight largest banks.

In Congress, the top Republican financial services lawmaker, Jeb Hensarling, has proposed giving banks the choice to avoid Dodd-Frank in return for increasing the Fed's 6 per cent leverage ratio to 10 per cent.

"Essentially, this means the largest banks would need to raise boatloads of new capital," says American Enterprise Institute scholar Paul Kupiec.

Hence, US bankers are furiously lobbying for the favourable half of Hensarling's Financial Choice Act on unwinding Dodd-Frank, but oppose more capital via a simple leverage ratio.

Banks will have a sympathetic ear in the White House in ex-Goldman's Cohn and a famous leveraged real estate developer turned President whose chosen lender was Deutsche.

John Kehoe is US Correspondent for The Australian Financial Review in Washington