Hitachi's Australian expansion plans

There's a new surge of Japanese investment in Australia.
There's a new surge of Japanese investment in Australia. TORU HANAI

In 2008, Japan's massive Hitachi Group achieved an unwelcome record – the biggest ever loss by a Japanese company in the manufacturing industry.

Less than a decade later, the Japanese conglomerate has changed direction, steering away from consumer electronics while expanding further into the most technologically sophisticated areas of systems and network management.

That includes huge new investments planned for Australia involving different arms of Hitachi and a move well away from any lingering memory among Australian consumers that Hitachi used to make televisions.

In broader terms, Hitachi's enthusiasm is an example of a new wave of Japanese investment offshore. More Japanese corporations are deciding offshore growth opportunities are better given an ageing, declining population and lacklustre growth domestically.

Sophisticated componentry

Japan's global technology influence is increasing again, based on sophisticated componentry, robotics, automation and quality for other businesses. Without the branding that comes with consumer goods, however, that transformation is not so well recognised.

Not that Japanese investment is new in Australia. Japan is already our second largest trading partner and source of foreign direct investment.

But it means major diversification beyond the staples of the mining industry dating back to the 1960s, the real estate purchases that featured in the 1980s and, of course, beyond the protracted demise of local Japanese car manufacturing

From Japan Post's acquisition of Toll Holdings to Kirin's takeover of National Foods, Dairy Farmers and Lion Nathan to Dai-Life's ownership of Tower Life (TAL) and Nippon Life's purchase of 80 per cent of MLC Life, the range of Japan investment is increasingly broad and deep.

Some Australian companies are acquired as a base for growth in south-east Asia as well as the local Australian market. The $6.5 billion Toll deal in 2015, the biggest single Japanese acquisition of an Australian company so far, fits that model of building and funding a global logistics business given Toll's existing logistics businesses and expertise in a range of countries.

Hitachi's latest foray in Australia – a $689 million bid by its subsidiary, Hitachi Construction Management, for heavy engineering company Bradken – fits the focus on the resources sector. Previously, the most visible example of Hitachi's Australian mining expertise has been excavators and automated trucks for Rio Tinto's iron ore mines.

IOT benefits

But Hitachi is also keen to use an Italian transport and rail signalling company it acquired in 2015 to extend further into the areas of driverless trains as well as more complex data management in Australia.

The company sees Bradken complementing its existing operations while extending its reach into the mining industry via existing Bradken customers and use of new technology platforms and data connectivity to grow.

"The internet of things [IOT] will be beneficial to both companies," says Hitachi's senior vice-president Yasuo Tanabe from his office in Tokyo.

Yet the mining industry is just one aspect of Hitachi's plans for Australia given its commitment last year to invest $1.25 billion here in "social innovation businesses" by 2020 while tripling its 2015 revenue to $3.75 billion. According to Hitachi, Australia is facing problems with inadequate transport infrastructure, a challenged healthcare system and the need for smart mining and agriculture technologies as well as greater security measures. According to Mr Tanabe, Hitachi wants to invest heavily in all these areas.

The Hitachi office has plenty of slick video presentations to explain the technological range of its manufacturing and systems management using big data processing, analytics, artificial intelligence, robotics and security. Current activities include providing train carriages for the British rail network, water management in the Maldives, proton beam therapy for cancer treatment in the US and cloud-based augmented reality for machinery diagnostics and maintenance around the world.

Overwhelmed by Korea and China

It's a typically Japanese version of innovation. While Japan prides itself on its R&D; spending, its version of innovation tends to be constant incremental technology improvement by long-established manufacturing companies rather than lateral thinking or breakthroughs by software start-ups.

And despite the continued international influence of Japanese trading houses like Mitsui and Mitsubishi, much of Japan Inc preferred retreat when the bubble economy burst at the end of the 1980s. After being the consumer manufacturing hub of the world, particularly for electronics, Japan was overwhelmed by cheaper competition and mass manufacturing from Korea and China. Even global successes like the Sony Walkman failed to make the next technology leap. Other Japanese inventions are referred to as "Galapagos" products – they never made it out of Japan

Now the potential to combine Japanese capital and detailed skills with Australian businesses is giving rise to re-evaluation in Australia too after a decade of being bedazzled by China. Japanese managements and boards also feel increasingly comfortable about doing business here.

That doesn't mean a simple cultural fit. Japanese companies tend to be hierarchical and slow moving, dominated by executives who have been in the one company for decades. By comparison with Australia, they usually focus more on the interests of employees, then customers with shareholder concerns coming a distant third. But their strengths include a long-term strategic outlook with strong balance sheets to fund growth and a willingness to accept lower returns in exchange for continuing investment and lasting relationships.

A common way of building trust is for Japanese companies to initially take a minority stake in the business before moving to full ownership – as Dai-Ichi Life did in TAL before moving to a full takeover in 2011. TAL has now become the largest local life insurance player. In Tokyo, Dai-Ichi Life's chief GM of Asia Pacific, Norimitsu Kawahara, says the company sees opportunities in retirement income products and medical insurance given the demographic experience of Japan. That's long-term thinking, Japan style.

Jennifer Hewett visited Japan as a guest of the Japanese government