APRA to force big banks to raise more capital

APRA chairman Wayne Byres has indicated there will be more de-leveraging to come for the big banks.
APRA chairman Wayne Byres has indicated there will be more de-leveraging to come for the big banks. Christopher Pearce

Beads of sweat broke out on the foreheads of bankers on Friday who had assumed that their regulatory boss, Wayne Byres, would soften his stance on the need for further de-leveraging following the election of a deregulatory Donald Trump and indefinite delays to the finalisation of the global capital rules known as Basel 3.

For months the dominant narrative purveyed by analysts, investors and bankers had been that the four majors were done-and-dusted with additional equity raisings after the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) had forced them to reduce their globally lofty balance-sheet leverage from 25 times their common equity tier 1 (CET1) in 2014 to 20 times today. This optimism provided a tail-wind for the majors' share prices, which by January had jumped 22 per cent above their September 2016 trough.

Yet on Friday the increasingly impressive Byres scuttled hopes he would give the four too-big-to-fail behemoths a free ride when he again reiterated that capital ratios would have to lift. Byres clarified that the "main policy item" on APRA's agenda in 2017 was "the first recommendation of the [December 2014] Financial System Inquiry", namely that APRA "should set capital standards so that the capital ratios of our deposit-takers are 'unquestionably strong'." (The government instructed APRA to implement this back in October 2015.)

"We have been doing quite a bit of thinking on this issue, but had held off taking action until the international work in Basel on the bank capital regime had been completed," Byres continued. "Unfortunately, the timetable for that Basel work now seems less certain, so it would be remiss of us to wait any longer."

Repeating a mantra that was missed last year by most market participants, Byres said that "assuming the industry continues to steadily build its capital, we expect it will be well placed to respond to future policy changes in an orderly manner". 

So there is more deleveraging to come which, coupled with greater competition from smaller banks contesting a more level playing field, will put downward pressure on the majors' globally elevated returns on equity unless savage cost-cutting is embraced.

Stress tests

Byres' remarks coincided with the release of the International Monetary Fund's annual review of the Australian financial system. After discussions with APRA, the IMF said that "banks are expected to steadily accumulate further capital". It argued that "given a highly concentrated banking sector where banks have similar business models" APRA should "continue to actively encourage banks' efforts to robustly anchor their capital position in 'unquestionably strong' territory".

The IMF also emphasised that APRA would assess the majors' "capital positions against rating agency measures of capital strength … and the result of stress tests", which Byres revealed in a speech that was misunderstood by investors in November last year. (One broker told clients Byres had signalled that the "capital raising debate is over" and higher ratios "will not happen".)

This development is important because the majors only rank around the 50th percentile of the top 100 banks in the world when evaluated against Standard & Poor's Risk-Adjusted Capital (RAC) ratio benchmark. The RAC ratio is a crucial input into credit ratings, which Byres promoted on Friday, highlighting that the majors were "amongst the small number [of banks that] have retained AA credit ratings".

Critics counter that RAC ratios derive from S&P;'s subjective assessment of the riskiness of banking systems around the world. Yet so too are the ensuing credit ratings – you cannot dismiss one without undermining the other.

The logical solution for APRA is an increase in equity capital ratios to beyond the 10 per cent RAC ratio threshold that will assure the majors of a stand-alone credit profile upgrade from "A" to "A+". This will require about $15 billion of equity and hedges against the risk of a sovereign downgrade or an increase in the Australian banking system's economic risk score (both are on "negative watch"), which would reduce the majors' credit ratings across their senior and subordinated securities, respectively.

Since S&P;'s RAC ratio includes "hybrid" Tier 1 capital, one should expect banks to issue larger volumes of hybrid securities, which are cheaper than raising ordinary equity. The end-game is a more stable and durable financial system that will be prepared better than ever to protect depositors, creditors, shareholders and taxpayers in the next recession. 

* The author is a portfolio manager at Coolabah Capital Investments/Smarter Money Investments, which invest in fixed-income securities.