Donald Trump softens line on Japan and China

US President Donald Trump's Asia strategy is evolving.
US President Donald Trump's Asia strategy is evolving. Jim Lo Scalzo

US President Donald Trump at the weekend committed to bolstering security and trade dealings with Japan and Pacific allies - such as Australia - and seek cooperation with China, in what represents a backdown from his past inflammatory and nationalist rhetoric on American engagement in Asia.

Mr Trump's about-face in the middle of a two-day visit by Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, and following what he described as a "very, very good" phone call with Chinese President Xi Jinping, will ease fears in the region about a possible US retreat from Asia or clash with Beijing.

Foreign policy analysts said the new US Commander in Chief's performance on Friday in Washington was by far his most presidential, even as they acknowledged that he was outmanoeuvred by President Xi. The Chinse leader forced Mr Trump to back down on questioning the One China policy on Taiwan.

Standing beside Prime Minister Abe at the White House before they played golf at Mr Trump's Florida resort on the weekend, the US President said he was "highly committed" to stability and prosperity in Asia-Pacific.

China's President Xi Jinping forced Mr Trump to honour the One China policy.
China's President Xi Jinping forced Mr Trump to honour the One China policy. Getty and AFR

"Our country is committed to being an active and fully engaged partner," Mr Trump said.

Australian prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and Foreign Affairs Minister Julie Bishop have been pressing the Trump administration to embrace America's traditional diplomatic, security and economic leadership in Asia.

In a veiled warning to China, President Trump vowed to enforce freedom of navigation in the South and East China Sea, defend Japan's sovereignty over the Senkaku Islands to which Beijing lays claim and deal with the North Korea nuclear missile threat.

Asked about his long-awaited phone call with President Xi after a tense standoff, Mr Trump said they had a "very warm conversation" and were in the process of "getting along very well".

"I believe that will all work out very well for everybody: China, Japan, the United States and everybody in the region," Mr Trump said.

Donald Trump and Shinzo Abe. Analysts say stage is set for bilateral trade accord.
Donald Trump and Shinzo Abe. Analysts say stage is set for bilateral trade accord. Andrew Harrer

Shares indices on Wall Street rallied to record highs on Friday in the wake of his steadying remarks.

The Japanese yen jumped about 0.5 per cent against the greenback after Mr Trump vowed that the currencies of the US, China and Japan would soon be on "a level playing field".

He did not elaborate on any potential policy move and stopped short of repeating past claims that Beijing and Tokyo were manipulating foreign exchange rates.

Mr Abe revealed his Deputy Prime Minister Tarō Asō and US Vice-President Mike Pence would set up an ongoing economic dialogue to pursue "free and fair" trade between the two allies.

Analysts said the ground was being laid for a bilateral US-Japan trade accord, to offset Mr Trump's abandonment of the 12-country Trans-Pacific Partnership that President Barack Obama, Mr Abe and Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull argued was crucial for US engagement in Asia.

Center for Strategic and International Studies senior vice-president for Asia Mike Green, a formerly fierce critic of Mr Trump's threats to withdraw from security alliances in Asia and to engage in a "trade war" with China, said the President's commitment to the Japan security alliance and positive remarks about the Xi conversation would reassure the Asia region.

"This was by far the most presidential and strategic set of comments we've heard from President Trump since he was elected," said Mr Green, who was former US president George W. Bush's top Asia security adviser.

"Abe will be very happy with that and so will every American ally in Asia, and so will China."

President Xi, who reportedly held out on speaking to Mr Trump since an initial conversation on November 14, successfully pressed the US President to drop his threat to use the One China policy as a bargaining chip on trade, currency and security disagreements.

Since 1979 the US government has recognised the People's Republic of China as the sole legal government of China and has acknowledged China's position that Taiwan is part of China.

Beijing regards Taiwan as a renegade province and wants to reunify it with the mainland one day.

China's Foreign Ministry released a statement on Friday quoting President Xi as saying that China appreciated Trump's upholding of One China.

"I believe that the United States and China are cooperative partners, and through joint efforts we can push bilateral relations to a historic new high," President Xi said.

"The development of China and the United States absolutely can complement each other and advance together. Both sides absolutely can become very good cooperative partners."

Eurasia Group president Ian Bremmer said Mr Trump had been forced by President Xi to back off on his threat on the One China policy, after the President's provocative phone chat with Taiwan's President Tsai Ing-wen in December.

"When they recognised they weren't going to get a call with Xi until they dropped it, they dropped it," Mr Bremmer said on US television.

"China played this very right. They had a [US] President who is blustering and they're not in Mexico's position because they're the world's second largest economy."

The President's evolving Asia strategy comes after he quit the TPP , threatened during last year's election campaign to withdraw military assets from Japan and South Korea unless they contributed more funds and complained about unbalanced trade between American and Japanese car manufacturers.

On Saturday (AEDT), , Mr Trump thanked his "important and steadfast ally" Mr Abe for hosting US military forces and vowed to pursue a trading relationship that is "free, fair and reciprocal."

In an implied dig at China, and in line with Mr Trump's earlier claims that Beijing is cheating on trade and stealing intellectual property (IP) from US firms, Mr Abe said state-owned enterprises should not intervene in markets or "free ride" on IP.

In an apparent effort to appease Mr Trump, the conservative Japanese leader outlined how his country was helping to create American jobs through investment in factories and infrastructure, including $US150 billion in new investment last year.

Mr Abe was the second foreign leader to visit President Trump at the White House.

Mr Trump physically embraced the Japanese leader upon his arrival and the pair seemed far more at ease than the awkward joint press conference between Mr Trump and UK Prime Minister Theresa May last month.

The US President read from written notes, rather than using his common free-wheeling ad-libbing style.

Mr Trump and Mr Abe later flew on Air Force One to play at the Trump National Golf Club in South Florida and dine with their wives at the President's Mar-a-Lago estate in nearby Palm Beach.

"My scores in golf are not up to the level of Donald at all," Mr Abe joked.

He said that "in a relaxed atmosphere, I hope to take time to discuss with Donald on the future of the world, future of the region, and future of Japan and the United States".