Why growth stocks are back on the radar at DNR Capital

Jamie Nicol of DNR Capital knows what stocks he likes and prefers not to waste time looking at those he doesn't.
Jamie Nicol of DNR Capital knows what stocks he likes and prefers not to waste time looking at those he doesn't. Lisa Maree Williams
by James Frost

DNR Capital's Jamie Nicol has always been interested in stocks. But it wasn't until he was 27 and his father died that he began to grasp the enormous responsibility that came with managing a portfolio.

"That was a big moment in terms of stepping up. There was a family portfolio that needed taking care of. I was the second youngest but the one most involved in finance," Mr Nicol said.

At the time, Mr Nicol was living in London, where he had moved after doing an economics degree at the University of Queensland and a Business Degree at QUT. Encouraged by his father to consider banking and finance as a career, he dabbled in stocks as a teenager but was far from an active trader.

An early foray into mining stocks, however, did give shape to his future investment strategy. "I think it was Western Mining. That was a good lesson in how not to overpay."

Jamie Nicol of DNR Capital and portfolio managers Scott Bender and Scott Kelly have tread similar career paths.
Jamie Nicol of DNR Capital and portfolio managers Scott Bender and Scott Kelly have tread similar career paths. Lisa Maree Williams

Top 10 performer

DNR Capital was established in 2001 and today it manages $2.9 billion from its Brisbane base. The firm's Australian Equities High Conviction Fund is a top 10 performer in the most recent Mercer tables over three and five years.

But the outperformance stretches back even further, with the strategy outperforming the benchmark S&P;/ASX 200 Accumulation Index by 4.2 per cent per annum since 2006 and 4.7 per cent since inception in 2002.

Like many mangers, the fund had a difficult month in December when it underperformed the benchmark by 31 basis points however over the calendar year it outperformed by 242 basis points.

The fund charges a management fee of 90 basis points but does not charge a performance fee.

When boiled down, the fund's strategy amounts to acquiring good companies when they have been oversold.

"We are long-term investors so we like quality companies at attractive valuations that are out of favour. We want patient money, we are not turning the portfolio over very often," Mr Nicol says.

Brambles and Woolworths are two of the firm's most recent buys. Brambles is a case of a good company that was oversold. Woolworths is on the improve, according to Mr Nicol.

It's not all about oversold value stocks though. The DNR strategy is nothing if not flexible.

"We like competitive advantages, pricing power, that's really important," he said. "Not many investors have invested in an environment where inflation was on the rise. The last time we were at that point in the cycle was probably the 1980s."

That means the big four banks, Treasury Wine Estates and software company IRESS. And with many investors in growth stocks hitting the exits, DNR is keeping a watching brief on many of the former market darlings.

"We reduced our exposure to growth stocks late in 2015 when it started to get quite expensive but they are coming back onto our radar.

"Investors are selling down growth and buying value so perhaps there are some opportunities there. Carsales has already had a bit of a bounce.

"We are still seeing a lot of downgrades in the space so we are trying not to go too early in the cycle. You still may see some growth manager lose mandates and forced selling comes into play."

Nichol knows what he's looking for and won't spend a lot of time examining companies that don't meet his criteria.

Debt-laden companies not on radar

"Highly geared companies are off our radar. We look at debt to equity, interest cover and net debt to EBITDA. A highly cyclical company with a lot of debt we won't even look at.

"We don't want to spend too much time on stock we don't ever want to buy. We know the types of companies we like and then we try to find a slightly contrarian aspect to the company and that's when we want to buy it."

The aversion to debt is informed by Mr Nicol's time in the market through the 1990s recession and the tech wreck of the early 2000s. Those experiences informed his aversion to debt and his decision to strike out on his own.

As banking and finance analyst for Hartley Poynton in Brisbane, Mr Nicol watched individually managed accounts (IMAs) and separately managed accounts (SMAs) take off in the US.

With two associates, he opened a shop offering the structures – vehicles that allow stockpickers to control an investor's portfolio while allowing the investors to retain some degree of ownership – which he felt bridged the gap between broking and funds management.

"I felt there was an opportunity to give clients direct access to equities and provide additional transparency," he said.

The original partners are no longer with the firm but Mr Nicol is supported by portfolio managers Scott Kelly and Scott Bender.

Like Mr Nicol, they followed similar career paths through Sydney and London before returning to Brisbane attracted by the growing funds management community and lifestyle.

While the IMA and SMA vehicles didn't take off as quickly as they expected, the stock picks that underpinned the structures did.

In those early days the money came from family offices and the partners themselves. This sharpened the focus on risk aversion. DNR selects portfolio candidates that are medium term opportunities at the very least.

The steady outperformance of the fund then caught the attention of institutional money. One of the early wins was an endowment from a university which led to more as the firm caught the eye of the asset consultants.

More recently the IMA and SMA vehicles have begun to get momentum and today the firm manages money across a mixture of institutional mandates, IMA/SMA portfolios and the unit trust.

Mr Nicol is pleased the IMA/SMA model has been validated but these days he is agnostic about what platform investors choose.

"It's taken 10 years but we are getting some traction. At the end of the day (we leave the choice of structure) up to the client. My focus as CIO is to deliver great investment outcomes," he said.