Ellen G. White bibliography

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Ellen White (November 26, 1827 – July 16, 1915) was a prolific author, writing more than 40 books and 5000 periodical articles during her lifetime. Today there are over one hundred 50,000 manuscript pages of her writings. She was one of the founders of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, believed by many readers to have the spiritual gift of prophecy described in the Bible.

Major titles[edit]

The following is a list of Ellen White's most popular and influential writings.

Conflict of the Ages (book series) (see also modern adaptations below):

  1. Patriarchs and Prophets - Reflections on the first half of the Old Testament[1]
  2. Prophets and Kings - Reflections on the second half of the Old Testament.[2]
  3. The Desire of Ages - Reflections on the life of Christ[3]
  4. The Acts of the Apostles - Reflections on the early New Testament church[4]
  5. The Great Controversy - Reflections on Christian history and prophecies about the end times[5]


  • Steps to Christ - an evangelistic book explaining how to have a living connection with Jesus Christ[6]
  • Christ's Object Lessons - an exposition of the meaning of the parables of Jesus[7]
  • Thoughts from the Mount of Blessing - an exposition of Jesus' lessons in the Sermon on the Mount[8]
  • Testimonies for the Church, 9 vols. 1855–1909[9]
  • Early Writings
  • Selected Messages 1958, 1980
  • Education
  • The Ministry of Healing


Information includes title, date of first publication, publisher, edition, pages, and common abbreviation of the book title. Derived from The bibliography of the complete published Ellen G. White writings on compact disc. The majority of these are compilations made by others after her death in 1915.

Contemporary adaptations[edit]

Because many younger readers report finding the original language old-fashioned and hence challenging to read, several modern adaptations of White's books have been produced which update and simplify the language. Editors have tried to preserve the original meaning.[12]

  • A Call to Stand Apart, an adaptation and compilation of various topics

Adaptations of the 5-volume "Conflict of the Ages" series have been commissioned by the General Conference to complement the Cornerstone Sabbath School lessons in 2007–2011. They are aimed at younger readers:

  • The Beginning of the End, an adaptation of Patriarchs and Prophets. Pacific Press; publisher's page
  • Royalty and Ruin, an adaptation of Prophets and Kings. Pacific Press; publisher's page
  • Humble Hero, an adaptation of The Desire of Ages. Pacific Press; publisher's page
  • Unlikely Leaders, from The Acts of the Apostles. Pacific Press; publisher's page
  • Love under Fire, from The Great Controversy. Pacific Press; distributor's page

Daily devotional books[edit]


These are some of the periodicals in which White's articles are featured and the rest can be obtained from the Ellen G. White database:

  • Advocate January 1, 1902 Instruction to Teachers
  • Bible Echo February 1, 1893 The Privilege of Prayer.
  • Central Advance April 8, 1903 Tested and Tried
  • Educational Messenger March 19, 1909 Our School Work
  • Field Tidings June 8, 1910 Work in the South
  • Good Samaritan February 1, 1860 Pure Religion.
  • Health Reformer August 1, 1866 Duty to Know Ourselves.
  • Indiana Reporter September 16, 1903 Canvassing a Part of the Lord's Work.
  • Lake Union Herald November 4, 1908 A Revival Needed.
  • Medical Missionary May 1, 1892 Labourers Together with God.
  • New York Indicators June 12, 1907 Be In Earnest
  • Oriental watchman December 1, 1909 A Friend to the Friendless
  • Pacific Health Journal July 1, 1897 Mind Disease.
  • Review and Herald July 21, 1851 To the Remnant Scattered Abroad.
  • Southern Watchman March 6, 1902 The Grace of Silence.
  • True Missionary February 1, 1874 The Work for this Time.
  • West India Messenger July 1, 1912 Be Not Troubled Over Minor Matters
  • Youth’s Instructor August 1, 1852 Communications.


See also[edit]


External links[edit]