WA Libs One Nation preference deal makes for awkward start in Parliament

Posted February 13, 2017 12:50:00

The West Australian Liberal party's decision to strike a preference deal with One Nation has made for an uncomfortable start to the parliamentary week for the Federal Coalition. The Premier of WA Colin Barnett has described it as practical and pragmatic but the Federal Nationals Leader Barnaby Joyce warns it could have dangerous consequences.

Source: The World Today | Duration: 4min 58sec

Topics: one-nation, liberals, nationals, australia


The West Australian Liberal party's decision to strike a preference deal with One Nation has made for an uncomfortable start to the parliamentary week for the Federal Coalition.

The Premier of WA Colin Barnett has described the deal as practical and pragmatic.

But the leader of the Federal National party, Barnaby Joyce, is warning of dangerous consequences.


Colin Barnett, WA Premier
Tony Abbott, Member for Warringah
Barnaby Joyce, Federal Nationals Leader
Anthony Albanese, Federal Labor frontbencher
Pauline Hanson, Leader of Pauline Hanson's One Nation