National news

A West Australian company hopes to crack into Australia's lucrative wellness market with the next super food — lupin flakes.

It's easy to see why young Australians might feel like they'll never catch up to rising house prices. But there are ideas out there for dealing with this problem (/crisis).

Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce and a string of federal Nationals MPs are criticising the West Australian Liberals preference deal with One Nation — warning the agreement could cost them power in the state election.

Bankwest confirms that property investors are no longer able to include the tax benefits of negative gearing when applying for a home loan.

Australian Capital Territory

Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce and a string of federal Nationals MPs are criticising the West Australian Liberals preference deal with One Nation — warning the agreement could cost them power in the state election.

Almost anywhere you go in Canberra you will see cranes dotting the skyline, building the city's next hulking apartment towers. But is an oversupply likely, and is that a bad thing?

New South Wales

Fire crews will send expert teams into fire-ravaged areas today to help determine property and livestock losses from blazes burning across New South Wales.

Claudine and Dave Fitzgibbon were left in a dark place after discontinuing two pregnancies due to diagnoses of spina bifida, but groundbreaking surgery offered them a glimmer of hope.

Northern Territory

There is increasing concern for two elderly German tourists missing in searing heat in Central Australia, with one of them believed to be without important medication.

Michael Gunner rejects calls to prohibit police from use tasers against children, saying officers should not be held back from carrying out their duty.


Cooler temperatures are expected across southern and south-east Queensland today after heat records tumbled across the state on Sunday.

Claudine and Dave Fitzgibbon were left in a dark place after discontinuing two pregnancies due to diagnoses of spina bifida, but groundbreaking surgery offered them a glimmer of hope.

South Australia

South Australia's Liberal Opposition promises to scrap the state's target to source half its energy from renewable sources.

The opening of the new Royal Adelaide Hospital might come before this year's flu season but talks will continue about the hospital's eventual cost, Health Minister Jack Snelling says.

A young child dies after man flees the scene of an accident in Dover Gardens in Adelaide's south last night.


Hobart's waterfront is buzzing with wooden boats and characters, including 88-year-old salty dog Peter Mounsey.

The Tasmanian Greens want a windfall from property taxes to be spent on fixing ageing water and sewerage systems.


Peter Dietze found a photo in the attic that linked him to Indian film royalty, took him around the world and led to an exhibition at ACMI.

Dozens of taxis drive through Melbourne in convoy to the steps of Victoria's Parliament after blockading the Bolte Bridge to protest against industry reforms introduced by the State Government.

Former Supreme Court judge Bernard Teague says chairing the Black Saturday royal commission was rewarding work in a long legal career.

Western Australia

A West Australian company hopes to crack into Australia's lucrative wellness market with the next super food — lupin flakes.