The search for Gisela Thor, missing in the remote Trephina Gorge in the Northern Territory, continues a day after the body of her husband, 76-year-old Wilfred Thor, is found.

The Northern Territory Government is failing to follow its own laws that recommend at-risk Indigenous children be placed within their families and communities as a priority, Yingiya Mark Guyula says.

The NT Children's Commissioner says there are times when police should be able to taser young people if the situation justifies it.

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CCTV footage shows the men filling a car before driving off, and being involved in a fatal crash.

Darwin police lacked clear objectives and resolution strategies to deal with an ice-fuelled group crime spree and subsequent car crash that killed a teenager in 2015, a coronial inquest hears.

NT Police find the body of an elderly German man at Trephina Gorge during the search for two missing tourists

The Australian Agricultural Company temporarily shuts down its abattoir at Livingstone due to a lack of cattle, leaving hundreds of workers without a pay cheque.

Horticulture growers and traders will be able to employ an expert mediator in a new fast, efficient and flexible dispute resolution process.

The Australian American Association does not think the Marine presence in Darwin will change under the new administration of US President Donald Trump.

Recurring circle formations in a Top End couple's backyard raises theories about termite mounds, giant tail-chasing dogs and, inevitably, "little green men".

Almost 4,500 NBN users were left without home phone and internet for over 24 hours due to two cable faults at separate isolated locations in outback Australia.

A Central Australian cattle station has swapped its vintage windmills for a more modern and efficient technology in solar power.

There is increasing concern for two elderly German tourists missing in searing heat in Central Australia, with one of them believed to be without important medication.

A Top End trial of genetically modified bananas will begin in a few months after a five-year trial received approval from the gene technology regulator.

Michael Gunner rejects calls to prohibit police from use tasers against children, saying officers should not be held back from carrying out their duty.

The Tiwi Bombers call on Michael Solomon to resign for "publicly embarrassing" the cash-strapped side.

Authorities are searching for a couple aged in their 70s after a car they hired is found in a carpark at Trephina Gorge, about 85 kilometres east of Alice Springs

The Northern Territory will be a small but crucial part of the United States' pivot towards Asia over the coming years, and local businesses are hoping to profit from a growing Defence spend.

The Northern Territory's royal commission into youth detention travels to New Zealand to look at alternative approaches to youth justice that appear to be achieving results.

The use of tasers on children should be eliminated, the National Children's Commissioner says, after seeing footage obtained by the ABC that shows an unarmed 12-year-old boy tasered by Northern Territory Police.

Mark burned through much of a $600,000 insurance payout to fund an ice habit — now his rehab centre is in danger of folding over a lack of promised government funding.

The NT Government says a review of the Tiwi Bombers' finances is urgent as the club says the AFLNT has made it impossible to finish their season.

A new technique for crushing rock could make reopening a disused gold mine near Katherine economically viable, says the American company who owns the site.
