Fairfax Media Network

Australia GFS Snow Forecast +144 hour Chart

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About GFS

Global Forecast System. The operational numerical weather forecasting model run by NCEP. The GFS superceded the AVN and MRF models, on which it is largely based. Forecast data from the GFS is available out to 180 hours at full resolution and 16 days at a reduced resolution.

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Hot Christmas weather, fire risk ahead for Victoria, authorities say

00:32 EDT

Hot and windy conditions forecast for Victoria in the coming days will create a serious risk of grass and bushfires, the state's Emergency Management Commissioner Craig Lapsley says.

Weather you're naughty or nice...

13:40 EDT

Santa Claus better make a list of all the current weather disturbances and check it twice tonight, because, across Australia at least, he could have a bumpy ride! Little is known about the fat man's choice of flight direction around the planet known as Earth.

Broome swamped in wettest December on record

16:33 EDT

A tropical low pressure system has combined with Cyclone Yvette to dump more than 200 millimetres of rain on Broome.