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Southern Hemisphere GFS Longwave 500hPa Height Summary

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About GFS

Global Forecast System. The operational numerical weather forecasting model run by NCEP. The GFS superceded the AVN and MRF models, on which it is largely based. Forecast data from the GFS is available out to 180 hours at full resolution and 16 days at a reduced resolution.

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Broome swamped in wettest December on record

16:33 EDT

A tropical low pressure system has combined with Cyclone Yvette to dump more than 200 millimetres of rain on Broome.

Detailed Christmas Day forecast

12:21 EDT

Intense heat, thunderstorms, flooding rain and damaging winds are all on the cards for Christmas Day this year.

SA Government declares 'code red' for homeless during hot spell, shelters to stay open longer

12:08 EDT

South Australia's homeless services will be boosted over the Christmas period as a result of forecast extreme heat over the next few days.