
Earnings season may challenge Trump reflation trade

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Despite the overarching global narrative of a return to growth and inflation, this reporting season may show that life among many listed Australian businesses remains a slog.

While analysts expect a year of strong earnings growth for ASX-listed companies overall, a massive rebound in mining profits has provided the backbone.

But there is little sign yet that this has broadened out across to other sectors of the economy, investors argue, with consumers in particular remaining reluctant to spend.

"There's a little bit of a disconnect between the reflationary thematic that may be playing out in global earnings numbers and what we are seeing on the ground here," Fidelity International portfolio manager Kate Howitt said.

Economists have been buoyed an uplift in growth among developed economies in recent months, reinforced locally by comments from Reserve Bank of Australia governor Philip Lowe.

The election of Donald Trump in November spurred sharemarkets sharply higher as investors bet on pro-growth strategies such as tax cuts and infrastructure spending. But the surprise contraction in the Australian economy over the September quarter highlighted that Australia remains threatened by the low-growth, low-inflation impulses that have plagued the developed world since the GFC.


"We've had six months of a big run [for the sharemarket] on a reflation narrative, but reporting season will tell us a lot about whether that is really happening," Ms Howitt said.

"If you have management teams ready to step up with bullish outlook statements, then the reflationary trade will get another leg," she said. "If you get CEOs standing up saying 'I know you guys are excited, but from where I sit things are still really, really tough, and I'm going to take more costs out', then I think you'll find that reflation will be a little bit harder and you'll definitely get some profit taking of names that have run."

An unusual spate of downgrades in January, including from the likes of Brambles and Aconex, set a sour scene for this reporting season. A lengthening list of retail chains are going out of business. Last week shares in Genworth Mortgage Insurance Australia slumped 15 per cent after an earnings update that painted a grim picture for the year ahead.

"People lose sight of the fact that in the first world the consumer is a big part of the economy," Celeste Funds Management chief investment officer Frank Villante said. "If two-thirds to three-quarters of the economy is what the consumer is doing, and if the consumer isn't getting a lot of wages growth, then that makes things a bit hard."

"I think the numbingly consistent message from the consumer is that it's a grind out there, it's tough," Mr Villante said. "[Australians are saying] 'I'm not getting a lot of wages growth and I'm feeling a bit like I'm treading water'."

With top line growth difficult to come by, Mr Villante is focusing on companies with more reliable earnings profiles, such as insurance broker Steadfast Group and AMA Group, which is consolidating the panel-beating market.

Mr Villante also backs an improving earnings outlook for engineering contractors operating within the mining and infrastructure space. The results so far from the likes of engineering services firm Downer EDI and construction firm CIMIC supports the idea that the economy is moving from resources spending and towards other sectors such as infrastructure, Mr Villante said.

And while miners may not be investing in major new projects, they look more likely to spend more on "stay-in-business capex", Mr Villante said.

"In terms of spending to keep the trucks rolling and the conveyors moving, in the past two to three years that has been substantially turned off," he said. "The reality is that that is getting turned back on again."

A company such as RCR Tomlinson should benefit from that trend, Mr Villante said.

Ms Howitt was more cautious on the potential for mining industrials to disappoint after being bid sharply higher in the back half of 2016, highlighting that Rio's recent report reconfirmed that no major new projects were in sight.