
Canadian PM Justin Trudeau told not to 'be a Malcolm' when he meets Donald Trump

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Los Angeles: Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has been warned not to be a "Malcolm" when he visits the White House.

Mr Trudeau will meet face-to-face with US President Donald Trump on Monday, the latest world leader entering the real estate billionaire's unpredictable realm.

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White House Press Secretary, Sean Spicer, says President Trump had a 'very cordial' conversation with the prime minister of Australia. But he gets one important detail wrong...

Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull infamously felt the Trump sting in their drastically shortened phone call on January 28.

"Don't be a Theresa. Don't be a Malcolm," the Toronto Star newspaper's editorial board wrote on Friday.

"As Justin Trudeau heads to Washington on Monday for his much-ballyhooed first face-to-face meeting with Donald Trump, the prime minister has two clear examples of what not to do."

British Prime Minister was so eager to please that she publicly flattered the president during her White House visit and held his hand – or let him hold her hand – in front of photographers.


"May hasn't lived it down since," the Toronto Star told its readers. "She's seen in Britain as Donald's poodle."

"... Then there's Malcolm Turnbull, the Australian prime minister who had the bad luck to have his first phone chat with Trump at a moment when the new president was in a particularly testy mood."

The newspaper told its readers "it seems poor Turnbull just got in the line of fire at a moment when the president was tired and cranky".

"The trick for Prime Minister Trudeau will be to avoid both these pitfalls. To be friendly, but not too friendly, at least in public.

"To clearly assert Canadian values, but not in a way that will be seen as a direct rebuke to Trump, especially as his guest in his own house."