Peta Credlin's James Packer exit a Sky News truth

Peta Credlin in 2012.
Peta Credlin in 2012. Alex Ellinghausen

So Peta Credlin, the most famous political staffer - female or otherwise - since Ainslie Gotto or Junie Morosi, has left the employ of James Packer just six months since she secured the gig close associates had been imploring the billionaire not to give her. 

It's impossible not to love the fact that The Australian's coverage of its own industry has been so historically ludicrous that any news story by Darren Davidson is widely accepted to mean the precise opposite is actually true.

No doubt Sky News loves having Credlin on its roster. She grabs headlines and is genuinely compelling. Mainstream news websites do Angelos Frangopoulos an enormous favour every time they write a breathless story of the last thing she said on a Foxtel station nobody is watching (especially at night). 

So Credlin thanked Packer for her fleeting and generous home at Consolidated Press Holdings, doing broad-ish kind of stuff for his private company from a sweeping office in ANZ's Sydney tower to spend more time earning vending machine biscuits with Ross Cameron and Kristina Keneally. This comes after being the first ever non-public figure to give interviews about not giving interviews.

Peta Credlin struggles to think of one achievement of the Turnbull government with bestie Andrew Bolt.
Peta Credlin struggles to think of one achievement of the Turnbull government with bestie Andrew Bolt. Beau Donelly

Even if things didn't work out with Packer, Credlin has by all accounts charmed Andrew Bolt, and by extension his ideological bro and cuz Lachlan Murdoch. Which might be the most publicly munificent act in years. See, out there in space, just as in Siberia, nobody can hear you scream. And if you're sharing an oxygen tank with Michael Kroger, you can't even hear yourself scream.