
Welcome to the Murujuga Aboriginal Corporation

Aboriginal & Torres Strait viewers should exercise caution as content in this web page contains images and voices of people who have passed.


The Murujuga Aboriginal Corporation welcomes you to Ngarluma Country together with the member groups Yinjibarndi, Yaburara, Mardudhunera and Wong-Goo-Tt-Oo.

The Murujuga Aboriginal Corporation, Board of Directors, meets every third Tuesday and Wednesday of the month at the MAC Headquarters. The Circle of Elders meets on Thursday, immediately following the Board Meeting at the MLSU Headquarters or alternatively at the “Yatha”. It is recommended you contact the MLSU for an invitation to confirm the venue should you wish to attend.


MAC acknowledges with appreciation the assistances of many stakeholders who have contributed to the development of the MAC Website; Commonwealth Government of Australia, Western Australian State Government, Department of Environment Community Heritage Icon Grants, Woodside, Rio Tinto, RAFC, DPAW and all those who help look after country.