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“Socialism or Nothing” – Imperialism in the 21st Century reviewed by PM Press

Imperialism in the Twenty-First Century

Imperialism in the Twenty-First Century: Globalization, Super-Exploitation, and Capitalism’s Final Crisis
384 pp, $28 pbk, ISBN: 9781583675779
By John Smith

Reviewed by Gabriel Kuhn

“John Smith opens his study Imperialism in the Twenty-First Century with a flashback to the collapse of Rana Plaza in Dhaka, Bangladesh, in April 2013. With more than 1000 garment workers killed, it was ‘one of the worst workplace disasters in recorded history.’ Smith emphasizes that its occurrence in a country with some of the most exploited workers on the planet is hardly coincidental. Rather, it is a stark reminder of a brutal global regime serving the interests of capital and disregarding the lives of millions of people feeding it, most of whom live in what was once known as the ‘Third World’ and is today commonly referred to as the ‘Global South.’…”

Read the review at PM Press

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