ATO admits it's baffled by outages but upgrades to latest HPE hardware anyway

ATO deputy commissioner Michael Cranston said it was undertaking a range of compliance activities to address the misuse ...
ATO deputy commissioner Michael Cranston said it was undertaking a range of compliance activities to address the misuse of the R&D; tax incentives. Karl Hilzinger

The Australian Taxation Office has admitted it still does not know why its online systems crashed again last week, causing a four-day systems outage that has led accountants to call for compensation.

Speaking to The Australian Financial Review on Monday afternoon, after most of the systems were back up online, ATO chief information officer Ramez Katf said it would jettison the Hewlett-Packard Enterprise data storage system that first failed last December, and would expand the scope of an ongoing review into the first crash to include the latest one.

Mr Katf said the fact that its 13-month-old HPE storage system was still relatively new had added to the confusion surrounding its technical failure, but it would retain faith in the US tech giant and upgrade to its latest storage area network instead.

"We commissioned it in late 2015, a little over 12 months ago, which I think adds to the mystery. This type of hardware is typically very resilient and we were taken aback by the extensiveness of the outage and its impact," Mr Katf said.

No guarantees on tax time: Australian Taxation Office chief information officer Ramez Katf.
No guarantees on tax time: Australian Taxation Office chief information officer Ramez Katf.

"We haven't got a complete root cause analysis for what happened on either one … What we do know is that both of the outages were related to our storage area hardware and both affected all of the systems at the same time."

Mr Katf said it was currently impossible to say whether the outages were caused by a core issue with HPE's hardware, or if human error also played a part.

The latest downtime began last Thursday morning and HPE was forced to deploy its global workforce to try to quickly resolve the issue, working through the night. However, the ATO reported unforeseen complications on Friday afternoon, which kept the systems offline throughout the weekend.

These unforeseen issues were not technical, rather a consequence of the ATO taking longer than first anticipated to work through its restoration process.

By the end of Monday the ATO had restored all of its public systems, such as its superannuation online services and the Australian Business Register, which returned throughout the day, but some back-office systems were still down, with these expected to be fully operational within 24 hours.

Visitors to the ATO website were greeted with an error message last Thursday and Friday.
Visitors to the ATO website were greeted with an error message last Thursday and Friday.

Mr Katf acknowledged that four days was too long for the office's services to be down and said the ATO was looking at a range of ways to improve its recovery time.

"We took a very measured approach in re-establishing the systems and were very conscious about system availability and were aware of the expectations of the community," he said.

"What we didn't want to do was cause any further complications by rushing that process which would have meant it would have taken longer to bring the systems back online … but four days is quite a bit longer than we'd like for any systems to be out."

More outages ahead

There is no timeline for how long it will take for the tax office to migrate its data to the new hardware, but unfortunately for businesses and accountants the process will mean more outages.

"We want to minimise the impacts on the community and a change like this will have some outages, but we will keep using our scheduled maintenance windows during non-peak times," Mr Katf said.

The return of systems was not enough to assuage growing anger among accountants, who were claiming they should be entitled to compensation for lost earnings from the tax office.

Industry associations slammed the ATO for damaging accountancy businesses by forcing them to deal with it exclusively online, while not being able to provide a stable service.

General manager of technical policy at the Institute of Public Accountants (IPA) Tony Greco said a lack of manual back-up systems for the Tax Agent Portal, the Business Portal and the lodgement systems, meant accountants were sat idle, unable to even do routine work such as registering a new ABN, lodging a tax return or checking on the status of a tax refund.

"If the ATO cannot provide a robust digital platform, they have to rethink the rollout of digital going forward," Mr Greco said.

"Everything has gone digital and the portals are an essential tool of trade."

HPE declined to answer questions posed by The Financial Review about the nature of the technology failure, its discussions with the ATO about compensation, or how it intended to weather the reputational damage at a time when it is seeking to start making strides in Australia by winning new clients.

It responded instead with a prepared statement: "HPE is treating the resolution of ATO systems as the highest corporate priority. Following the disruption on February 1, HPE deployed additional global subject matter experts to work with the ATO. With many ATO systems now available, HPE will continue to work with the ATO to further improve the performance of the systems," it said.

Before last week's outage the ATO's services had also been down for multiple weekends over January while the ATO continued scheduled maintenance from December's failure.

Government reaction

Shadow Assistant Treasurer Andrew Leigh, who labelled the ATO's technology failure a "shemozzle" in December, was again critical of the tax office and the government.

"The Turnbull government's inability to deliver its technological agenda, let alone basic government web services, is now a chronic symptom of dysfunction and division," he said.

Minister for Revenue and Financial Services, Kelly O'Dwyer declined to comment beyond saying that most of the ATO's systems were up and running now.

Ovum government sector global lead analyst Kevin Noonan said years of government cuts to core IT budgets had resulted in not just the tax office's tech crisis, but also the bungled Australian Bureau of Statistics digital census and Centrelink's ongoing issues.

"[These incidents] are not a coincidence. After the cuts taken out of IT budgets some years ago, many of the agencies complained that core maintenance would suffer as a result, and now we're seeing the result of that lack of attention to core processes," he said.

"On one hand it's right and proper for the government to focus on additional digital services and innovation, but it falls flat if core processes cannot be maintained."

The ATO said that its IT budget was dictated by government decisions, but Mr Katf said there had not been material changes for the past five years.

On Monday the government's former head of digital transformation Paul Shetler also told The Financial Review that cost cutting and poor internal culture were responsible for the tech outages, which he described as "predictable".


While neither the ATO nor HPE disclosed specifics around the ongoing question of future compensation, Mr Katf said it would be decided following the PwC review and would also encompass whether compensation should be paid to affected accounting firms and small businesses.

"Right now we're focused on restoring our systems and we want HPE and their people to be involved in the restoration and migration to the new hardware. Those other issues will be formed and shaped as the PwC review comes together," he said.

Mr Katf acknowledged the damage the ATO outages, alongside the raft of technology issues with other government agencies in the last six months, had done to the level of public trust in government digital services. He also praised the efforts of the ATO's IT team in trying circumstances.

"We're genuinely sorry and we'll work exceedingly hard to regain that trust," Mr Katf said. "We'll deliver secure, safe and reliable digital services into the future and it's through those actions that we can give people confidence in the ability to interact with government services digitally again."