School of Geography and the Environment, Oxford. © Tom Weller
"Welcome to the School of Geography and Environment, an intellectually vibrant, research-intensive academic department at the centre of British geography."
Professor Heather Viles, Head of School

An academic department of the University of Oxford, the School is internationally recognised for the quality of its teaching, research and wider engagement. In addition to world leading education and research in the School, we host three internationally recognised research centres and lead cross-university initiatives and collaborative networks.

  • Environmental Change Institute
  • Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment
  • Transport Studies Unit

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Prof Danny Dorling @ TEDxExeter | April 2016

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Forthcoming Events

Beyond technology: the role of innovation in achieving universal access to drinking water
Peter Harvey, Chief of UNICEF's Water, Sanitation & Education Centre, Copenhagen. Oxford Water Network Seminar. Blue Boar Lecture Theatre, Christ Church, Oxford.
Oxford Climate Society Talk: Jonathan Porritt
Jonathon is the Co-Founder of Forum for the Future, the UK's leading sustainable development charity, and an eminent writer, broadcaster and commentator on sustainable development. He will be talking about our path towards a greener future. | Turl Street Kitchen, Oxford.
Green and Smart Transport
Professor Jianping Wu, Director of Future Transport Research Centre of Tsinghua-Cambridge-MIT at Tsinghua University in Beijing. | This talk will introduce some of the recent researches in Future Transport Research Centre at Tsinghua University. It covers the following 4 areas: 1) Urban traffic emission pollution control with on-line traffic management strategy; 2) The driving behaviour recognition using Big Data technologies; 3) Simulation system for autonomous driving; and 4) AlphaGo and the future urban traffic control. Gilbert Room, SoGE, University of Oxford.
Prosperity without Growth - 7 years on
Tim Jackson, Professor of Sustainable Development, University of Surrey. ECI Big Ideas Seminar Series. School of Geography and the Environment, Oxford. Fully booked.
Implications of policy on AMR in the environment, and vice versa
Andrew Singer, Centre for Ecology and Hydrology. Hilary Term Interdisciplinary Microbiome Project Seminar Series. Roy Griffiths Room, Keble College, Oxford. Booking not required.
Adaptation regimes: confronting climate change and environmental crisis in Bangladesh
Kasia Paprocki is a PhD Candidate in Development Sociology at Cornell University. She has worked in Bangladesh for over a decade, where her work has focused on the political economy of development and agrarian change. Herbertson Room, SoGE, Oxford. Booking not required.
Dugald Clerk Lecture 2017: The resilience of Britain's water supplies in an uncertain future, London
Professor Jim Hall FREng FICE, Director of the Environmental Change Institute. Institution of Civil Engineers, One Great George Street, London.
The mobilities of young adults in the 21st Century
Featuring guest speakers Prof Ann Berrington (University of Southampton) and Jean Taylor (Senior Service Manager Policy & Partnerships, Lambeth Council). Chaired by Dr Debbie Hopkins (TSU). Beckit Room, SoGE, Oxford.
Invisible energy policy - the role of materials and products in mitigating GHG emissions
Prof John Barrett, University of Leeds. Oxford Energy Colloquia. Halford Mackinder Lecture Theatre, SoGE, Oxford.
IFSTAL: Methods for analysing food systems
Part of the IFSTAL programme for post-graduate students with an interest in the food system. This workshop will explore methods for analysing food systems. Booking required. Gibert Room, SoGE, Oxford.
What about food poverty in Oxford?
Frances Hansford (Good Food Oxford). SoGE, Oxford.
Cities as First Responders of Climate Change
Cynthia Rosenzweig, Senior Research Scientist, NASA. ECI Big Ideas Seminar Series. H O Beckit Room, SoGE, Oxford.
Trouble in paradise: Ocean management in the tropics - 10th Annual Ocean Policy Symposium
Speakers include: Dr Catherine Head (Zoology, Oxford); Dr Prue Addison (Zoology, Oxford); Claire Hanratte (SSEE, Oxford) and Emma McIntosh (SoGE, Oxford). Lecture Theatre, SoGE, University of Oxford.
Infrastructural violence and the right to the city
Dr Martin Coward, University of Manchester. Technological Natures & Transformations Hilary 2017 Seminars. E W Gilbert Room, SoGE, Oxford.
International development financing: current priorities, policies and practices on water resources, environmental and social issues.
Professor Stephen F. Lintner, Visiting Professor of Geography, King's College London. Oxford Water Network Seminar. H O Beckit Room, SoGE, Oxford.
Energy Colloquia: Energy Futures, air pollution, and health
Speaker to be announced. Halford Mackinder Lecture Theatre, SoGE, Oxford.
The Food of our Food: Microbial Lessons From the History of Growth Promoters
Hannah Landecker, UCLA Institute for Society and Genetics. Hilary Term Interdisciplinary Microbiome Project Seminar Series. Roy Griffiths Room, Keble College, Oxford.
Oxford Water Network: Title TBC
Prof Wendy Jepson, University of Texas A&M. Herbertson Room, SoGE, Oxford.
Can future energy needs be met sustainably?
Professor Sir Chris Llewellyn Smith, Director of Energy Research, University of Oxford. Lecture Theatre, Oxford Martin School, 34 Broad Street, Oxford. Booking Required.
Forest peoples' rights and the future of the tropical forests
Dr Marcus Colchester, Forest Peoples Programme. Oxford Centre for Tropical Forests Seminar. H O Beckit Room, SoGE, Oxford. Booking Required.
Mobilities for an ageing population
Featuring guest speakers Associate Prof Charles Musselwhite (Swansea University) and Jane Vass OBE (Director of Policy & Research, AGE UK). Chaired by Prof David Banister (TSU). Gottmann Room, SoGE, Oxford.
Why India needs monsoon scientists
Sunita Narain, Director General, Centre for Science and Environment. ECI Big Ideas Seminar Series. H O Beckit Room, SoGE, Oxford.
Biomass recovery and carbon mitigation potential in regenerating Neotropical forests following agricultural land use
Prof Robin L. Chazdon, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Connecticut. Oxford Centre for Tropical Forests Seminar. Halford Mackinder Lecture Theatre, SoGE, Oxford. Booking Required.
Fact and Fuss: implications for microbiota research
Lindsay Hall, Institute of Food Research, UEA. Hilary Term Interdisciplinary Microbiome Project Seminar Series. Roy Griffiths Room, Keble College, Oxford. Booking not required.
Discrepant cosmopolitanism and the urban geopolitics of hospitality and hostility in Beirut
Dr Sara Fregonese, University of Birmingham. Technological Natures & Transformations Hilary 2017 Seminars. J Gottmann Room, SoGE, Oxford.
Land, Outdoors & Nature
Join Peter Nixon, the National Trust's Director of Land, Landscape and Nature and Professor Heather Viles, Head of The School of Geography & the Environment as they discuss the challenges and opportunities we face today in caring for and studying the natural environment. St Luke's Chapel, Radcliffe Observatory Quarter.
IFSTAL: Shaping change and developing solutions in the food system
Booking required. Herbertson Room, SoGE, Oxford.
Oxford Energy Colloquia: How an oil and gas company successfully moved into renewables
Cheshire, CEO Dong Energy, UK. Halford Mackinder Lecture Theatre, SoGE, Oxford.
Hydrological prediction for drought and flood early warning in sub-Saharan Africa
Justin Sheffield, Professor of Hydrology and Remote Sensing, University of Southampton. Oxford Water Network Seminar. H O Beckit Room, SoGE, Oxford.
SoGE Annual Lecture 2017 | Geography and heritage conservation: making our research useful | Professor Heather Viles, Head of School and Professor of Biogeomorphology and Heritage Conservation
In this year's Annual Lecture, Professor Heather Viles examines the value of geography and interdisciplinary research to addressing the core issues in heritage conservation. Halford Mackinder Lecture Theatre, SoGE, Oxford. This event is for alumni, students, staff and friends of the School of Geography and the Environment. Booking Required.
Symbiotic nitrogen fixation and the tropical carbon sink
Dr Sarah Bateman, University of Leeds. Oxford Centre for Tropical Forests Seminar. Beckit Room, SoGE. Oxford. Booking Required.
Life events and mobilities across the life course
Featuring guest speakers Dr Sara Tilley (University of Edinburgh) and Emma Aldrich (Regional Programme Officer for East & Southern Africa, Marie Stopes International). Chaired by Dr Tim Schwanen (TSU). Beckit Room, SoGE, Oxford.
Urban shrinkage with Chinese characteristics
Dr. Vlad Mykhnenko, University of Oxford. This study exposes a hitherto well-concealed dimension of China's urban geography - that of shrinkage, directly effecting one in ten of its cities. Rewley House, 1 Wellington Square, Oxford.
Pathological Lives
Steve Hinchliffe, University of Exeter (Geography). Hilary Term Interdisciplinary Microbiome Project Seminar Series. Roy Griffiths Room, Keble College, Oxford. Booking not required.
Dirt and danger: Beyond a bourgeois understanding of public spaces
Dr Pushpa Arabindoo, University College London. Technological Natures & Transformations Hilary 2017 Seminars. A J Herbertson Room, SoGE, Oxford.
Holocene climate change and the domestication of SW Amazonia
Prof Frank Mayle, University of Reading. Oxford Centre for Tropical Forests Seminar. J Gottmann Room, SoGE, Oxford. Booking required.
Title to be confirmed
Dr Rodrigo Camara Leret, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Oxford Centre for Tropical Forests Seminar. A J Herbertson Room, SoGE, Oxford. Booking required.
4th Oxford Interdisciplinary Desert Conference
The 4th Oxford Interdisciplinary Desert conference provides a forum for researchers and those interested in desert and dryland environments and societies to present, discuss and debate dryland themes and research. Registration now open.

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Experience the unique and integrative undergraduate geography degree programme at a university leading the way in geographical teaching and research. Our undergraduate degree provides students with a wide range of experience and skills across the breadth of geography, based on in-depth teaching from our many expert staff.
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International Graduate School

With over 200 graduate students from a range of nationalities, professional and disciplinary backgrounds we are one of the largest, most diverse and vibrant graduate schools in the world offering six advanced degrees in Geography and the Environment.
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Our Research

The School is undertaking world-class interdisciplinary research, addressing societal and environmental problems, and advancing knowledge within an exciting research environment. Find out more

Our Research Centres

In addition to world leading education and research in the School, we host three internationally recognised research centres and lead cross-university initiatives and collaborative networks.

  • Environmental Change Institute

    Environmental Change Institute

    The ECI is an interdisciplinary institute for research on the complex processes of global environmental change, the exploration of sustainable solutions, and the promotion of change for the better through partnership and education. Find out more

  • Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment

    Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment

    The SSEE is enabling business and governments to address the global energy, environment and sustainable development challenges of the 21st century. Find out more

  • Transport Studies Unit

    Transport Studies Unit

    The Transport Studies Unit seeks to advance innovative approaches to the study of 'transport futures' over time and space. Find out more

Our Research Networks

  • Oxford Networks for the Environment

    Oxford Networks for the Environment

    The Oxford Networks for the Environment mobilise the University's expertise to find solutions to the complex, converging challenges of energy, water, food security, climate change, and threats to biodiversity. Find out more