More Ultimo than White Bay: Innovation districts need public transport

'I would start with your existing assets': Brookings Institution's Julie Wagner says innovation districts can more ...
'I would start with your existing assets': Brookings Institution's Julie Wagner says innovation districts can more easily be created in areas that already have people, traffic and academia. Jessica Hromas

In the inner city battle of where to have Sydney's first so-called innovation district, Ultimo is a clear leader over White Bay because it already has the university and transport infrastructure needed to underpin any such collaborative precinct, Brookings Institution urban planner Julie Wagner says.

The view is significant. Ms Wagner and Brookings colleague Bruce Katz were the people who in 2014 coined the term for the urban areas where leading tech companies and institutions could work in close to start-ups and research and academic workers.

Since then, politicians and developers around the world have rushed to label new sites as "innovation districts" and Australia's largest city is no different. Macquarie Park in the northern districts, along with White Bay in the Bays Precinct and Lendlease's Barangaroo have all been punted as innovation districts.

Existing sites were the best way to start, however, Ms Wagner said.

Sydney's Ultimo, which already combines academia, business and good public transport is a natural contender as the ...
Sydney's Ultimo, which already combines academia, business and good public transport is a natural contender as the city's first innovation district. James Brickwood

"I would start with your existing assets and look at your base of anchor institutions as an important magnet, an important geography," she told The Australian Financial Review during a visited to Sydney hosted by the Committee for Sydney.

"If you created an innovation precinct that included UTS [University of Technology Sydney] and University of Sydney together, along with Central Station and looked at that Central Station as a place for start-ups as well – because I do believe that this is an endangered species in Sydney in part because of land rents – that's a pretty powerful punch you've got there."

For Australia, which lags OECD rankings of collaboration between academia and the corporate world, better ways of discovering and commercialising intellectual property are crucial. Traditional financial services and property companies are already forging their own links with disrupters coming from the emerging fintech and proptech sectors, but the notion of an innovation district – in contrast to the isolated Silicon Valley-like campus – offers a way to encourage that collaboration on a wider scale.

Good public transport was fundamental. The most successful precincts, combining research, start-ups and established companies in close working distance, existed in places where people naturally wanted to be and were part of efficient transport networks, Ms Wagner said.

She didn't rule out a location such as White Bay, which the state government last year said it would develop, but said the former power station site could be one of a number of such precincts in Sydney.

Sydney's former power station at White Bay in Rozelle could be an innovation precinct - in time.
Sydney's former power station at White Bay in Rozelle could be an innovation precinct - in time. Supplied

Any such new would need a lot of planning and development – much more than just one tech company anchor tenant – she said.

"White Bay is certainly another area that should be looked at as an innovation precinct," Ms Wagner said. "But what it requires is a comprehensive and well-sequenced approach that thinks through all the pieces of what it takes to create a healthy ecosystem. One anchor company or institution is only one piece of a much, much larger puzzle."

Last year, businessman Michael Cannon Brookes, the father of Atlassian founder Mike Cannon Brookes jnr, said White Bay would "never" succeed as an innovation precinct.

An isolated site could succeed, but good transport was crucial, Ms Wagner said.

"If Sydney and the greater Sydney area are going to get serious about innovation, it needs a comprehensive public transport system," she said.