11 ways to make housing more affordable

Public servant Mia Cornthwaite (left) and her partner, social worker Nicola Cornthwaite with their 20-month-old daughter ...
Public servant Mia Cornthwaite (left) and her partner, social worker Nicola Cornthwaite with their 20-month-old daughter Wren - have purchased their first home. Chris Hopkins

No one solution will solve the housing affordability problem. Experts favour utilising the tax system over tampering with supply.

Ultimately every available policy will be needed to reign in soaring prices, or politicians will face an increasingly hostile electorate. Our reporters asked industry experts for their solutions to the growing crisis.

1. Draw down super

The idea of allowing first home buyers to extract a portion of their superannuation to get into a newly built home and add to the overall supply of housing has been toyed with previously.

The Abbott government promoted the concept as a means to improve affordability for first-home buyers but there was the inevitable backlash from of superannuation funds.

Superannuation was always meant to be about putting money aside while you're working, so you can enjoy a regular income later in life when you retire. While that income is important for buying food and paying energy bills when in retirement. Owning the roof over your head is considered just as important. Liberal MP John Alexander argues having a house is an essential retirement requirement and super is all about what is needed in retirement.

The chairman of ASX-listed developer Sunland Soheil Abedian has previously attacked the proposal to allow first-home buyers to dip into their superannuation.

"It really won't resolve affordability because with the masses of people that will come to the market it is inevitable that prices will go up."

"Superannuation was created for the purpose of retirement, it wasn't for the purpose of wealth creation and that needs to be untouched."

The Association of Superannuation Funds of Australia has repeated called for caution in response to proposals to allow first homebuyers to access their superannuation.

ASFA CEO Dr Martin Fahy says housing affordability is an important area that need to be addressed, but this should not necessarily be at the expense of supporting people to achieve dignity in retirement.

"The current compulsory rate of the Superannuation Guarantee (9.5 per cent) is barely enough to allow most people to build enough retirement savings to fund a comfortable retirement. Raiding the nest egg early to pay for a home deposit or other purposes is likely to dramatically reduce people's final benefits."

Even the Property Council of Australia is not a supporter. "Its easy to go after bright shiny new solutions," chief executive Ken Morrison says, "but what we need to focus on is the planning and the taxes and charges and the ability to get the supply." Matthew Cranston

 What $1.1m will get you
What $1.1m will get you

2. Remove minimum limits on house or apartment size

A Japanese friend recently came to live Sydney in a shared standard-sized 50sq m two bedroom apartment on the lower north shore. When she first saw her room, she thought it was the whole apartment.

In Japan, particularly in dense cities like Tokyo, many first home buyers have the option to buy apartments as small as they like, even a 9sq m home where the occupant can touch both ends of the apartment by stretching out their arms.

While extreme - many standard apartments in Tokyo were about 20sq m, a far cry from NSW one-room standard of 50sq m or in Victoria, a minimum of 37sq m for studios and one-bedroom apartments - these "one-room mansions" as they are known in Japan allow Japanese first home buyers to afford a home.

Alexander Tashevski-Beckwith (with his mother Marika) was planning to buy his first home in St Kilda.
Alexander Tashevski-Beckwith (with his mother Marika) was planning to buy his first home in St Kilda. Eddie Jim

State governments, particularly NSW and Victoria the two biggest concentrations of of apartments, have the power to lower sizes but ironically have actually increased minimum sizes in the past two years.

This was a response to the top issues for most Victorian residents who wanted access to adequate daylight and natural ventilation, minimisation of noise between apartments and resources efficiency, according to former Victorian planning minister Richard Wynne."Apartment dwellings are here to stay and what we've found over the last decade or so, is the quality of some of these apartment's is quite poor because there's been no minimum standards," he said.

Banks in Australia have a preference for bigger houses requiring larger loans, keeping people out of the market. Melbourne 20-year-old, Alexander Tashevski-Beckwith, who was earlier this year denied a loan because his choice of home was "too small".

His bank, NAB, said they were no longer approving loans for properties smaller than 50sq m (five times bigger than Japan's one-room mansions). But there have been some wins for those looking for affordable homes. The Gosford City Council approved the development of Australia's first urban tiny home project for the homeless, four 14sq m houses in Gosford and Umina Beach on the NSW Central Coast. Su-Lin Tan


Reserve Bank of Australia

3. Direct government grants

Handing out cash to young home owners is probably the most obvious way to help them enter the market and some states already to do. But it's a policy with drawbacks.

First home buyers make up just 13.8 of percent of all owner occupier home loans, down from 20 percent a decade ago. That has prompted calls for boosting the grant offered by all states and territories to first home buyers.

NSW opposition leader Luke Foley this week called on the NSW government to reverse a decision that cut the state's First Home Owners Grant (FHOG) by 50 percent to $10,000.

"There's a massive imbalance in favour of investors and speculators that acts against the interest of those seeking to buy a first home," the ALP leader said.

He pointed out the number of people receiving the grant had fallen from 32,000 in 2011 to 9000 last year.

Experts say it's bad economics to add more heat to an already hot market. The grants tend to push up house prices higher.

"It is now widely accepted that policies that simply give people more money to spend on housing are likely to be capitalised into higher housing prices," the Reserve Bank of Australia said in a submission to Federal parliamentary inquiry.


Reserve Bank of Australia

Most state governments now only offer grants for newly constructed houses. These boost housing supply as well as adding to demand in the construction sector.

Restricting the grant to new builds is one reason fewer people are using it. States increasingly means test the grant or put limits on the price of the house that can be purchased - in Victoria and Queensland it's $750,000.

Governments have been cracking down on grants used to buy investment properties or holiday houses. In fact, many people buy investment properties as their first house so they can take advantage of negative gearing and don't worry about a FHOG. Geoff Winestock

4. Stamp duty exemption

In Sydney, the most expensive city for housing, a first-home buyer purchasing a median priced $822,000 home (based on the latest ABS property price data), would be faced with a stamp duty bill of over $32,000.

While there are stamp duty exemptions and concessions already available for first-home buyers in most states and territories they are generally only up to a certain value and don't cover all types of property.

For example, NSW offers stamp duty exemptions to first-time buyers who purchase newly built homes below $550,000 and concessions for new homes valued between $550,000 and $650,000 - but nothing if you buy an existing home.

The idea of replacing stamp duty with a broad-based land tax has the support of the NSW Business Chamber which in tandem with the NSW Council of Social Service released a report last year using modelling by KPMG to examine the impacts of the change.

One of the conclusions was: "A switch from stamp duty to land tax would improve housing affordability by making it easier for households to move as their needs change over time, enabling better use of the existing housing stock and reducing the upfront costs of home ownership."

In the ACT, a broad land tax is being phased in over two decades, starting in 2012. Not without criticism.

A report by think-tank Prosper found that the ACT had cut up to $2200 off annual mortgage payment costs and kept house price growth 20 per cent below what it would otherwise be after only three years.

Public policy think tank the Grattan Institute believes cutting stamp duty is a good idea, arguing that it especially penalises young people, who tend to be more mobile.

"But reforming stamp duty alone won't make housing substantially more affordable, especially if it only applies to first home buyers," says Brendan Coates a fellow at the Grattan Institute.

Instead the institute believes changing planning rules to allow apartment development in the inner and middle ring suburbs is the "biggest lever to make housing more affordable". Larry Schlesinger

5. Review planning laws which do not reflect changing market demands.

Planning laws have always played catch-up to reality The Nightingale 1 development in Melbourne's Brunswick had to be redrawn with three car parks after a Victorian planning tribunal ruled that a 20-unit development couldn't be done without some parking - even though the location is adjacent to a train line and bike track and appeals to a demographic that's happy to car share.

In Sydney, critics of the state's SEPP65 guidelines for apartment design say the well-intended rules have the unintended consequence of limiting the production of smaller, studio-type apartments, despite a 2015 revision. Car parking is the biggest bone of contention. Nightingale 2, Melbourne's second such affordable housing development and one planned next to a railway station, has also been taken to the state planning tribunal by would be residents concerned it doesn't have car parks.

"Some people are yet to wrap their heads around the fact that there's a generation coming up that is quite prepared to live without a car if it means they can live where they want to live – and also not spend $50,000 on a car park they don't need," says James Legge, the architect leading Nightingale 2.

The rise of car-sharing and autonomous cars also meant the culture of car ownership was going to change sooner than people expected, says Legge, who expects to hear the tribunal ruling soon.

"We're at that nexus point where things are changing, but it's still difficult to convince people." Michael Bleby

6. Incentives to subdivide existing suburban blocks

Does the solution to the affordable housing crisis lie in Australia's backyards? Can sub-dividing large suburban lots create wealth for their owners and cheaper housing for the coming generations?

New data presented at the Melbourne Economic Forum last year showed the middle ring of suburbs, from 5 kilometres to 20 kilometres from the city centre, has experienced almost no change in population density in 30 years, especially in Melbourne and also in Sydney.

By contrast, density in the inner 5 kilometres of Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane has increased significantly in a surge of apartment development.

State governments are taking a much closer look at suburban backyards. But, say planners, it would be folly to think that simply sub-dividing large blocks will be enough to address the problem.

"In terms of impact on affordability, it's a numbers game," says James Larmour-Reid, an urban planner at Planisphere in Melbourne.

"In the existing established suburbs incremental sub-division without development is going to have an impact but it's not going to be the main game.

"The impact is going to be getting better yield and more diversity of housing types for different households."

That means clusters of town-houses and lower density apartment blocks. In some cases, it means neighbours combining their lots to make a larger development feasible.

New zoning rules introduced in Victoria under the previous government restricted much suburban development. They were quickly embraced by residents and councils but are now under review by the current government.

Sydney has already been making good use of its backyards, making it easier for homeowners to construct granny flats. In fact there's a granny flat boom happening.

Broader reform is underway, aimed at getting more medium-density housing into the 'missing middle'.

The approvals scheme, if adopted, means lower rise housing, including sub-divided dual dwellings, terraces and townhouses, will be fast-tracked through the NSW planning process.

Planning Institute Australia NSW president Jenny Rudolph wants to open up Sydney to more medium density housing.

"As government and planners we really need to implement the strategies, and improve planning legislation to support our society." Nick Lenaghan

7. Penalties for people who leave homes empty

If first home buyers can't afford a home, the logic goes they will need to rent.

But the number of available rental properties, supposedly on the rise due to the recent apartment boom in the big housing markets of Sydney and Melbourne, is not as high as planned.

Swathes of investors "buy to leave" that is, buy apartments without renting them out.

In late 2015, think tank Prosper Australia, through the study of water usage, said as many as 20 per cent of all investor-owned properties in Melbourne were lying empty.

"We don't have anything to ensure those homes are being utilised. It doesn't matter whether they're foreign owned or investor owned the economic cost to us is enormous," author of the report Catherine Cashmore said.

Global major housing markets like London, Hong Kong and Vancouver all suffer the same malaise, to such an extent, a "vacancy tax" has been used.

Vancouver City Council approved the "vacancy tax" on empty homes late last year.

The UK and Ireland are toying with the idea of a similar tax. They're also considering a "matchmaker scheme", where the Government purchases vacant homes from owners who no longer want to own to use as social or affordable housing.

The income generated from the scheme could then be used to fund affordable housing or go towards supporting first home buyers. Su-Lin Tan

8. Limit Airbnb competition for rental apartments

There is a strong argument that regulating Airbnb will improve housing affordability by making it harder for investors to buy small apartments and other entry-level properties for the purpose of offering them on the accommodation sharing platform.

In short there would be less competition for these properties and less pressure on prices.

A widely-publicised index created by London estate agents Nested to show how quickly investors could pay off their home loan using Airbnb (from 26 to just 7 years for a three-bedroom Sydney property) will only encourage more investors to snap up properties that might have found their way into the hands of first-time buyers. Indeed estate agents are now advertising properties as "Airbnb suitable".

Regulation could come in the form of allowing owners corporations to ban short-term letting in their apartment blocks, a move advocated by strata group, the Owners Corporation Network, or by enforcing wider bans through planning rules.

A NSW government report released in October last year called for light regulation of Airbnb and other similar platforms by requiring owners to obtain a development permit in some cases. In South Australia there are no restrictions on Airbnb use while Victoria and Queensland have no specific rules.

The counter-argument against regulation – the same one used by those opposed to changing negative gearing – is that putting limits on what investors can buy inhibits the creation of new housing.

A report into Airbnb and housing affordability in Portland, Oregon - a large US city grabbling with its own affordability crisis - by ECONorthwest, an economic consultancy, found minimal, if any, impact from Airbnb on housing affordability. In fact the report found that Airbnb encouraged the creation of more long-term housing.

In its defence against regulation Airbnb has argued on two fronts: that its platform is mostly used by homeowners to earn a bit of extra money and that its share of total housing stock is very small – less than 1 per cent in Sydney - and so has little impact on the overall housing market.

Larry Schlesinger

9. Value capture from infrastructure projects fed back into mandated affordable housing

NSW took a tentative step towards mandating the construction of affordable property in November when the Greater Sydney Commission laid out plans for the wider city's six newly defined districts which would set developers a five to 10 per cent target of affordable housing - dwellings sold at a nominated affordable price or offered to eligible low to moderate earners or to affordable rental providers - in all new developments.

The idea, which followed public support for the notion from former premier Nick Greiner, was modest in comparison with requirements in other countries. In November, London Mayor Sadiq Khan set an affordable housing requirement for new developments of 35 per cent - less than the 50 per cent he had previously advocated.

South Australia's so-called inclusionary zoning rules have since 2005 required significant housing developments to include a minimum 15 per cent affordable housing. But even so, the commission's move drew a response from the Property Council of Australia that any such requirement should be offset with tax breaks or or allowances for greater density on sites. AV Jennings boss Peter Summers last year criticised what he said was a government tendency to impose rules and expect the industry to respond, rather than working cooperatively.

Advocates such as Greater Sydney Commission chief executive Sarah Hill say that Sydney's proposed new targets would only apply to projects on land that was being rezoned for higher density residential use and already giving developers a benefit.

The affordable housing lobby agrees. "Whenever there is a specific uplift in value from rezoning, we should be capturing some of this, either as a proportion of affordable housing or as a compulsory contribution for the development of affordable housing," National Shelter head Adrian Pisarski says. Michael Bleby

10. Negative gearing

Negative gearing, the policy that has been the source of hot housing debate and political bickering for decades. On Friday, Federal treasurer Scott Morison ruled out any changes.

Negative gearing allows property investors who make a loss to reduce the tax they pay on any income. Australia has more than 2 million landlords, and more than 60 per cent made a loss in the 2013-14 financial year.

Australia is one of the few places in the world to operate such a wide scheme, resulting in many investors snapping up property which are not cash flow positive, but where prices were rising.

This justifies the investment allowing investors to tap into annual capital growth of up to 18 per cent a year in the current residential boom.

Negative gearing was the hot-topic issue in the lead up to the 2016 federal election. Su-Lin Tan

11. Tax foreign property investors

While Australia has so far refused to follow the Canadian model of imposing a direct tax on foreign investors, the Coalition has quietly been ramping up its use of forced sales and penalties against illegal buyers.

According to figures from Treasury released last year the Australian Tax Office has ordered the divestment of 46 properties valued at more than $90 million.

While many of the forced sales were of high-end trophy properties in Sydney and Melbourne, properties worth as little as $200,000 have also been hit. Nationalities involved ranged from the United Kingdom, Malaysia, China and Canada.

The crackdown followed a House of Representatives inquiry in 2014, which showed there'd been no prosecutions since 2006 for breaches of foreign investment rules. That was despite widespread anecdotal evidence in the nation's hottest property markets of rampant offshore buying.

Following that inquiry, enforcement was shifted to the tax office from the Foreign Investment Review Board, and penalties were ramped up to a maximum of $127,500 for individuals, and $637,500 for companies and up to three years jail.

So far the penalties imposed by the government have fallen far below those levels.

Treasurer Scott Morrison in late September revealed 2200 properties referred to the tax office, with some 400 cases under active investigation.

More than 179 penalties have been issued totaling $900,000 in fines. Jacob Greber