How to upgrade your flight and make it CHEAPER than an economy ticket: Genius 'hidden city' ticketing hack revealed

  • Hack works by booking a flight to a destination where your intended city is a layover
  • This involves intentionally 'missing' the final leg of your flight, so you can only bring carry-on luggage
  • For example, you can fly from London to LA via Sweden in premium for cheaper than economy 

It sounds mad, but it is possible: an airfare hack that will save you a fortune provided you 'miss' a connecting flight.

Known as 'hidden city ticketing', the trick works by booking a flight to a destination where your intended city is a layover, rather than the final stop.

By not taking this last leg of the flight, you can fly from London to Los Angeles, for example, in premium economy for £515 return - when a standard economy flight booked the traditional way costs £539.

Booking a flight from London to LAX in economy class with Air New Zealand currently costs £539 in economy class
However, flying from Sweden to LAX with British Airways in Premium Economy costs only £486 (right) - and stops over in London on its way back

Booking a flight from London to LAX in economy class with Air New Zealand currently costs £539 in economy class (left). However, flying from Sweden to LAX with British Airways in Premium Economy costs only £486 (right) - and stops over in London on its way back

All you'll need to do for the plan to work is get yourself from London to Stockholm one-way, which only costs £29 with Monarch

All you'll need to do for the plan to work is get yourself from London to Stockholm one-way, which only costs £29 with Monarch

Explained here in full by travel expert Gilbert Ott, the man behind God Save The Points, the 'hidden city' hack does come with its caveats - you can't check in luggage for example, but you could save a load of cash.

'Hidden city ticketing is an opportunity to save money on flight prices by booking travel via a city you don't want to visit - which for whatever reason is pricing out cheaper than the place you do really want to visit,' Mr Ott explains. 

For example, booking a flight from London to LAX in economy class with Air New Zealand currently costs £539 in economy class.

However, flying from Sweden to LAX with British Airways in premium economy costs only £486. You only need to find a cheap one-way flight to get you from London to Sweden - there is currently one for £29 with Monarch airways - bringing the total to £515.

The return flight stops at London Heathrow for a layover before its final leg back to Sweden - this being the flight you would miss intentionally.

Travel expert Gilbert Ott (pictured) explains that you can only bring carry-on luggage with you, since checked bags end up in the city you'll miss out

Travel expert Gilbert Ott (pictured) explains that you can only bring carry-on luggage with you, since checked bags end up in the city you'll miss out

If you are booking to fly business class, the savings multiply even more. Flying from London to Rio in business class currently costs £2,052. But if you get yourself to Brussels and fly from there instead, it costs only £1,263.

Hidden city ticketing is not illegal, Mr Ott explains, and he advises passengers not to inform the airline you'll be missing your final leg. 

'It's impossible for an airline to know why you missed a flight or prove that you intended to and therefore it's a grey area with far more than 50 shades, all of which you can get away with if you play it right,' he says.

'Don't tell anyone your plan and if asked (which won't happen) come up with whatever reason sounds fun at the time.'

The one thing you must do is restrict your luggage to carry-on only. 

If you do check in a bag, it'll end up at the city you didn't want to go to. 

'With very few exceptions, your bags will go to their final ticketed destination,' Mr Ott states. 'If you have no bags you can simply hop off.'

So why does it work? 

'Certain cities inadvertently end up becoming "fare-war" cities,' he explains. 'If you can book travel to a fare-war city with a connection through your intended city you can win big time, since airlines really only care about winning your business to the competing city, and don't mind you flying cheap (on the flight you actually want to take).'

And how is it possible to find these hidden city deals?

Mr Ott suggests using sites like Flyertalk to see where most of the deals out there are originating or ending. That, or simply using trial and error to see which cities are cheapest.

'For example, in Europe, certain cities like Dublin, Stockholm, Helsinki and Milan always seem to be cheaper than others,' he advises.

'So even if you really want to go to Paris, London or anywhere else, you would search like you're booking to one of those cities, and look for a connection that goes to the place you actually want to end up at.' 

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