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Special Interest Groups

The association currently maintains eight special interest groups:

Auditing and Assurance Special Interest Group (SIG1)

Accounting History Special Interest Group (SIG2) 

Accounting Standards Special Interest Group (SIG3)

Qualitative Research in Accounting Network Special Interest Group (SIG4)

Accounting Education Special Interest Group (SIG5)

Public Sector and Not-For-Profit Accounting Special Interest Group (SIG6)

Behavioural Finance Special Interest Group (SIG7)

Management Accounting Special Interest Group (SIG8)

If you are a current member of AFAANZ and wish to join any of the SIG/s above, please go to, log in, select the SIG/s you wish you join, and complete payment.

If you are not a current member of AFAANZ you will first need to register as a member of AFAANZ at, then select the SIG/s you are interested in joining and then make payment.