Dad labelled 'disgusting' for feeding daughter in shopping centre parents' room

New dad, Damien Leeson, was left horrified after being labelled "disgusting" for feeding his baby.
New dad, Damien Leeson, was left horrified after being labelled "disgusting" for feeding his baby. Photo: Daily Mercury

A new dad has been left horrified after being labelled "disgusting" for feeding his baby in the parents' room of his local shopping centre.

Damien Leeson was at Caneland Central shopping centre in Mackay, Queensland, with his seven-week-old, Harpah, when he was accosted by a woman.

"I got into the [parents'] room, gave [Harpah] a change and started feeding her when a mother walked in with her son," Mr Leeson told The Daily Mercury. "She looked at me and said 'that's disgusting to see a full grown man in a parents' room with a little girl' and that I'm 'a dirty old [expletive]'," he said.

"She took her son to the toilet and then, as she walked out, she said to her friend who was waiting outside, 'there's a dirty old man in the parents room', and the friend replied with 'yeah that's [expletive] up'."

Mr Leeson and his wife - who was also present at the time - were left in shock after the verbal attack.

"I'm quite a hands-on dad, dirty nappies, feeding, anything I can do," Mr Leeson said. "I was doing the right thing."

When the proud new father took to Facebook to share his experience, he found he wasn't alone. Other dads reported similar stories, something Mr Leeson describes as "disturbing".

"I had heaps of other dads comment saying 'that's normal mate', 'get used to it' and that they get dirty looks and comments all the time," he said.

For mum Natalee Stencel, who commented on Mr Leeson's post, the incident gave her insight into why her partner feels uncomfortable going into parents' rooms on his own.

"My hubby is very hands-on, when he is home. He believes that's his time to be a dad and rarely gives me the chance to change bub's bum or feed him ... but when it comes to the parents' room he always feels uncomfortable and likes me to be with him," she said.

"I never understood why until I read this, how can someone think it's inappropriate for a dad to do the right thing and change and feed his daughter?"

Along with tales of similar encounters, Mr Leeson also received an outpouring of public support following the incident - and is determined not to let it change his behaviour.

"I'm still going to keep taking my daughter to the parents' room and trying my hardest to be a good dad," he said. "Males are there to look after their kids too, it's not just the mum's duty.

"I hope other dads will keep their chin up and not worry about those comments and looks, just keep doing what you're doing and stay involved with your kids."

A spokesperson from Caneland Central Shopping Centre told The Daily Mercury that their parents' rooms are available for use by both men and women, to care for their children.
