Daily Life

Meet Laura Brown, the fashion editor shaping up to be Australia's answer to Anna Wintour

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"Gwyneth Paltrow, I need some help," declares Laura Brown, casual in a T-shirt, sitting on a yellow couch in front of a blender filled with kale and apples.

"Okay," says the Hollywood actor.

"I'm just starting to question all my life choices," continues Brown, "and I figure I'd just be better off generally if I was more like you."

"I agree," says Paltrow.

​Brown presses the blender and then, as the pair sip their green drinks, she declares: "I just became a better person."

"I saw it happen," replies Paltrow faux-seriously. 


The fact that Brown could convince the aloof Paltrow to mock her own wellness philosophy for this Instagram clip is testament to the power Brown wields in America's A-list circles, and highlights the trademark humour that sets her apart in the serious world of fashion media. 

A former student of Willoughby Girls High on Sydney's north shore, Brown has hit the big time. After 15 years in New York as a fashion journalist and editor, last August the 42-year-old was named editor-in-chief of the US edition of InStyle, the iconic fashion magazine with an online and print reach of more than 30 million readers.

Aside from her juggernaut appointment, Brown has an Instagram feed laced with outrageous fame and glamour – huddling with Kirsten Wiig and Drew Barrymore at the Golden Globes, jazz hands with Princess Eugenie and mock pouts with Chanel's Karl Lagerfield. 

But peppered among the celebrities are also images of Brown cuddling kangaroos, swigging VB with boyfriend Brandon Borror-Chappell (an aspiring comedian 16 years her junior), and the odd pair of designer shoes.

Whether Brown is front-row at the Paris fashion shows or on a plane to the recent Washington D.C. Women's March, she seems to be perpetually mucking around. "Sometimes a chick just really feels @dolcegabbana in the bathroom," she posted at Fortune's Most Powerful Women Summit last year. 

Back in Sydney for Christmas, she's feeling a bit flu-ish, but her drollness and style are undampened. A self-described "unnatural blonde", her years in New York have shaped an accent in which she pronounces her r's – "designer" instead of "designa". "Reese Witherspoon is really good at doing 'Yeah-nah'," she jokes, intermittently slipping into mock Aussie patois. Dressed in a flowing powder-blue Zimmermann dress, her hands are laden with rings, including a gold smiley face.

So how did she land one of the biggest jobs in fashion media? "I'm pretty simple. I worked hard, I'm a nice girl, I make nice jokes, I'm reasonably smart, I've got okay taste. If you do all the things right and you are good to people, you should do well," she says, as we sit casually on a park bench in inner-city Pyrmont for our interview. 

"If there's anything that's distinguished me in the American fashion industry it is, I think, that I come across as the 'real girl' [she puts on a voice], a girl who eats her dinner and has a laugh. I eat a lot of spaghetti." 

Although Brown downplays her appointment, fashion news website Business of Fashion remarked that "There are few editors as well-suited for the InStyle job as Brown, whose easy rapport with Hollywood celebrities, art-world doyennes and name-brand designers helped her to become one of the top 'wranglers' of the business."

Brown joined InStyle after 11 years at US Harper's Bazaar, where she became a name in her own right, and executive editor. She not only interviewed the likes of Hillary Clinton, Michelle Obama and Jennifer Aniston, but also developed a knack for pulling off wacky fashion concepts, marrying high-end glamour with mass pop-culture.

She sent The Simpsons to Paris Fashion Week, producing images of the cartoon family clad in Louis Vuitton sitting front-row at a Marc Jacobs show, and marshalled top designers to pose on Sesame Street: Oscar de la Renta with Oscar the Grouch, Diane von Furstenberg with Big Bird.

For the 40th anniversary of Jaws, Brown had Rihanna swim with grey nurse sharks at an aquarium, and then drape herself across the jaws of a purpose-built fake great white – the image was named Fashion Cover of the Year by the American Society of Magazine Editors last year. 

During her tenure, she collaborated with Hollywood directors like Martin Scorsese and Tim Burton, and tapped into the art world, getting photographer Cindy Sherman to satirise street-fashion seen outside the fashion shows. Brown also moved her playfulness online, hosting two fashion series in which she goofs around with celebrities – jesting with the likes of Kim Kardashian and Girls star Lena Dunham, and advising Elmo from Sesame Street about couture.

Laughs are not high on the fashion world's agenda. "There are not a lot of fashion editors who have a public sense of humour," agrees Brown. "They may be funny people but they may not necessarily show it as much as I do.

"If there is anything I take pride in, it is showing that this is not an unattainable world. I love it when some kid on Twitter, some gay 18-year-old kid from the Philippines, says, 'I want to be Laura Brown's best friend' and I'm like, 'I thought we were best friends.' That's really fun."

Brown has a "gift for marrying the exclusive with the inclusive", says her long-term friend Christian McCulloch, a Sydney-born, New York-based make-up artist. 

"Fashion can be very exclusive and intimidating to some, and while she has fantastic rarefied taste and a sense of chic, she also has an innate desire to share and bring people together," he writes via Facebook. "People connect so easily to that down-to-earthiness, the dry, irreverent sense of humour about things. Her message is more about enjoyment than self-seriousness."

Brown in the flesh is much like her Instagram persona – smart, upbeat and knockabout. She has a touch of the fast-talking zaniness one finds in New York, but overall is thoughtful and unpretentious, with an obvious love, and knowledge, of fashion. I do get a glimpse of toughness though: when I ask why so many people are down on Gwyneth Paltrow, she gives me a hard "no comment" look.

"Pass on that," she says. "I love her. She's such a sport in the video."

While Brown's Instagram feed may document a high life, her journey to the top of the New York publishing world has been a long, slow march through the trenches of fashion journalism.

"Sometimes you forget you've earned it," she remarks. "If somebody had told me when I was 15 or 20 or 25 that I would be the editor-in-chief of InStyle, my head would have blown off , because that seems, when you are here [in Australia], so far away." 

Raised by her mother Lola in Manly and North Sydney, her first memory of being interested in fashion was when she was nine and artfully draped a towel. "I wasn't obsessed with fashion in the way where I styled myself as some outrageous specimen," she says. "I just liked fashion in magazines, I liked Hollywood and movies, I liked photography.

"There's so much you can read into fashion, there are so many images you can create and there is so much collaboration and participation. I love all that and there's a newness to everything that I never really get sick of." 

After finishing a communications degree at Charles Sturt University in Bathurst, NSW, Brown got a job at the now-defunct fashion magazine Mode as a production editor. She later moved to London for two years but says it was a "dumb decision" as she was a freelancer with no contacts: "I remember one day I didn't have enough money for a Coke." 

She went to the Paris fashion shows on her own. "I didn't talk to anybody who wasn't a waiter for about four days," she says. "Everybody was kind of mean. It was raining." 

Back in London, she attended an Alexander McQueen show in which two robots sprayed paint at a model dressed in a white smock. "It was better than any rock concert, or play, or anything, it was such an amazing event. That's when I realised that fashion shows can be shows and I really admire people who still put on a show and not just one about 'here are the new spots'."

After London, Brown returned to Sydney and landed a job at Harper's Bazaar as features editor. She stayed for two years, but New York beckoned. With $5000 in the bank, she arrived a week before the September 11 terrorist attacks. She worked at a number of magazines – Talk, W, Details – before landing a job at US Bazaar in 2005. Being an Australian in New York has helped, she says. "There's something that emanates from us – a lack of cynicism or something … It's a very American thing to say, 'Your energy is so great.' " Of all the famous people she's met, Brown has been especially impressed by the actor Tilda Swinton ("She's such a smart, brilliant, unique human being"), and the supermodel Christy Turlington, who's become a good friend ("Now she's really into quokkas").

Even though Brown still runs in to the toilets at work to try on every piece of clothing she's sent – "I'm like a bowerbird: 'It's shiny. I need to put it on' " – she says she's been in the industry long enough to keep herself grounded. 

And she disputes the notion that fashion can be a cynical business. "When we see someone who is really exciting, has something to say, people gravitate to it and they support it," she says. "We want to see beautiful things and creative things, people with a voice." 

"I say this to my staff all the time: 'In magazines and celebrity and publishing, if you don't have a voice you are nowhere.' It doesn't matter what technology you use, no matter how many followers, what buttons you press or who you hire, if you don't have a voice, you will be nothing." Sage advice from an unnatural blonde.