Malcolm Turnbull's hanging tough in a rough start

Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce laughs as Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull attacks Opposition Leader Bill Shorten and ...
Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce laughs as Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull attacks Opposition Leader Bill Shorten and gives succour to his backbench. Andrew Meares

When the US-Australia relations were tested following revelations about that conversation between Donald Trump and Malcolm Turnbull, the phones in the Prime Minister's office went gangbusters.

As folk scrambled to stem the damage, Turnbull received a call from an old colleague – John Howard.

Howard lists as one of his signature achievements in office the strengthening of the alliance while, at the same time, elevating the relationship with China.

He rang not to offer advice per se, but encouragement.

Howard told Turnbull he was doing the right thing by keeping a cool head rather than engaging in some slanging match with Trump, as some pelicans were urging he do. Howard himself was maintaining a conspicuous silence.

Not only would Turnbull hitting back put further strain on relations, it would jeopardise the fragile refugee deal and further condemn to misery the poor coves on Manus Island and Nauru whom many of the same pelicans claim to care about.

It was a quick call, about 90 seconds, because Turnbull had others to take. But according to those around him, it helped significantly in terms of reassurance and confidence.

A rejuvenated PM

Politics is a confidence game and Turnbull ended that week looking resolute and feeling vindicated.

This week's laceration of Bill Shorten as a social climbing sycophant and hypocrite during Question Time was also a confidence play.

To those actually in the chamber witnessing the spray, there was nothing confected about the unanimous reaction from the backbench and the ministry as the boss took off the gloves and gave it back after months of copping it.

Tony Abbott sits alongside Kevin Andrews in Question Time and the pair rarely look up or engage. But even Abbott nodded in approval as Turnbull let fly. Andrews, like his hair, was unmoved.

Nor was there anything confected abut the reaction afterwards. "It was like a line-breaking try," effused one conservative MP who typically cannot abide Turnbull. Another likened it to "a captain's knock".

A minister texted. "Game just changed: backbench very happy as I walk among them."

A seasoned member of the ALP acknowledged "the backbench loved it" but among the public, it would go down "like a cup of cold sick".

"No-one likes an angry prime minister," he said.

No-one disputes this.

Keeping cool

Turnbull knew not to over-egg his attack on Shorten. He dialled it back in Parliament the next day. And Shorten played it well. Having lured Turnbull into the drain, he stayed cool, kept the conversation on the policy at issue, and took the high ground the next day.

Without a hint of shame, many who cheered Julia Gillard ripping Abbott a new one for being a hypocrite over women, or who still yearn for the days when Paul Keating would tear up John Hewson or Alexander Downer, took to social media and radio to express outrage over a conservative leader giving it to a Labor leader.

Keating's sprays were legendary but unpopular among the broader electorate. Gillard's misogyny speech was delivered on a day where there was a much bigger story raging – her government almost collapsed because it refused to sack Peter Slipper. After that speech was delivered, independents Tony Windsor and Rob Oakeshott threatened to pull their support for the government if Slipper was not axed.

Little wonder Gillard's speech was not the headline issue that very day. Still, as it resonated in the days and weeks afterwards, it it won her admiration but no votes.

Turnbull's spray was more reminiscent of Howard. As one Liberal with a corporate memory longer than a gnat's finger said straight after question time on Wednesday, "That was Howard".

Indeed. It reminded one of Howard in about 2001 when he chose to stand and fight. He was down in the polls, his leadership was being gossiped about and Kim Beazley's Labor was making hay with the newly introduced GST. Beazley had proclaimed Labor would surf to victory on the wave of anger over the tax.

One day Howard snapped and went into a full-blown tirade. The backbench stamped its feet as Howard, his pate humber with rage, reached the crescendo. He leant across the table and, with a venomous conviction that made Beazley visibly wilt, told the Labor leader that the country was going to an election in a matter of months and "sooner or later you are going to have to tell the Australian people what you stand for".

A massive morale boost

Like Turnbull's speech and Gillard's attack, both of which had hypocrisy as their core allegation, it was a hell of a speech, but not designed with next week's polls in mind.

Howard boosted morale because it showed he was prepared to fight and, ultimately, it proved a psychological turning point within the Coalition. It is way too early to say whether Turnbull finding his mongrel will do the same.

But too many people see politics as a zero-sum game when it is an incremental business. If Turnbull can rally the backbench, that creates confidence and it shores him up to go after Labor rather than have to keep one eye over his shoulder.

Moreover, he is right to say that character is as important as policies in politics. After more than a year of having his own character taken apart, he has decided to sow seeds of doubt in voters' minds about Shorten.

He needed to do something. The week began with another miserable Newspoll and dark mutterings among a few on the right about revisiting the leadership should things not be on the mend by July. Sound familiar?

Ironically, Cory Bernardi, who warned Turnbull that forces were ranging against him, failed to increase the damage with his defection on Tuesday. That did more to unite the party behind Turnbull. Few, if any, lamented his going, noting he had long been more of a problem for the Liberals than Labor, under both Turnbull, Abbott and Turnbull again.

They were just angry that he took a Liberal Senate spot and most predict he will sink without trace in that crowded field vying for the disaffected vote.

"It was like watching someone threatening to jump off a ledge," said one minister

"There was a lot of interest in whether he'd actually do it but as soon as he did it, it was like, 'oh well, that's over, let's go have a beer.'.''

Phillip Coorey is The Australian Financial Review's chief political correspondent.