Rupert Murdoch and Donald Trump contemplate the Wendi Deng factor

Wendi and Rupert Murdoch with their daughter Chloe last July ... a delicate relationship that reaches into the White House.
Wendi and Rupert Murdoch with their daughter Chloe last July ... a delicate relationship that reaches into the White House. Instagram

A month before he turns 86, Rupert Murdoch is engrossed in an excruciating balancing act, as he tiptoes between the competing agendas of President Donald Trump, his dark consigliore Steve Bannon, Murdoch's own sons Lachlan and James, and his unstoppable ex-wife Wendi Deng.

The prize is access to the centre of US political power. In Britain, Murdoch and his lieutenants meet with the prime minister or the chancellor almost once a month, while in Australia, Murdoch can arrange meetings with almost any politician any time he wants.

Cracking the White House is important for Murdoch. But it's tricky. How this plays out will shape the enormous money streams that Fox News creates within Murdoch's 21st Century Fox.

Rupert Murdoch has always been a player in Washington, but over the past two decades Fox News founder Roger Ailes had subsumed much of that role. It was Ailes making the political plays rather than Murdoch.

In the aftermath of Ailes' ouster in August, Murdoch took over as chairman of Fox News ... and had a ball. He was a player again. He's back.

In the maelstrom of Trump politics, the Murdoch family connections throw off some of the most colourful backwash.

It's a morality tale of sorts. Team Trump's great obsession is loyalty, which is why Bannon, now one of President Trump's two chief advisors, doesn't like the Murdochs.

"They got it more wrong than anybody," Bannon told Murdoch biographer Michael Wolff in November.

"Rupert is a globalist and never understood Trump. To him, Trump is a radical. Now they'll go centrist and build the network around Megyn Kelly."

Kelly is the former Fox News anchor who drew Trump and Bannon's ire during the election. As Wolff put it last month, James and Lachlan Murdoch wanted to recast Fox News in a more moderate form (which is to say less supportive of Trump), which was to be based around Kelly.

It was a financial issue as much as a political one, an attempt to attract a younger demographic for Fox News.

Wolff says Kelly knocked back a $US100 million four-year contract and went to NBC News instead. Tucker Carlson, yet another right-wing anchor, took over Kelly's old spot, and Fox News has lurched further into the Trump camp, even as the younger Murdochs voiced muted criticism of Trump's immigration order last week.

Bannon might not like the Murdochs, but loyalty runs two ways. In 2006, Jared Kushner bought the New York Observer magazine, and cultivated Rupert Murdoch as a mentor.

"Rupert does it this way," he would tell Observer staff. He began reading books Murdoch recommended.

When Rupert and Wendi were renovating their Manhattan triplex they moved into a condo at Trump Park Avenue, where Kushner lives.

And after Kushner split with his then girlfriend Ivanka Trump in 2008, it was Wendi who got them back together again by inviting them both to cruise on the Murdoch yacht, Rosehearty.

When Rupert divorced Wendi, Kushner helped him renovate his new apartment. Today Kushner is just as critical a player in the White House as Bannon. And loyal.

Despite sparring with Murdoch during the campaign, in December Trump asked him for suggestions on who to head the Federal Communications Commission. Murdoch now talks to Trump at least once a week. And when Trump gave his first foreign interview to The Times, Murdoch was in the room along with Trump.

The only hiccup here has been the revelation this week that if Rupert was tight with Jared, Wendi remains way tighter with Ivanka. Until late December Ivanka was on a five-person board overseeing the trust that holds $US290 million of 21st Fox and News Corp shares for Wendi's daughters, Grace and Chloe.

The children earn $US3.3 million in dividends each year (they will also be entitled to $US40 million a year as their one third share of the Cruden Family Trust, but that will depend on the adult Murdoch children).

After Rupert froze out Wendi in 2013 over her relationship with former British PM Tony Blair, she has remade herself, in particular through her close friendship (chronicled extensively on Instagram) with Ivanka and with Dasha Zhukova , the wife of Russian billionaire, Roman Abramovich, who in turn is best friends with President Vladimir Putin.

And Putin, it was implausibly reported just weeks after Rupert married model Jerry Hall last year, was supposedly in a relationship with Wendi.

It's a great story, particularly because it looks almost certainly untrue. It puts Wendi in the middle of the fraught relationship the Trumps have with Putin and his associates.

And what a player she is. If anyone can put a spanner on Murdoch's grip on the White House, it's Wendi, if she wants to.

It's a simple moral. Whatever else you do in your divorce, at the end of the day, you'd better stay on speaking terms with your ex.