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Search results for: 1926
Group of American Admirals together during the naval fleet's visit to Australia, New South Wales, 1926 [picture]. [nla.
Alan Cobham plane arriving at Sydney Airport to a large crowd, Sydney, August 1926 [picture]. [nla.
Racehorse Heroic, New South Wales, ca. 1926 [picture]. [nla.
Race horse Valicare and jockey trot on to the track, New South Wales, ca. 1926 [picture]. [nla.
R.M.S. Carinthia being tugged into a harbour, New South Wales, ca. 1926 [picture]. [nla.
Approach to Sydney Harbour Bridge from the southern end, Sydney, ca.1926 [picture]. [nla.
Large crowd watching the Newcastle Cup, New South Wales, 29 May 1926 [picture]. [nla.
Arrival of aviator, Alan Cobham, from England, New South Wales, 1926 [picture]. [nla.
Arrival of aviator, Alan Cobham, from England, New South Wales, 1926 [picture]. [nla.
Arrival of aviator, Alan Cobham, from England, New South Wales, 1926 [picture]. [nla.
Due to the age and fragility of the Glass Plate Negatives Collection, some images are scratched or incomplete. These imperfections will be apparent in the final print, and a refund will not be available after purchase if the image is of a poor quality.
Actor Guy Bates Post and his wife on a ship, New South Wales, ca. 1926, 1 [picture]. [nla.
Actor Guy Bates Post and his wife on a ship, New South Wales, ca. 1926, 2 [picture]. [nla.
Government House and gardens in Yarralumla, Canberra, 1926 [picture]. [nla.
Jack Gregory bowling during a New South Wales versus Victoria cricket match, Sydney, January 1926 [picture]. [nla.
American boxer Jack Britton flexing his chest, New South Wales, ca. 1926 [picture]. [nla.
American boxer Jack Britton showing off muscles in his back while flexing his arm, New South Wales, ca. 1926 [picture]. [nla.
American boxer Jack Britton raising his arms to display back muscles, New South Wales, ca. 1926 [picture]. [nla.
Car driving away from Parliament House, Canberra, 1926 [picture]. [nla.
Two people wearing winter clothes on Mount Kosciusko during a blizzard, New South Wales, 1926 [picture]. [nla.
Chalet at Charlottes Pass on Mount Kosciusko during a blizzard, New South Wales, 1926 [picture]. [nla.
Skier at the top of Charlottes pass on Mount Kosciusko during a blizzard, New South Wales, 1926 [picture]. [nla.
Chalet at Charlottes pass on Mount Kosciusko in the early morning, New South Wales, 1926 [picture]. [nla.
Female skier on Mount Kosciusko, New South Wales, 1926 [picture]. [nla.
Parliament House nearing the end of construction, Canberra, 1926, 1 [picture]. [nla.
Wooden bridge with concrete pylons over a river, Canberra, 1926 [picture]. [nla.
Parliament House near end of construction, Canberra, 1926, 2 [picture]. [nla.
Reverend Herbert Hayes, Toc H Padre standing on the steps of a church with a group, New South Wales, ca. 1926, 1 [picture]. [nla.
Reverend Herbert Hayes, Toc H Padre standing on the steps of a church with a group, New South Wales, ca. 1926, 2 [picture]. [nla.
Governor-General of Australia Lord Stonehaven John Baird saluting in uniform, Sydney, 1926 [picture]. [nla.
Mr Ennis, Mr Bell[?], Mr Dorman[?] and Mr Hughes seated at the laying of the Sydney Harbour Bridge foundation stone, Sydney, 26 March 1926 [picture]. [nla.
Mr Newman and his model helicopter, New South Wales, June 1926 [picture]. [nla.
Removal of the Caxton Head Keystone from the old Herald building, Sydney, 1926 [picture]. [nla.
Major Eric Hyman of the Returned and Services League, New South Wales, 1926 [picture]. [nla.
H.M.A.S. Melbourne in Sydney Harbour, Sydney, ca. 1926 [picture]. [nla.
Battleships of the United States of America fleet on Sydney Harbour, Sydney, 1926 [picture]. [nla.
Shop fronts in Canberra, Canberra, 1926 [picture]. [nla.
Houses in Canberra suburbs, Canberra, 1926 [picture]. [nla.
View of early Canberra with gum trees in the foreground, Canberra, 1926 [picture]. [nla.
Cotter River Dam surrounded by trees, Canberra, ca. 1926 [picture]. [nla.
View of Commonwealth Avenue with parked cars in the foreground, Canberra, ca. 1926 [picture]. [nla.
Man operating a Sunshine harvester, Beckom, New South Wales, 1926 [picture]. [nla.
Mr. Hodgson a defendant in a divorce case, New South Wales, 1926 [picture]. [nla.
Mrs. Dyke wife of Henry Joseph Dyke, New South Wales, 1926 [picture]. [nla.
Five miners in the Balmain Colliery, New South Wales, 13 November 1926 [picture]. [nla.
Mr. Mart Kallas Estonian architect and contractor, New South Wales, ca. 1926 [picture]. [nla.
Chairmen of Reuters Sir Roderick Jones, New South Wales, ca. 1926 [picture]. [nla.
English Girl Guide official Marjory Shanks in uniform, Sydney, 1926 [picture]. [nla.
Sir Edgar Bertram MacKennal standing outside building with a group of people, New South Wales, ca. 1926 [picture]. [nla.
Sir Edgar Bertram Mackennal standing with his wife Lady Annabella Bertram Mackennal, New South Wales, ca. 1926 [picture]. [nla.
Sir Edgar Bertram Mackennal and wife Lady Annabella Bertram Mackennal sitting at a table with others, New South Wales, ca. 1926, 1 [picture]. [nla.
Sir Edgar Bertram Mackennal and wife Lady Annabella Bertram Mackennal sitting at a table with others, New South Wales, ca. 1926, 2 [picture]. [nla.
Men crowded around Sir Edgar Bertram Mackennal at reception in his honour , New South Wales, ca. 1926, 1 [picture]. [nla.
Men crowded around Sir Edgar Bertram Mackennal at reception in his honour , New South Wales, ca. 1926, 2 [picture]. [nla.
Men crowded around Sir Edgar Bertram Mackennal at reception in his honour , New South Wales, ca. 1926, 3 [picture]. [nla.
Sir Edgar Bertram Mackennal in door war with others at reception in his honour , New South Wales, ca. 1926 [picture]. [nla.
Sir Edgar Bertram Mackennal talking to two men, New South Wales, ca. 1926 [picture]. [nla.
Sprint championship athlete Tim Banner standing on field, New South Wales, ca. 1926 [picture]. [nla.
Sir Alan Cobham with another man and woman who is holding a doll of Sir Alan Cobham, New South Wales, 1926 [picture]. [nla.
Sir Alan Cobham seated, New South Wales, 1926 [picture]. [nla.
Mr Frankford representing the artificial flowers manufacturers of New South Wales, 26 July 1926 [picture]. [nla.
Car entering circular driveway of Hotel Canberra with Mount Ainslie in background, Canberra, 1926 [picture]. [nla.
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