Showing posts with label Information. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Information. Show all posts

Wat Pa Maha Kaew in Thailand, the temple built from millions of bottles of various forms. Starting from the year 1984 in which the preacher pastor buddha collecting unique bottle to decorate their temples. Collection bottle which was then set turned out to be interesting sights.

Wat Pa Maha Kaew was decided to build a temple from a collection numbering bottle so much, any shape and color variety. This situation led to the temple to visitors contributed their bottles .From collected millions of bottles that eventually follows a temple built supporting structure. Even the bottle, who became the main decoration in Wat Pa Maha Kaew temple. What a unique and interesting sights.

This unique Wat Pa Maha Kaew-temple is in Siasaket province, 370 miles north of the capital of Thailand. The number of bottles for the development of the whole complex to reach 1.5 million bottles. Including the solarium, crematory and even toilets are made entirely from the bottle.

Now you can imagine,
Thailand people are creative,
in order that, they can built this Wat Pa Maha Kaew temple

1. Transparent frog

Native of Venezuela, a family-owned glass frog amphibian Centrolenidae (order Anura). While the general background color of most frogs lime-green glass, these animals have a transparent abdominal skin, so that the heart, liver, and gastrointestinal tract are visible through the skin.

2. Transparent Fish Head

This strange animal in the water fish called Barreleye (Macropinna microstoma) has a head and tubular eyes. This is very sensitive to light that the eye can play, a shield with fluid in his head, while the tubular eyes of fish, both in the head, bordered by bright green lens. Eye point upward (as shown here) when the fish look for food on their heads. They pointed to the front when the fish feed. Two points above the mouth of the fish is not obvious: they are the olfactory organs called nares, which is analogous to the human nose

3. Transparent Butterfly

Found in Central America, from Mexico to Panama, Glasswing Butterfly (Greta Oto) is a brush-footed. Network between the veins of its wings looks like glass

4. Transparent Squid

Found in the southern hemisphere oceans, Glass Squid (Teuthowenia pellucida) have light organs on the eye and have the ability to roll into a ball, like a sea urchin. This is the prey of many deep-sea fish (eg goblin sharks) as well as whales and oceanic seabirds.

5. Transparent ZebraFish

This translucent zebra animal was discovered in 2008 by scientists so that they can study disease processes, including the spread of cancer. Transparent fish allows researchers at Children Hospital Boston to directly view the internal organs of fish and observing processes such as tumor growth in real time in living organisms.

6. Transparent Jelly-fish

And in the cold waters around Antarctica and southern South America, crocodile icefish (Channichthyidae) eat krill, copepods, and other fish. Their blood is not transparent because they have no function of hemoglobin and erythrocytes. Their metabolism depends only on the oxygen dissolved in blood fluid, which is believed to be absorbed directly through the skin from the water. This works because water can dissolve oxygen during the coldest. In five species, the gene for myoglobin in the muscles also has disappeared, leaving them with a white heart, not pink.

7. Transparent Amphipod

Phronima is called, unusual animals this is one of the many strange species recently found on an expedition in the mountains to the sea in the north Atlantic. Scientists say the ironic strategy of survival of this small shrimplike creature shows everything in the and outside in an attempt to disappear

8. Transparent larval shrimp.

Found in the waters around Hawaii, this pig's back larvae.

9. Transparan salp

It's like a jellyfish animals known as Salps feed small plants in the water, called phytoplankton (marine algae). They are barrel-shaped animals that can range from one to 10 cm in length.

10. Transparent jellyfish

Jellyfish free swim, a member of phylum Cnidaria. They are found in every ocean, from the surface into the sea. Many of the jellyfish so transparent that they almost impossible to see. The one above is from the genus Arctapodema, with the length of one inch (2.5 centimeter-long).

They are all funny right??
Because they are 10 Transparent creature

1. Kim Ung-Yong: Being Human in the World Highest IQ

Born in 1962, Son of the Korean people was crowned as a genius in the whole world. Imagine the Unur 4 years, he was able to read Japanese characters, Korean, German, English.
At the age of 5 years he was able memacahkan calculus problem in question. He registered himself in the Guinness Book of World Records with the "Highest IQ" 210.

2. Gregory Smith: Getting the Nobel Prize At Age 12

Born in 1990, Gregory Smith registered his name on the nobel peace. thanks to his efforts in establishing the International Youth Advocates. Associations of young people around the world.
He had met directly with President Bush, and also Michael Gorbacev lho ...

3. Akrit Jaswal: Doctors Surgery age 7 years

This gan've ever had out nickname "the smartest kid in the world" has been attached to the Akrit Jaswal, seoarang child from India. He surprised the Public, when at the age of 7 years of performing surgery on a local girl in his place. the girl suffered burns on his hands, until his hands could not be opened, and jaswalpun fingers do the surgery until she could be open as usual.
Currently, he is recorded as the youngest doctor in the world, he was accepted at the University at the age of 11 years.

4. Cleopatra Stratan: Singer Boy Aged 3 Years to Pay € 1000 per song

Born on October 6, 2002 at Chisinau. He is a chronicler of the music industry as a singer. With the 2006 album La vârsta de trei ani ( "at the age of 3").
He noted the record of a little artist who appeared on stage with thousands of fans. He was also awarded the MTV Award the youngest artist to score a # 1 Hit

5. Aelita Andre: Painters at the age of 2 years

This Australian-born child, only two years old has shown its quality as a genius, he has a building to show works of abstract.
At first, Mark Jamieson, director of the Brunswick Street Gallery in Melbourne's Fitzroy. Poto Tretarik saw a picture of Aelita Andre. and he wants to join the group because the talent is painting. When the invitation has been made, he had just realized that Aelita is a child who was aged 22 months. But he continued to show it.

6. Saul Aaron Kripke: Harvard while still teaching in high school

Born in New York and grew up in Omaha in 1940. Genius of this one, as he mastered in fourth grade algebra, when the end of primary school he was able to geometry, calculus and philosophy. When high school he obtained a letter from Harvard in order to apply as a lecturer, but his mother told him to finish school first.
Kripke awarded Schock Prize, the Nobel Prize in Philosophy. Now, he was named the greatest philosophers in history.

7. Michael Kevin Keaulus college at the age of 10 years

Kaerny, born in 1984, he completed college at the age of 10 years. and recorded as the youngest graduate. He taught college at the age of 17 years. His name is getting stuck when he won an online quiz. In 2006, he reached the final at the sign Burnett / aol perebutanGold Rush, game testing / puzzle, and became the first winner of 1 million in online reality game.

8. Luigi Fabiano Caruana: Grandmaster at age 14

A child berwarga American countries and Italy is really a genius. In 2007 he obtained Grandmasternya, 11 months, 20 days. history has recorded his name in the youngest Grandmaster.
And recently in April 2009, he received the Elo rating of 2649, under the age of 18 years, making it the highest ranking pemeroleh, and amazing, it was doing before he was even 18 years.

9. Willie Mosconi: Players Bilyard Professional at the age of 6 years

Earned the nickname "Mr. Pocket Billiards". He comes from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. His father was a landlord Billyard, but his father did not mengizinkannyamain, he often improvises with his mother's broom handle. Her father saw her talent, she often beat the people who lebig older.
Between 1941 and 1957, he was winning BCA World Championship for 15 times without losing even perbah. he memebuat various tricks, making a lot of records, and make Billyard become a famous sports

10. Elaina Smith: Broadcast Age 7 years

In the age of 7 years Elaina has been a radio broadcaster with the listener beyond her years. Elaina lot of love to give a solution to his listeners. How do I decide boyfriend, How to build a harmonious relationship.

Do you agree that they are the 10 smartest children in the world??

10. Freida Pinto (2% survey chosen)

9. Queen Rania of Jordan (3% survey chosen)

8. Bar Refaeli (3% survey chosen)

7. Megan Fox (3% survey chosen)

6. Jennifer Connelly (3% survey chosen)

5. Scarlett Johansson (3% survey chosen)

4. Penelope Cruz (3% survey chosen)

3. Halle Berry (4% survey chosen)

2. Gisele Bundchen (9% survey chosen)

1. Angelina Jolie (58% survey chosen)
They all are 10 pretiest and sexiest women in the world

The Greatest Old Lady

A grandmother aged 101 years old in London, still work for eight hours a day and six days in one weekend. Connie Brown, the name of the grandmother, working at fish shops own.

Store was founded by her husband, Sidney, in 1928. Brown skin every day, cut, and clean the fish. He claim to not enjoy their jobs and plan not to resign .Since her husband died in 1964, Brown lived in the Pembroke, West Wales, UK, assisted her son, Hilton (73).

"Many people suggest that age I enjoy a sunset, but what I do is the best and I love it. At the age of 100 years I consider myself still young," she said

Olympus Mons, is the largest mountain Mars is also the largest mountain in the solar system we are.
This mountain rises to the height reaches 27 km and has a diameter of 550 km. At the foot, Olympus Mons surrounded by steep cliffs with a minimum altitude of 6 km. At the peak, the mountain has a 85 km diameter crater.

It's still bigger than 3 x mount Everest

Mount largest diameter of the earth is the mountain Mauna Loa (Hawaii) which has a diameter along the 120 km. Compare with a diameter of Olympus Mons (550 km).

that's it,
Olympus Mons - The Biggest Mountain in the Solar System

15 Most Expensive Stuffs

1. The Most Expensive Cocktail
Cocktail these in the world at 15250GBP per glasss. Why so expensive? Because the beverage is put in the diamond ring. This drink is made by Harvey Nichols in Manchester. In addition to expensive, this drink also be favored with the under guard from the security side, when it's served on the table.
This fulgentdrink is a mix of 6,5 turmalin carrot and diamond ring. this Cocktail is the idea of Jay Malik, senior Bartender, who is asked to consider the type of beverages that fit Pink Dinners restaurant. Special storage cupboard has been prepared to store various forms of diamond rings available. Customers can choose their own form of the desired ring. Koktail the price of these 27 thousand Pounds Sterling engagement ring contains 2.

2. The Most Expensive shoes you want to feel like the king in the fairy daughter? Maybe you can make it when you wear shoes at Pounds Sterling 1 million This shoe is sold in Harrods, London. After difoto, shoes immediately secured in the case of the anti-missile alarm. In design, Stuart Weitzman inspired from the ruby slippers in the movie Wizard of Oz, which is woven from platinum thread and decorated with 642 stones ruby.

3. The Most Expensive Hair Cut If you want your hair cut by Lee Stafford, London, then you must simply dive in the pocket, which is equal to 1925GBP . In addition to hair services hairdresser who can only do in your house, you'll also get champagne, hors d'oeuvres (a kind of food lines) and the regulation of hair.

4. The Most Expensive houses, this is not a secret, a luxurious new home and broad in Windlesham, England is famous with the name Updown Court. Building area of 58 Acre (equivalent of 23.47202 hectares) has 103 rooms, 5 swimming pools, and private land for the helicopter. Are you interested to move there? Provide money Pounds Sterling 70 million

5. The Most Expensive Tea dye at 7500GBP were created to celebrate the birthday of PG Tips to 75. Boodles, designer jewelry takes 3 days to make the dye which is decorated 280 diamonds.

6. The Most Expensive Clock
In addition to expensive, this is one of the most complex hours that have been made. This clock sold at Sotheby's for U.S. $ 11M. Hours pocket is made of gold with 24 features of a complex.

7. The most expensive Handphone The Creator of gold-plated handphone is Peter Aloisson. The price is far more expensive cars from the BMW 3 series or the Jaguar S type, amounting to 28 thousand Pounds Sterling (about Rp511, 2 million). Motorola mobile phone brand in 1200 this diamond coated fingers and the buttons made of 18 carat gold. One of the ringtonenya recorded from another mobile phone made Aloisson, Diamante, which is also coated gold and 950 diamonds. Diamante is worth 23 thousand Pounds Sterling.

8. The most expensive Cat Nail Care , it seems possible that if your nails be painted with paint containing nails powder is platinum. Name this cat claw 'I Do', is a product of collaboration between the magazine Allure, distributor Johnson Matthey, PGI and Essie Cosmetics. The price is U.S. $ 250 (equivalent to Rp2, 3 million).

9. The most expensive Tie While Salman Khan, Indian actor fashion parade complete with this tie , this tie directly becomes so famous. The tie is 261 diamond encrusted 77 carat, made of pure silk cloth and gold 150gram. Paul tie the design group and Suashish Diamond is worth 1 crore (about 1 M rupee)

10. The most expensive Perfume for 47,500 Pounds Sterling is presented in this packages are pretty small. Wewangian this perfume is made by expert English origin, Arthur Burnham. Burnham make 4 bottles of platinum-plated, 24 carat gold, ruby stones, and diamonds.

11. The most expensive Pen Swiss companies' Caran d'ache 'make pen' La Modernista Diamonds' was sold in Harrods, the London price of U.S. $ 265 thousand. This pen is made specifically for the architect Antonio Gaudi, this silver-plated pen rhodium, 5072 diamonds and 96 ruby stones serpihan, the asker coated 18 carat gold.

12. The most expensive Painting The masterpiece of Pablo Picasso was made in 1905 when he was still the age of 24 years. Painting named Garcon a la Pipe (kid with the cigarette holder) sold for 104 million dollars (about 962.6 billion) go to the block at Sotheby's in New York.

13. The most expensive fungi Italian Restaurant 'Zafferano' on Knightsbridge buy truffle (fungus like) these in the world. How expensive? This restaurant willing to pay 28 thousand Pounds Sterling (approximately) only for 1.88 pounds mushrooms auction during the social events in Tuscany.

14. The most expensive Teddy Bear dolls This dolls' fur are sewed with golden thread, eyes made of gold and stone cabochons patchouli, which is surrounded by diamonds. Ears made of 24 carat gold. Length is 50 cm doll and this doll can growl. Price depends on model dolls and doll accessories that you want.

15. The most expensive Jeans for men and women is offered with a variety of prices, depending on the type of buttons that you select. U.S. $ 1000 (around Rp9, 3 million) for having silver jeans, U.S. $ 1500 (about Rp13, 9 million) for having a gold jeans. Jeans with having offered a platinum price of U.S. $ 3250 (about Rp30, 3 million) and the most expensive jeans having diamonds worth U.S. $ 4000 (about Rp37, 3 million). While the basic jeans cloth itself is a high quality woven fabric from India.

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