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Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Explicit Wordpress Theme

Explicit Wordpress Theme | Premium Wordpress Themes | Wordpress Themes - Blogger Templates

WordPress Themes Information:
Template Type : Premium WP Themes
It’s nice WordPress Theme for portfolio, business blog that takes advantage with all the amazing new wordpress 3.0 features.
Theme Features :

* All Fundamental Page Templates (main page, full-width page, search results, 404, contact, archives, author pages, post pages)
* 6 Additional Page Templates (blog, 3 portfolios, left sidebar page, right sidebar page)
* 3 Portfolio Layouts with 7 jQuery effects!
* Animated portfolio with category filtering!
* multiple CSS Styles
* Text Logo (+ tagline)
* Image logo
* 30+ custom easy to use Shortcodes
* Drag & drop Sidebar
* Drag & drop Footer
* Breadcrumb
* Cufon Font Replacement (separately for H1, H2, H3, H4)
* CSS Font Eeplacement
* 8 Custom Fonts to Choose From
* Custom Twitter Updates Widget
* Custom Flickr Images Widget
* Contact Form Widget with ALL possible fields!
* Accordion Content Slider
* Show/Hide Toggler
* Coin Slider inside posts
* Threaded comments ready
* Unlimited Sidebars
* Different Sidebar Per Post/Page

jQuery, Flash, Sliders etc.

* 5 Image Sliders
* jQuery Animated Nivo Image Slider
* jQuery Animated Menu (LavaLamp)
* jQuery Animated Accordion Image Slider (1kb only!)
* jQuery Animated Drop-down menu (SuperFish)
* jQuery Animated Coin Slider
* jQuery Animated Custom Image Slider (3 layouts!)
* jQuery prettyPhoto (with videos, images and flash content)
* 3D Flash Slider! (Piecemaker)
* Custom Text instead of slider
* Custom Image instead of slider
* 60+ sliders transition effects!

Code, PSDs, documentation etc.

* 100% Valid XHTML
* Compatible with all major browsers (IE7, IE8 , Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari)
* Layered PSD files
* Detailed, well-written documentation
* Further updates
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Creation Wordpress Theme

Creation Wordpress Theme | Premium Wordpress Themes | Wordpress Themes - Blogger Templates

Creation is a simple, clean and minimalist business wordpress theme suitable for company, business, portfolio, photography and corporate sites. Creation WordPress Theme takes advantage with all the amazing new WordPress 3.0 features.
Theme Features :

* Valid HTML5
* 2 Styles Layout
* WordPress 3.0
* New Custom Post Type for Slider
* New Custom Post Type for Portfolio
* New Menu Manager
* Auto Image Resizing with New Post Thumbnail
* 4 Sidebar Position
* Custom Widget
* jQuery Cycle
* jQuery PrettyPhoto
* Multi Level Dropdown Menu
* Cufon font replacement
* Option to use lightbox when clicking portfolio item
* Contact Page that compatible with Easy Contact plugin
* Cross Browser Compatible
* Well Documented
* PSD files Included
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Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Are you using cheap web hosting?

I think it's normally condition if people looking for the cheaper when to buy or rent something. That's all rights, but you should still thinking about a quality, service and the other things. Like when you want to choose your web hosting. Many cheap hosting that you can choose for your web. But, the most important thing before you choose it is their performance. You must read about them, like their features, technical and customer service, Reliability & Uptime, and many else. I have use the cheap web hosting for my Wordpress themes gallery blog. But i got disappointed. It to slow. I have told by my friends that if they come to my blog, it's really slow. Finally, i have move it into the new one. I read web hosting directory first before i decided to use new web hosting. I am looking for people review about that web hosting. I think when people says that it's good, i will not get second disappoint. Look up for this example, iPage web hosting review. You can find discounts for their hosting as well. You will know and it can give some advice for you to judge that it good or bad for your blog. Finally i just can said, cheap but good. Your blog performance more important than price. You will get a lot of visitor when you can satisfy your visitor. Remember when you have a lot of visitor, it's means you have high traffic. And sure that money will come to you.
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Friday, May 28, 2010

Tips to Choose Domain Name

Domain name is one of important thing when you just want to sign up and make a new blog. Whatever your blogging platform, It's still important thing. Domain name have a lot of affect for your blog. One big effect from your domain name is SEO. Domain name with contain your keyword will help you to gain your blog SERP.

Domain name also imagine your brand. I said that your brain is your identity, your reputation, your name, your business. The best way to establish your brand online is with a solid and memorable domain name. But how to find a best and right domain name? The key is to think long and hard before you make your decision, because just when you think all of the catchy domain names have been taken, you may find a "domain in the rough!".

Here are some tips how to choose a successful domain name for your blog:
  1. Take around and let start brainstorming for relevant to your domain words.
  2. Make a list as many words as you can think of related to your preferred domain name and make list as many words as you can think of that are related to the content of your website too.

  3. Make different combination
  4. Try to use a simple combination for your domain name from the listed name that are short, memorable, not easily confused, hard to misspell, related to the core of the business, with appropriate sounding to the core of your business.

  5. Try to add your keywords in your domain name

  6. If you do business online or e-Commerce , register your domain with as many of the extensions as available!

  7. If your preferred choice is not available, do not discourage and try the next combination!
And don't forget about your webhosting performance. It's also success key for your website.
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