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August 08, 2009

Toba Lake - Indonesia

World famous is the crater Toba Lake in the Batak highlands; approximately five hours drive from Medan. Toba Lake is the largest lake in South East Asia and also one of the most spectacular, surrounded by tall mountains and with the large island of Samosir in the middle. If we descend from the mountain we see the lake glittering in all its beauty. The Dutch writer Rudy Kousbroek even called Toba Lake, 'the most beautiful place on earth'. Most visitors stay on the peninsula of Tuk Tuk on Samosir, named after the linguist Herman Neubronner van der Tuuk. In general people stay several days on Samosir to discover the island, to visit traditional Batak villages, to swim in the lake and go to the hot springs inPangururan.

The centerpiece of North Sumatra, Lake Toba's bracing climate and magnificent panoramas clear the mind and soothe the soul. For decades a magnet from regional and foreign visitors alike, Toba has developed into a full-featured highland resort while retaining the rustic charm and relaxed ambiance that define Toba's attraction. Formed by a stupendous prehistoric volcanic explosion, the 100 km long lake is the largest in Southeast Asia and one of the deepest and the highest in the world. The drama of that cataclysmic birth persist in 500 meter cliffs dropping into the blue-green waters, surrounded by steep, pine c

overed sloped, the climate is fresh and pleasant, with just enough rain to support the lush vegetation.Toba Lake is a 100kms x 30kms volcanic lake in North Sumatra, Indonesia. Toba Lake has become one of the main tourist attractions for a long time in North Sumatra apart from Bukit Lawang and Nias, visited by both domestic and foreign tourist.

The Origin of Toba Lake
It is estimated that Toba Lake was formed during a volcanic eruption about 73.000-75.000 years ago and which was the most recent super volcano eruption. Bill Rose and Craig Chesner from Michigan Technological University estimated that volcan

ic materials that were spewed out the mountain totaling 2800km3, with 800km3 ignimbrites rock and 2000km3 volcanic ash that is estimated was blown (wind) to the west for 2 weeks. This incident caused mass death (destruction) and to several species also causes extinction. According to some DNA proof, this eruption also shrinks the humankind population to around thousands back then.

After this eruption, a caldera was formed that was filled by

water afterwards and now known as Toba Lake. The pressure from the dormant magma, which has not yet erupted, caused Samosir Island to emerge. The region that now known as Samosir Island originally was a peninsula that attached to the Sumatran mainland. In this peninsula the Netherlands built the water canal 10 m width.

For the first time visitors, going through Medan-Parapat route seeing a lake as big as that made Samosir appear like an amazing grand island. However, the island perspective will certainly faded with the increase in Toba plateau visitor, Nias and the other places in the south, through Medan-Berastagi route. Samosir occupied a central geographical position in the Toba plateau region. With the declaration of the Toba Samosir Regency (the inhabitants 302.000 lives, the area with wide of 3.440 km including the lake) it finally ascend fro

m only a shadow into a Regency. Moreover, the width of Samosir Island exceed Singapore (647 km), in fact Toba Lake almost twice bigger than Singapore. The Samosir image in tourism books as the backpackers location must be changed because this historic place must restore the greatness of its past.

Legend of Toba Lake

Once upon a time, lived a young orphan farmer in the northern part of the Sumatran Island. This area was very dry. The young man lived from farming and fishing. One day he went fishing, he already fishing for half of the day but still not getting any fish

yet. So he returned home for the day turns to night, but when he nearly left he saw a big beautiful golden fish, he then caught the fish and brought it home. He intended to cook the fish right away but watched the beauty of this fish he then cancelled his intention. He chose to keep it as pet, and then he placed it in a big pond and feed it. On the next day, like usual, he went to his farm, and on the noon he comeback home, to have lunch. But when he arrived in his house he was very startled for the meal had prepared to be eaten. He then fears that the fish might be stolen, and then hastily he ran to the back of his house.

However, the fish was still in place, for a long time he thinks, “Who cooks those meals”, but because his is very hungry, he ate those meals. But this inciden

t continued to occur again repeatedly, every time he came home for lunch, the meals are prepared on the table. Then one day this young man made a strategy to find out who cooks those meals, the next day he then began to commence his strategy, he then hide around the trees close to his house. He was waiting for a long time, but the smoke in his kitchen still has not been seen, and when he then intended to return home, he began to see the smoke in the kitchen.

"Hey woman, who are you, and where are you came from?” the woman began to drop tears, and then the young man saw his fish was no longer in the pond. H

e asked the woman, “hey woman, where is the fish in that pond?” the Woman cried intensely, but this young man continued to ask and finally the woman answers, “I was the fish that was caught by you”. The young man then startled, but because he felt that he had hurt the feelings this woman, then he said, “Hey woman, did you want to become my wife??” the Woman then startled, he stay quiet, then the young man said “Why are you silent??” Then the woman said, “I wanted to become your wife. But with one condition.” ”What is the condition?” the young man quickly asked, the woman then said, “In the future if our child was born and grew, never even once you said that he/she was anakni Dekke (child of a fish) ”. The young man then agreed to that condition and swore he will never say it.

Then they were married and granted a child. When the child was 6 years old, this child turn to be very naughty. Then one day the mother told her child to deliver meals to his father field, the child then went to deliver rice to his father. But in the middle of the trip, this child was felt hungry, then the child opened food package for his father, and ate the food. After finished eating, the child then wrapped it back and continued the trip to his father's field. On arrival the child gave the food package to the father, the father was very happy, the father then sat and immediately opened the food package that was sent by his wi

fe to be carried by his child. But he was very startled when he opened the package there is only bones remained. The father then asked his child “Hay my child, why there are only bones left in this package??” And the child answers,” In my trip I felt hungry, so I ate the food.” Listened to that the father was very angry, he then slap his child and said, "Botul maho anakni dekke (Why you child of a fish),". The child is then ran home crying and ask to his mother “Mak, Olo do na in dokkon amangi, botul do au anakni dekke? (Mother, is it true what father said, that I am a child from a fish?) ” Heard his child's words his mother was startled. While dropping tears and saying in her heart, “My husband has violated his swore, and now I must return to my place.” Then the sky was suddenly become dark followed with lightning, thunder, storm, and rain. The child and the mother disappeared, from their footprint emerged a spring that flowed water as swiftly as possible. Until this area was turned into a lake, that was named as “Tuba Lake” the lake without mercy, but because of the bataks was difficult to say “Tuba”, then this lake was mentioned as

According to the local Citizen, the mother return as a huge fish(the lake guardian), and until today no one is able to measure the depth of this lake. Many tourists that tried to dive into the lake but never return. The lake depth in the book is only estimation not as a fact.

With its colorful and ethnically mixed population, North Sumatera is Indonesia’s most populous province outside of Java.Tourism highlights includes the scenic beauties of Lake Toba and the Karo Highlands.

Medan : the provincial capital of North Sumatera, central of government, business and education.
Brastagis : a refreshing mountain resort, two hours drive from medan,center for vegetable, fruit and flower farming.
Parapat : mountain and lake resort on eastern shore af Lake Toba
Lake Toba : The biggest lake in Sumatera and entirely Indonesoa
Samosir : Tiny Island within and island in the middle of Lake Toba,central of Traditional Batak’s culture.

DAY 01 : Arrival Medan – Brastagi
DAY 02 : Brastagi – Parapat – Samosir
DAY 03 : Samosir – Parapat – Medan
DAY 04 : Medan departure

Inclusions :
• 1 Nights accommodation in Brastagi,samosir and Medan
• A spectacular sightseeing tour arrangement during the trip to each town
• Full board meals
• Profesional Guide Local

The largest island forming the western shorne of the archipelago of Indonesia which looks like California in shape, is a vast and varied region of rich geological and culture diversity.From Medan in the north with its neolitic ( stone – age ) culture and magnificent Lake Toba to matrilineal society of the Minangkabau people vibrant scenery,cultural heritages, and developed infrastructure og highways making overland jourseys more enjoyable.

August 07, 2009

Ai Island - west of banda (Indonesia)

Pulau Ai is an isolated low lying island to the west of Banda Neira. It has some small limestone cliffs on its southern coastline and some pretty beaches on its northern shores.

Napoleon wrasse are common in the Banda Islands, Indonesia - photo courtesy of ScubaZoo

Due to its isolation, walls and deep waters, when the current is running, this is one of the top dive sites in the Banda Islands for shark encounters. Hammerhead sharks are frequently seen, and thresher and silvertip sharks are occasionally sighted too. Wahoo and giant trevally visit the island, and chevron barracuda and bluefin trevally hunt here in large schools. Always a memorable occasion for any diver are the squadrons of mobula rays, sometimes flying in formation up to 25 strong.

Batu Udang, or 'Shrimp Rock' in Bahasa Indonesian, is on the south side of Pulau Ai. Your dive begins over a gentle sloping reef down to 13 metres, followed by a very steep slope anywhere down to 55 metres. Black triggerfish and redtooth triggerfish are everywhere, freely intermingling with each other.

The deeper wall sections have yellow, brown and green soft corals, and lobe corals. Whitetip sharks, eagle rays and large schools of bluetail unicornfish frequent this area. Hawksbill turtles rest on ledges or feed on the green sponges; Maori wrasse, pinnate batfish and black and white snappers are some of the prevalent larger fish species.

Up on the reef flat, you can drift over limestone covered in gooseberry tunicates, sarcophyton and sinularia leather corals, fire and blue corals. Black and white bicolour chromis flit between the moosehead coral arms, small schools of convict tangs and striped large-eye breams move across their ranges, and oriental sweetlips lurk under the boulders and bommies.

At Tanjung Batu Payong, or 'Umbrella Rock Point', on the west coast of Pulau Ai, the wall is steeper and drops down to 60 metres. This part of the island has a few more barrel sponges, olive vase sponges, green tubestraea corals, gorgonian fans, and lots of crinoids in the shallows. Schools of rainbow runners often pull in to lunch on the blue and yellow fusiliers and bluedash fusiliers.

Although Pulau Ai does not have the same coral diversity as some of the other Banda Islands, it still proves popular on Indonesia liveaboard diving cruises due to its big fish offerings.

Pulau Ai Reef Basics: Mobula rays, sharks and big fish
Depth: 5 - >40m
Visibility: 15 - 30m
Currents: Moderate
Surface Conditions: Sea can be choppy
Water Temperature: 26 - 29°C
Experience Level: Intermediate - advanced
Number of dive sites: 4
Diving Season: March, April, and mid-September to mid-December
Distance: ~12km (1 hour) west of Banda Neira
Access: Banda liveaboards

Banda Sea Dive Sites - Indonesia

Seemingly insignificant islands in the middle of nowhere in the Banda Sea, in fact the Banda Islands are steeped in history and blessed with some of the finest diving in the country. Central to the spice trade of old, and former home to exiled freedom fighters, the islands are now enjoying a growing reputation for what goes on below the surface.

Eagle rays, the Banda Islands - photo courtesy of ScubaZoo

If big pelagics are your thing then an Indonesia dive vacation here could be for you, but from a wider perspective the real beauty of diving in the Banda Islands is the immense variety and volumes of both large and small fish species.

The remoteness of the islands in the wide open Banda Sea, and the low levels of human population, have meant less fishing pressures, and a vibrant, natural and healthy reef system. The results of this are fishes in incredible numbers, huge seafans and sponges, and some monumental hard corals.

Some of the creatures worthy of special mention here that characterise diving in the Banda Sea are the preponderance of dogtooth tuna and mobula rays. At most sites you'll see enormous schools of fusiliers and thousands of redtooth tirggerfish. At the other end of the size scale, there are prolific mandarinfish and the native Ambon scorpionfish. Cetaceans are frequent visitors too, and Banda liveaboards often report sightings of spinner dolphins, orcas, and various whale species, including melonhead, pilot, blue, and humpback whales. One certainty is that you will see plenty of big stuff as well as no shortage of colourful reef life.

Diving is usually comfortable, with mild currents, good visibility and calm waters, but some of the dive sites are subject to stronger currents that make them suitable for experienced divers only.

Topside, these islands boast climbable volcanic mountains which are covered in lush green vegetation. For a taste of historic atmosphere going ashore in Banda Neira is a must for its remnants from the old spice trade of colonial times.

Banda Islands tourist information

View map of the Banda IslandsOpens in a new window

Diving Season

The months of March and April, and mid/late-September to early/mid-December are the best times for diving in the Banda Sea, based upon surface conditions. Any trips arranged outside of these times would be reliant upon the weather and should be avoided.

Banda Islands Diving Reef Basics

Great for: Large animals, small animals, visibility, underwater photography, wall dives, reef life and health, and advanced divers
Not so great for: Diving for beginners
Depth: 5 - >40m
Visibility: 15 - 30m
Currents: Gentle, but can be strong
Surface Conditions: Calm
Water Temperature: 26 - 29°C
Experience Level: Intermediate - advanced
Number of dive sites: ~25 (plus ~30 more in the greater Lucipara and Ambon/Seram/Nusa Laut region)
Distance: ~200 km east southeast of Ambon (14 hours), 1,650 km east northeast of Bali (83 hours), 320 south west of Irian Jaya (16 hours)
Access: Indonesia liveaboards
Recommended length of stay: 7 - 14 days

Papua Diving - Raja Ampat

Dive Sites of West Papua Province

The Raja Ampat in Irian Jaya is not one of the most visited diving areas in the world which is strange since almost everyone who knows anything about the area agrees that there can surely be nowhere better on earth. Boasting the highest marine diversity on the planet, beautiful topside scenery and awesome underwater topography diving Raja Ampat is as close as you can get to underwater heaven.

Schooling Black Snappers - West Papua Province

To stand on the bow of your liveaboard boat as it cuts through the clear water towards verdant islands, inhabited by people whose lives are so different to your own, really creates that frontier diving kind of feeling.

Not many Indonesia liveaboards cover the Raja Ampat scuba diving sites around Irian Jaya making the exploration of this fabulous area even more special. Some of the highlights include the innumerable war wrecks, both ships and planes (with new wrecks being discovered constantly), encounters with dolphins, Misool Island and the simplicity of drifting effortlessly over some of the most pristine and fascinating coral scenes imaginable.

When your small group stops at a site where there are no other divers you will feel like a pioneer slipping into waters that you feel you are the first to dive. Amazing quantities of fish as well as beautiful topside topography and critters in their millions, your memories of Irian Jaya will stay with you forever.

Irian Jaya tourist information

Raja Ampat National Park

View map of Irian JayaOpens in a new window

Diving Season

Raja Ampat diving is superb just about all year round. The term High Season is of little meaning here since there is such an expanse of sea visited by only a few liveaboards that "diver soup" is not really a danger. May to September is light rainy season, and Mid-July to mid-September sees some small surface swells, but not usually serious enough to interfere with your enjoyment.

Reef Basics

Great for: Reef life and health, large animals, small animals, underwater photography, advanced divers
Not so great for: Non-diving activities
Depth: 5 - >40m
Visibility: 10 - 30m
Currents: Can be strong
Surface Conditions: Calm
Water Temperature: 27 - 30°C
Experience Level: Intermediate - advanced
Number of dive sites: Unknown but >200
Distance: ~1,200 km north east of West Timor (60 hours)
Access: Raja Ampat liveaboard cruises from West Timor or Irian Jaya
Recommended length of stay: 10 - 16 days

Jakarta by night (pic)

August 06, 2009

largest Maritime event in Asia(Bunaken,Indonesia)

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Sail Bunaken 2009 which will involve 24 warships and 150 sail boats as well as cruise ships from 26 countries will be the largest maritime event ever organized in Asia. "This will be the largest maritime event ever held in Indonesia and Asia," Aji Sularso of the Sail Bunaken 2009 Organizing Committee said here recently. The Sail Bunaken to be held in Manado, North Sulawesi, on August 12-20, 2009, would be part of the World Ocean Conference (WOC) activities as the theme would be "Protect Our Oceans for the Future Generation".

He said the event was expected to help promote Manado to be a world tourist destination. Meanwhile, Vice Admiral Moeklas Sidiq, deputy chief of staff of the Indonesian Navy, said the planned participation of 24 warships from various countries reflected good relations among the world`s navies and would constitute the largest fleet review ever held by Indonesia, as one of the world?s largest maritime country. The Sail Bunaken 2009 implementation will cost around Rp5.75 billion. The event`s programs will include the Indonesian Fleet Review, a Yacht Rally, Festival Bunaken Expo, Bunaken Carnival, Jetski Trans Equator Touring, Bunaken Diving Competition, and International Fishing Competition. The four-day World Ocean Conference (WOC), which was held in Manado, on May 11-15, 2009, adopted the Manado Ocean Declaration (MOD). In their 21-point declaration, participants of the conference stated among others that they would strive to achieve long-term conservation, management and sustainable use of marine living resources and coastal habitats through appropriate application of precautionary

and ecosystem approaches. They stressed the need for national strategies for sustainable management of coastal and marine ecosystems as protective and productive buffer zones that deliver valuable ecosystem goods and services that have significant potential to address the adverse effects of climate change. (*)

August 02, 2009