
Elon Musk plans to colonise Mars ... and soon
Elon Musk plans to colonise Mars ... and soon
SpaceX is developing a massive rocket and capsule to transport large numbers of people and cargo to Mars with the ultimate goal of colonising the...
Meet Zimbabwe's superhero who may have been inspired by #ThisFlag's Evan Mawarire
Meet Zimbabwe's superhero who may have been inspired by #ThisFlag's Evan Mawarire
While Zimbabweans have taken to the streets, Facebook and Twitter to rally behind the #ThisFlag movement and its founder, a different kind of hero...
​Pokémon Go stands to make billions for Apple through in-app purchases on iOS
​Pokémon Go stands to make billions for Apple through in-app purchases on iOS
Apple Inc stands to rake in $3-billion in revenue from the Pokémon Go craze in the next one to two years as gamers buy "PokéCoins" from its app...
What is Pokémon Go, why are people going crazy over it and how can you play it in SA?
What is Pokémon Go, why are people going crazy over it and how can you play it in SA?
Depending on whom you ask, Pokémon Go is either a revolutionary smartphone experience or potentially lethal fad. Either way, here's an overview...
The most laugh-out-loud memes from the internet's latest obsession: Pokémon Go!
The most laugh-out-loud memes from the internet's latest obsession: Pokémon Go!
Pokémon Go! is an augmented reality game that launched last week to much fanfare and interest. It's based on the now 20 year...
Pokémon GO floods social media as gamers dump their keyboards to hunt for cyber beasts
Pokémon GO floods social media as gamers dump their keyboards to hunt for cyber beasts
In 2014, as part of its traditional April Fool’s pranks, Google released a video in which Google Maps VP Brian McClendon announced a job opening...
​Seoul cloning lab promises Fido forever
​Seoul cloning lab promises Fido forever
At $100 000 a head, the puppies frolicking around the fenced lawn in western Seoul don’t come cheap – but at least their owners know exactly...
'We conquered Jupiter': Nasa's Juno loops into orbit around solar system's biggest planet
'We conquered Jupiter': Nasa's Juno loops into orbit around solar system's biggest planet
Nasa's Juno spacecraft capped a five-year journey to Jupiter late Monday with a do-or-die engine burn to sling itself into orbit, setting the stage...
Are you ready for a camera injection? It's tiny!
Are you ready for a camera injection? It's tiny!
German engineers have created a camera no bigger than a grain of salt, that could change the future of health imaging – and clandestine...
Tech giants increasingly set the news agenda
Tech giants increasingly set the news agenda
When allegations emerged that Facebook was skewing its trending news stories, many learned about it … on Facebook.
Less likely to fly off the handle if you fly without first class
Less likely to fly off the handle if you fly without first class
Aeroplanes are an intense test case for social inequality. Red carpets and separate queues ensure the rich don’t have to stand, sweating, in long...
Hacker collects 272m email addresses and passwords, some from Gmail
Hacker collects 272m email addresses and passwords, some from Gmail
The internet on Wednesday gave you another reminder that everyone has been hacked.
Crows brainier than other birds
Crows brainier than other birds
Think of a crow. Your mind inevitably turns to its sharp, black beak pecking at your eyeballs when you die. The scavenger has dominated popular...
Breakthrough Starshot plans to sail to closest star
Breakthrough Starshot plans to sail to closest star
Humanity is doing an increasingly good job of zipping around our solar system to probe things. Data is flowing back. Myriad questions, unanswerable...
New telescope MeerLicht to observe transients
New telescope MeerLicht to observe transients
It can happen in the blink of an eye: millions of light years away a star collapses in on itself. From Earth, that cataclysmic event is only a...

Client Media Releases

Lunch & Learn with Soarsoft International and iManage
SANRAL welcomes ConCourt judgment on N1/N2 Winelands
Introducing iStore Makers: the evolution of iPhoneography
NWU professor speaks at 4BIGT
Poll: South Africans disappointed by political leadership