KwaZulu Natal


Fixing the poverty and inequality problem
Fixing the poverty and inequality problem
Poverty persists, but new ways to address it are being implemented
Getting a plan in place
Getting a plan in place
The productive potential of the land will be unleashed
Breaking the cycle of poverty
Breaking the cycle of poverty
Eradicating poverty is at the heart of the realisation of people's right to development
Enabling the bold to fly
Enabling the bold to fly
Ithala is well positioned to serve emerging markets in outlying areas
Eradicating poverty in Vulamehlo
Eradicating poverty in Vulamehlo
To help address critical poverty a project has been launched to commercialise livestock
Zibambele ('Doing it for ourselves')
Zibambele ('Doing it for ourselves')
The programme keeps local roads in good order and empowers especially women
Ithala delivers hope to KZN's unemployed
Ithala delivers hope to KZN's unemployed
The organisation is committed to providing financial and supportive services to communities in KwaZulu-Natal
Operation Sukuma Sakhe: Stand up and build!
Operation Sukuma Sakhe: Stand up and build!
The operation is a continuous interaction between the government and communities
Creating a caring province
Creating a caring province
Plans are afoot to deal with the weak points of this coastal province
Dealing with HIV in the province
Dealing with HIV in the province
Antiretroviral treatment has advanced considerably in recent years
Health infrastructure development
Health infrastructure development
Much work is being done to get hospitals up to speed
Prioritising maternal and child health
Prioritising maternal and child health
A number of facilities are now available to mothers and newborn children to help save lives