‘A change of jobs is not only desirable but possible’ – our work expert responds

Our careers expert – and you the readers – advise a social care manager suffering from burnout, and a teacher who wonders whether to leave the profession

‘To believe a change of jobs would make no difference is a sign of self-defeating weariness.’
‘To believe a change of jobs would make no difference is a sign of self-defeating weariness.’ Photograph: fizkes/Getty Images/iStockphoto

My husband’s job in social work is under-resourced and burning him out

I’m seeking advice for my husband. He is 48 and a manager of a multidisciplinary community health and social care team. He has a background in social work and has always enjoyed working in a team, resolving problems, project managing and, above all, being able to do some good in his work. 

But, increasingly, he is finding that none of these are possible due to lack of resources and control, recruitment freezes and overloaded staff, with the usual story of long-term stress-related absences.

He is incredibly committed to his team and very conscientious; he wouldn’t allow himself to go off sick for longer than two or three days. However, he is getting so burnt out that I worry for his health and wellbeing, and have been looking for another job for him. 

He is struggling to think at all; let alone about “big stuff”. But he feels that it wouldn’t make much difference changing jobs. (I wonder if this is a job for young people!)

My question is: surely he has transferable skills? What other areas could he apply to? Is there a “private sector” where he could have a breather? He is hardworking physically and would love to work outdoors in a dream world, if we didn’t have a huge mortgage. Any advice would be welcome. Or job offers!

Jeremy says

Job descriptions all too often fail to describe just what the job actually involves. Your husband is “a manager of a multidisciplinary community health and social care team”. I wish I had a clearer idea of what this entails – and I raise this question for a very practical reason: you’re concerned for his welfare and would like him to find a less stressful job, one for which his “transferable skills” are applicable.

I think you will find identifying possible new avenues easier if, between you, you list the things he is particularly good at. I don’t mean vague generalities such as “people skills”. I mean the ability to spot talent; to nail the real nature of a problem; to make the complicated simple; to enthuse a group – quite specific skills. This can open up a wide range of possibilities. It certainly doesn’t confine you to any single sector.

I hope this process will help lift your husband’s eyes. To believe a change of jobs would make no difference is often a sign of self-defeating weariness. His first step must be to believe that a change is not only desirable but possible.

Readers say

As a retired social work manager I can remember these feelings. If you get to 50, there may be redundancy/early retirement options, and at 55 even more. Can you hang on? How about asking for a sabbatical? Could you look for a sideways move, ideally in another authority, which would give you a fresh start and perhaps a clear desk? If finances allow, can you go part-time? ID3023664

HR in a large organisation came to mind when I read this. His strengths are understanding people and helping them negotiate their social environment – key skills for HR professionals. FieFieFoe

I work in a similar environment and it can take a huge toll. Have you spoken to him about your concerns, and has he agreed with your views? If he is after a change, then it may be worth him getting in touch with your local college to discuss vacancies for lecturing in the health and social care department. Our local college is always looking for skilled professionals. Burthogglet6

The question screams out of a whole team in crisis – overloaded staff not helped by others already maxed out and gone long-term sick. Maybe some redistribution of decision-making responsibilities might help. Delegate decisions downwards: a feeling of powerlessness can be just as much a stressor as a heavy workload. Act as a mentor, not a manager. Ask the staff how to fix it. D1126402

If he has traditional social work skills, he can engage in self-assessment and recognise the need to tackle things. There is a range of jobs in the voluntary and charitable sectors, as well as the state agencies – para social services in prisons, probation and hospitals. Tiberman

I am a 53-year-old teacher who can’t land a permanent position

I am a 53-year-old female teacher and I am finding it difficult to find a permanent teaching post since leaving my previous school.

I have made applications for 10 jobs and, although some of these are still live, I do feel that my age is preventing me from gaining employment. I am, perhaps, just too expensive – if I am up against newly qualified teachers (NQTs), I haven’t got much of a hope.

I want some advice as to what sort of career I could pursue at my age. I work with many others who also want to leave the profession.

Jeremy says

When looking for a new job, it can seem to make sense to apply for a great many on the grounds that the more you apply for, the more you increase your chances. But it may not work like that.

If you apply for roles for which many younger and less expensive people are almost equally well-qualified, you face the probability of serial disappointment. That can affect your self-confidence, and in turn make you a less attractive candidate. You must not think of your age as an inevitable handicap. For some jobs, relevant experience will be a positive attribute – and those are the ones you should concentrate on.

It’s not clear from your letter whether or not you want to stay in the teaching profession. In either case, your specialist experience could be crucial. So look at yourself objectively. What marks you out? What sort of organisation should find you valuable?

You don’t need to pretend to be suitable for every job going; just particularly suitable for some. And you will be. That approach is far more likely to be successful – and should save you from the bruising effect of repeated rejection.

Readers say

If you want to leave the profession, that may be coming across in your applications. Do you have, and express, the same enthusiasm as a young, green teacher? Steph Borg

You will have great admin, presentational and assessment skills. Suitably presented, these are hugely attractive in the PA/retail/heritage interpretation areas. You could find yourself delivering the same skills for better terms and conditions (the day ends at five! No Sunday night stress!) If you want to stay in education, get involved in consultancy and advice (but not Ofsted) – or even tap into the money pot that is setting up a free school. dougmeyberry

My wife works in an independent school and has just recruited a teacher of Spanish who is 54. A key factor is that the parents paying five-figure sums for their children’s education value experience and don’t want to see their kids being taught by 22-year-olds. So age can be a benefit. JulesMaigret

My advice would be: keep applying, there’s a shortage of teachers. We have vacancies at our (outstanding) academy. brolene

Do you need advice on a work issue? For Jeremy’s and readers’ help, send a brief email to dear.jeremy@theguardian.com. Please note that he is unable to answer questions of a legal nature or to reply personally.