Hillary Clinton tweets '3-0' as Trump 'SEE YOU IN COURT' becomes meme

Donald Trump’s angry post after judges upheld a temporary restraining order on his travel ban was met with mirth – including by the woman he beat to the presidency

Hillary Clinton (l) took a swipe at Trump’s irate tweet ‘SEE YOU IN COURT’ Photograph: ANDREW GOMBERT / JIM LO SCALZO/EPA Video report: block on Trump’s travel ban will remain, appeal court rules

Another day, another Trump tweet.

On Thursday, judges in the ninth circuit court of appeals upheld a temporary restraining order on Donald Trump’s controversial travel ban on arrivals from seven Muslim-majority countries. In response, almost immediately after the ruling was announced, the president tweeted (with caps lock engaged):

Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)


February 9, 2017

And because we live in the darkest timeline, there was even a special Instagram version of “see you in court” on Trump’s official account. In caps too, obviously:

For some, “see you in court” was a bit baffling, given that Trump had just lost in, er, court.

both are equally bad (@caseyjohnston)

“oh no, not court” —judges

February 10, 2017

It’s likely that he meant a supreme court appeal, but either way, that didn’t stop mockers from turning “SEE YOU IN COURT” into a meme:

Jeffrey Lewis (@ArmsControlWonk)

Fixed that for you.@realDonaldTrump SEE YOU IN COURT, THE SECURITY OF OUR NATION IS AT STAKE! pic.twitter.com/YoHQ9tCAGl

February 9, 2017
Mark Berman (@markberman)

me when Applebee's tells me they require all customers to wear pants pic.twitter.com/8gz9unctCQ

February 9, 2017
Max Grossman (@GrossmanMax)

trump: "SEE YOU IN COURT!"
court: pic.twitter.com/KKg8rtRRwS

February 10, 2017
Dan Smith (@0DanSmith)

Friday: SEE YOU IN pic.twitter.com/Yjhi1xfMBr

February 10, 2017

when you go to mcdonalds and they say the ice cream machine is down https://t.co/wWr4awGHNc

February 10, 2017

All in all, 2017 is just kind of baffling:

cofounder of my ass (@bobby)

-drunk frat guy getting tossed out of a bar for puking all over the bathroom. also, the president of the united states.

February 9, 2017
Miles Kahn (@mileskahn)

"SEE YOU IN COURT" is what the rich white villain in a dance crew movie yells after he loses a rec room turf battle to a bunch of teens.

February 9, 2017

One mischievous tweeter stands out. That is, former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, who used just three characters of the 140 available to her. Either referring to the three-strong panel of judges’ unanimous verdict, or more likely the three times the travel ban has been successfully blocked, Clinton tweeted:

Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton)


February 10, 2017

As the Daily Dot noted this week, we are entering a golden age of Trump memes – and we aren’t even 100 days into his presidency. Earlier this week, presumably in response to increasing reports of chief strategist Steve Bannon’s influence in the White House, the president tweeted:

Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)

I call my own shots, largely based on an accumulation of data, and everyone knows it. Some FAKE NEWS media, in order to marginalize, lies!

February 6, 2017

Which then became a meme:

Shawn (@online_shawn)

I call my own shots, largely based on an accumulation of data, and everyone knows it pic.twitter.com/6bobX7T5V9

February 6, 2017
Matt Leys (@mattleys)

I call my own shots, largely based on an accumulation of data pic.twitter.com/bHeO2pQ6Nj

February 6, 2017

And an extremely popular account called @TrumpDraws has amassed more than 300,000 followers by re-imagining those executive orders:

Trump Draws (@TrumpDraws)

my plane pic.twitter.com/o7jDiam0vP

February 3, 2017